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US taxpayer data accessed by hackers - 0 views

    US taxpayer data accessed by hackers
Anne Bubnic

What to Do If Hackers Steal Your Online Accounts - 5 views

    Stolen accounts-caused by aggressive phishing attacks and distribution of malicious programs to collect passwords-have become a plague upon the Web. Spammers want them so their messages can get past spam filters. And crooks, who often lock out the true owners by changing their passwords, use them to find and get inside financial accounts or to impersonate the owners and weasel money out of their friends.
Anne Bubnic

Play It Safe: Hackers use the back door to get into your computer; a strong, well-chose... - 0 views

  • For the home user, however, password safety requires more than on-the-fly thinking. Pacheco suggests a system built around a main word for all instances. The distinction is that the name of the site is added somewhere. For example, if the main word is "eggplant," the password might be "eggyyplant" Yahoo, "eggplantgg" for Google or "wleggplant" for Windows Live. He suggests listing the variations in an Excel spreadsheet.
  • Hackers rely on a lot of methods. Some, Rogers said, employ "shoulder surfing." That means what it sounds like -- looking over someone's shoulder as that person is typing in a password
  • The type of hardware being used can be a clue, said Rogers, a senior technical staffer in the CERT Program, a Web security research center in Carnegie-Mellon University's software engineering institute. It's easy to find a default password, typically in the user's manual on a manufacturer's Web site. If the user hasn't changed the default, that's an easy break-in.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Other people use easy-to-remember passwords. Trouble is, Rogers said, they're easy-to-guess passwords, too. Good examples of bad passwords are your name, your family's names, your pet's name, the name of your favorite team, your favorite athlete or your favorite anything
  • Most of the password hacking activity these days goes on at homes, in school or in public settings. These days, many workplaces mandate how a password is picked.
  • The idea is to choose a password that contains at least one uppercase letter, one numeral and at least eight total characters. Symbols are good to throw in the mix, too. Many companies also require that passwords be changed regularly and that pieces of older ones can't be re-used for months. And user names cannot be part of the password. Examples: Eggplant99, 99eggpLanT, --eggp--99Lant. For the next quarter, the password might change to variations on "strawberry."
    Password security is a big deal, and if you don't think it is, then someone might be hacking into your computer even as you read this. A strong password isn't foolproof, but it proves that you're no fool. And it might protect you from compromised data, a broken computer or identity theft. Your bank account, your personal e-mails and lots of other stuff are at risk with weak passwords.
Anne Bubnic

Cybercrime Resources and Tips [Symantec Corp] - 0 views

    The threat landscape once dominated by the worms and viruses unleashed by irresponsible hackers is now ruled by a new breed of cybercriminals. Cybercrime is motivated by fraud, typified by the bogus emails sent by "phishers" that aim to steal personal information. The tools driving their attacks and fueling the blackmarket are crimeware - bots, Trojan horses, and spyware.
Anne Bubnic

How to Turn Your Network into Fort Knox: 100 Tips + Tutorials - 0 views

    If you're a small business owner, family member, student or just someone with a laptop who loves shopping online and is addicted to your online banking, you might think that you're not a big target for identity thieves, hackers or viruses. The truth is that no one is really safe from prying eyes when they're online, so turn to this list of 100 tips, tutorials and resources that will help you beef up your own network security.
Anne Bubnic

OnGuard Online - Quizzes - 0 views

  • provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information. There are ten colorful flash-based quizzes here appropriate for students on security topics such as phishing, hackers, spyware etc.
Anne Bubnic

Blogs allow kids at Gilbert school to express feelings - 0 views

    Students, administrators and teachers at Gilbert Classical Academy have a new tool to express themselves that is rarely tapped by schools as a teaching aid: blogs. Blogs have been available on the Internet for years, offering Web users an opportunity to opine on various subjects and post images in a personal journal that anyone on the Internet can read. But schools have generally not utilized them as a classroom tool because officials have such worries as: What if inappropriate messages are posted? What if a hacker steals personal information on a child or staff member?
Anne Bubnic

Getting a grasp on student hackers - 0 views

    School IT administrators share strategies for defending their networks from tech-savvy students.
Anne Bubnic

Teen Hacker Could Get 38-Year Sentence for Fixing Grades - 0 views

  • Omar Khan, 18, a student at Tesoro High School in Rancho Santa Margarita, now faces 34 felony counts of altering a public record, 11 felony counts of stealing and secreting a public record, seven felony counts of computer access and fraud, six felony counts of burglary, four felony counts of identity theft, three felony counts of altering a book of records, two felony counts of receiving stolen property, one felony count of conspiracy and one felony count of attempted altering of a public record.
    They may be just kids, but two Orange County, Calif., teens are accused of committing a whole bunch of grown-up crimes. The allegations include hacking into school computers to change grades and planting spyware on a district computer. One of them faces 69 felony charges, which could land him in prison for up to 38 years if he's convicted.
Jocelyn Chappell

OpenDNS | Providing A Safer And Faster Internet - 0 views

    Community 'moderated' DNS level web filter applied to broadband router sure keeps pc-offspring-'hackers' well filtered (until they discover reset button on router -- mmm perhaps keeping broadband provider instructions for router somewhere safe would be a good idea).

