Does research make design better? - 1 views
Best App Maker 2014 - App Builders and Creators - BusinessNewsDaily - 1 views
Following A Web Design Process - Smashing Magazine - 2 views
Almost every Web designer can attest that much of their work is repetitive. We find ourselves completing the same tasks, even if slightly modified, over and over for every Web project. Following a detailed website design and development process can speed up your work and help your client understand your role in the project.
La transformation numérique de la formation professionnelle | Futurs Talents - 0 views
9 Common ELearning Design Mistakes - 1 views
9 Signs you are an Instructional Design Expert - 3 views
In today's world, all the instructional designers do more than just creating eLearning courses, they are becoming jack-of-many- trades. ID's just don't deliver content, instead they develop online courses by putting themselves in the learners shoes and present the content based on the learner's perspective.... Read more.