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Affordances and Limitations of Immersive Participatory Augmented Reality Simulations fo... - 2 views

    By Matt Dunleavy, Chris Dede & Rebecca Mitchell

Collaborative Augmented Reality in Education - 2 views

    by Hannes Kaufmann
    Do you know in what paper the article appear in? Namely do you have the reference. Found it, it is: Collaborative Augmented Reality & Education Keynote Speech at Imagina Conference, February 4, 2003. I think it would be good that you place exact references in case some one wants to site the stuff mentioned here
    Thanks Merja for your comment and the reference! I agree - it really would help - also myself later - if I'd also insert the references with the articles - it's just that I usually haven't had time to do anything else than just add the interesting links I have found :)

Tangible Media Group - 1 views

    T(ether) is a novel spatially aware display that supports intuitive interaction with volumetric data. The display acts as a window affording users a perspective view of three- dimensional data through tracking of head position and orientation. T(ether) creates a 1:1 mapping between real and virtual coordinate space allowing immersive exploration of the joint domain.

IKEA 2013 Catalog Has Augmented Reality - 1 views

    And then some. Everyone's talking about the new 2013 IKEA Catalog featuring image recognition and Augmented Reality for the first time ever. With a 211 million-strong subscription base, we're pretty excited about it too! We wanted to thank McCann Erickson for mentioning our part in the creation of the app, which was developed using metaio's powerful...

Prototyping Our Way to Reforming Education | Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning - 1 views

    As anyone in the field of education knows, change comes slowly. It isn't easy to move the needle in an institution like compulsory education that has existed since the turn of the last century. Yet, some educators are beginning to test that assumption.

Augmented Reality: A different view of learning " About the Project - 1 views

    The project is built around the innovative and creative use of Augmented Reality. (For a brief, and non-technical introduction to this technology, our blog post 'What is augmented reality?' might be useful) The main campus of the University of Exeter is built on a country estate overlooking the city and surrounding countryside.

ARrested Development: The Content Creation Barrier For Augmented Reality - Joe Lamantia... - 1 views

    The most impor­tant ques­tion fac­ing the aug­mented real­ity com­mu­nity - one whose answer will shape the future of - is con­tent cre­ation. Put sim­ply, it's a ques­tion of Who can cre­ate What kind of con­tent, and How they will cre­ate it. At the moment, a notice­able gap sep­a­rates those who can cre­ate expe­ri­ences from those who can­not.

Inside Out: Interaction Design for Augmented Reality :: UXmatters - 1 views

    By Joe Lamantia "With almost daily announcements about new AR applications, products, services, companies, and tools, the pace of innovation in augmented reality is torrid." While ubiquitous computing remains an unpleasant mouthful of techno-babble to most people who know the term, and everyware is still an essentially unknown idea, the visibility of augmented reality has surged in the last twelve months.

HITLab NZ - 1 views

shared by anonymous on 27 Jan 12 - Cached
    The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) is developing and commercializing technology that improves human computer interaction and by doing so unlocks the power of human intelligence. The HIT Lab NZ conducts research with new emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality, Next Generation Video Conferencing, Immersive Visualization and Human-Robot Interaction.

History of Mobile Augmented Reality - 1 views

    This web page summarizes the major milestones in mobile Augmented Reality. The list was compiled by the member of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Handheld Augmented Reality for the ISMAR society. Permission is granted to copy and modify. Thanks go to the ISMAR09 mobile committee and all others for their valuable suggestions.

Mapping The Future Of Education Technology - 1 views

    Add this massive infographic to the recent discussion of futuristic dorms and what education will look like in 2020--and beyond. Designed by Michell Zappa's Envisioning Technology (which also created that fantastic interactive infographic mapping the future of technology), this chart maps innovations in education technology for the next few decades.

Agenda | W3C Workshop: Augmented Reality on the Web, 15 - 16 June, Barcelona - 0 views

    Tuesday 15th June 2010 Welcome Setting the Scene 13.30 - 14.30 The co-chairs (Daniel Appelquist,Rittwik Jana,Phil Archer andChristine Perey) will set the scene for the workshop [slides] including: why we are here, what we're going to achieve; a review of the AR Summit held at the Mobile World Congress in February 2010; the recent ARE conference in Santa Clara (Damon Hernandez) ; a broad overview of the AR ecosystem; a brief overview of the W3C process for creating standards [Slides].

Research Reports 1 ISSN 1799-2141 ISBN 978-951-44-8196-3 DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION STUD... - 0 views

    Jarmo Viteli & Anneli Östman (toim.) Ks. Joanna Muukkosen artikkeli s. 124 Lisätty todellisuus - lisätyt mahdollisuudet opetuksessa?
    Ks. myös edellisen artikkelin lähdeluettelo!

Second Life -kurssien osallistujien ja kouluttajien kokemuksia toiminnasta ja... - 1 views

    Päivi Svärd, opinnäytetyö, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu

AR Glasses | LinkedIn - 0 views

    Great discussions about AR glasses and related equipment.

Columbia University Computer Graphics and User Interface Lab - 0 views

    User interfaces define the ways in which we interact with computers, and, increasingly, with each other. The research performed by Columbia's Computer Graphics and User Interfaces Lab addresses the design and development of effective 2D and 3D user interfaces for a broad range of domains and devices.

Learn AR - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 12 Mar 12 - Cached
    Augmented reality (AR) combines the real world with virtual content using a simple camera such as a digital, video or web camera. To find out more

Sandbox II - 0 views



    by Andreas Dünser and Mark Billinghurst The Human Interface Technology Laboratory New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ)

Mixed Reality in Virtual World Teleconferencing - 0 views

    By Tuomas Kantonen, Charles Woodward, Neil Katz
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