Buy Verified Bitmark Accounts - Get 100% Full Verified Best and cheap ... - 0 views

    Have you ever wondered what Bitmark Accounts are and how they can benefit you? Bitmark Accounts are a key feature of the Bitmark blockchain platform, allowing users to securely store and manage their digital assets. Whether you're new to the world of blockchain technology or a seasoned pro, understanding Bitmark Accounts is crucial for maximizing the potential of your digital assets. Are Bitmark Accounts safe? In today's digital age, concerns about online security and privacy are at an all-time high. With the rise of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, more people are exploring the world of digital assets and looking for ways to keep their investments safe. One of the platforms gaining attention in this space is Bitmark, a cryptocurrency exchange that offers users the ability to create accounts to store and manage their assets. Buy Verified Bitmark Accounts However, as with any online platform, there are questions and uncertainties about the safety and security of Bitmark accounts. In this article, we will take a closer look at the measures in place to protect users' funds and personal information on Bitmark, as well as explore some best practices for keeping your account secure. By understanding the risks and benefits of using Bitmark, users can make informed decisions about how to protect their digital assets in this evolving landscape of cryptocurrency. Can I use my Bitmark Account to trade cryptocurrencies? Many people wonder if they can use their Bitmark Account to trade cryptocurrencies. The answer to this question is yes, you can use your Bitmark Account to trade cryptocurrencies. Buy Verified Bitmark Accounts Trading cryptocurrencies on Bitmark can be a great way to grow your investment portfolio. You will have access to a wide range of cryptocurrencies, giving you plenty of options to choose from. Bitmark also offers a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for even beginners to navigate and trade cryptocurrencies. How can I deposit fund
Anne Bubnic

Students plagued by Internet fraud - 4 views

    October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, and the National Cyber Security Alliance is looking to raise awareness among college students to help them stay safe and secure online. According to the 2010 Identity Fraud Survey Report, college students lost five times more money than any other age group as a result of identity fraud or other online fraud situations.
Anne Bubnic

The unvarnished truth about unsecured Wi-Fi - 2 views

    This article outlines the dangers of using unsecured WIFI networks both at home and with others. Hackers can access and capture sensitive data over your network.
Anne Bubnic

Sly Students Spell Trouble for Hapless Admin - 0 views

    A computer admin at the school I attended bought a new proxy server to stop our file sharing. It was supposed to block "bad" Web sites in addition to filtering out some of the ports that P2P programs use. Trouble was, all we had to do was use a service such as Proxify to get around it.
Anne Bubnic

Kids' Net Access Gets Close Scrutiny From Symantec - 0 views

    Symantec is developing a Web-based service that will let parents control almost all aspects of their child's Internet activity from anywhere in the world.\n\nThe rising use of instant-messaging programs and social-networking sites by children has posed new challenges to parents seeking to prevent kids' access to inappropriate content or contact with creepy online adults. A demo seen by IDG on Friday showed the application gives parents sweeping control over their child's activity.
Anne Bubnic

Schools' cyber security needs improvement - 0 views

    School districts are improving their physical security, but they might be neglecting the security of their computer infrastructure, if the results of an annual survey are any indication. The average physical safety rating of K-12 school districts improved by 39 percent over 2007, while the average cyber safety rating declined by 25 percent during the same time period, according to CDW-G's "2008 School Safety Index," which is designed to mark the current state of K-12 school safety.
Anne Bubnic

Kids outsmart Web filters - 0 views

    Web proxies are almost as old as the Internet itself as a means to route Web traffic through an anonymous domain name or circumvent content-filters, and they've long been the territory of corporate networks and the tech savvy seeking privacy. Nowadays, an increasing number of teenagers are setting up proxies on home PCs to sidestep school filtering traps, in addition to using free proxies set up on the Web, according to technologists at schools and at content-filtering technology providers.
Vicki Davis

Cyber Security - 0 views

    A blog post from a ninth grader researching cyber security. He did a very nice job (with the exception of a typo or two.)
    Seeing my students blog like this one on cybersecurity makes me realize that effective online communication and writing is important. I'm proud of my student bloggers and glad that we've made time to blog this year!
Anne Bubnic

Teachable Moment: Student Hacking Experience - 0 views

    Made a mistake? Own it, Fix it, Learn from it." Learn how this teacher developed a student contract and handled the consequences of computer hacking attempts by her students.
Anne Bubnic

Netsafe: NetBasics Animations - 0 views

    Launched in April, the award-winning NetBasics site from New Zealand is composed of 10 highly entertaining flash animations following the travails of the Jones family as they negotiate their way around the Internet. The series includes a collection of good and bad characters in fictional adventures that engage users while they deliver a serious message about the security threats we face every day online.
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