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John Pearce

Khan Academy and the mythical math cure - 1 views

    "So I'd like to get more specific about what I think is wrong about the Khan Academy approach by writing about things I see as wrong with the way we teach math in the US. No matter if we agree or not about Khan Academy, I'm fairly certain we can agree math learning is not going as well as we'd like (to say the least.) Too many people are convinced by the system that they "hate math", and even students who do well (meaning, can get decent test scores) are often just regurgitating stuff for the test, knowing they can safely forget it shortly afterward."
John Pearce

Online Exposure, Consumer Reports - 1 views

    "More than 5 million online U.S. households experienced some type of abuse on Facebook in the past year, including virus infections, identity theft, and for a million children, bullying, a Consumer Reports survey shows. And consumers are at risk in myriad other ways, according to our national State of the Net survey of 2,089 online households conducted earlier this year by the Consumer Reports National Research Center. Here are the details: "
John Pearce

Learning with 'e's: Student owned devices - 0 views

    "An interesting question was raised today during the Effective Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age event at the University of Birmingham. Organised by the Higher Education Academy, the one day conference attracted around 40-50 people from a number of universities across the UK. One of the invited speakers was Professor John Traxler (University of Wolverhampton) who spoke on how mobile technologies are extending and enhancing learning. In a 'hot off the press' publication from the HEA, which he also edited, John writes about mobile technologies, (of which he includes smart-phones, media players, games consoles, netbooks and handheld computers):"
John Pearce

From Banning to BYOD - 0 views

    In your schools, In your classrooms, you will soon allow students to use computing devices they already own. While today 99 percent of schools ban cell phones and other mobile devices from the classroom, there will be a 180-degree turnaround within four years. This coming shift is inevitable.
John Pearce

The worst thing about educational technology is educational technology | Delta Publishi... - 0 views

    "This must seem like a contradictory title and an odd one especially coming from me, as I am an educational technology consultant and writer, but to be honest I stand by this statement and I'd like to tell you why."
John Pearce

Don't be scared of "Bring Your Own Device" | Digital Learning Environments - 0 views

    "Working in technology administration, I have always bowed down to uniformity. I can't help it…it's the way we were all taught in the technology industry. It was routine and comfortable. Everyone got the exact same computer with the same image. Everyone had to login to active directory. Security groups were applied with abandon. I wax nostalgic just thinking about it.Fear of BYOD But those days are coming to an end. This is due to a huge number of factors including ridiculously tight school district budgets, much lower computer prices and cloud computing. I believe more and more schools will soon adopt bring your own device (BYOD) as a matter of economic necessity and recognition of educational potential."
John Pearce

Facebook can serve as personality test › News in Science (ABC Science) - 0 views

    "Companies who want to know more about prospective employees can learn a lot by checking their Facebook profiles, according to a new study. Jennifer Golbeck and colleagues at the University of Maryland surveyed the public profiles of nearly 300 Facebook users for information about their favourite activities, TV shows, movies, music, books, quotes, and membership in political or other organisations. They also looked at the "About Me" and "blurb" sections. The work did not include status updates or other data that is only available to users' online friends."
John Pearce

Can Learning Really Be Fun and Games? | MindShift - 0 views

    "For those wondering what a game-based classroom looks like in a traditional school, take a peek into Ananth Pai's third-grade class in Parkview/Center Point Elementary school in Maplewood, Minnesota. Using his own money and grants that he applied for, Pai has managed to round up seven laptops, two desktops 11 Nintendo DS's, 18 games for math, reading, vocabulary, geography, and 21 digital voice recorders. "
John Pearce

Internet safety: Share your story in the Trend Micro Internet safety video contest - 0 views

    "We're excited to announce the Grand Prize of the 2011 What's Your Story? Internet safety video contest!"
John Pearce

Apple Engine - 0 views

    A google custom search engine that returns results under a range of tabs including lesson plans, printables, practice, videos and games.
John Pearce

WatchKnow - Free Educational Videos for K-12 Students - 0 views

    "Imagine hundreds of thousands of great short videos, and other media, explaining every topic taught to school kids. Imagine them rated and sorted into a giant Directory, making them simple to find. WatchKnow--as in, "You watch, you know"--is a non-profit online community devoted to this goal."
John Pearce

JISC Digital Media - Blog: In response to Student owned devices - 0 views

    "On Monday Steve Wheeler wrote a blog post on mobile and student owned devices which I thought I'd respond to here. Please read the post and comments and then come back. In answer to your question "Should students' personal devices become a part of the delivery strategy..." without a doubt we should be considering mobile. It would be foolish not to consider mobile. However this is not to say that mobile must dominant the agenda."
John Pearce

The Innovative Educator: Using TPACK as a Framework for Tech PD, Integration and Assess... - 0 views

    Henrico County Schools System has adopted the TPACK as the Framework for professional development and 21st Century Learning in the Henrico County Schools System.  Henrico County is one of the largest and earliest districts to pioneer and implement a one-to-one initiative.  They have adopted this model as its conceptual framework to guide their progress towards the 21st Century Learning. The following video will set the stage to provide insight into how this school district uses technology for relevant and real-world learning.
John Pearce

Buzzword alert - Gamification « Generation YES Blog - 0 views

    "Have you been gamified yet? Perhaps not a painful as it sounds, gamification is on its way to becoming THE buzzword of 2011. Social media engagement tools such as badges, points, levels, leaderboards, etc are making their way out of hipster apps to every online engagement you can think of. Yes, it all sounds oddly familiar (green stamps, reward cards, etc.) but of course, it's all NEW NEW NEW, with gurus and pundits claiming that gamification will change the way we live and of course, spend money."
John Pearce

Millions of children at threat from bullying, cyber-predators on Facebook social networ... - 0 views

    "SOME 7.5 million of the 20 million minors who used Facebook in the past year were younger than 13, and a million of them were bullied, harassed or threatened on the site, a study released yesterday said. More than five million Facebook users were 10 years old or younger, and they were allowed to use Facebook largely without parental supervision, leaving them vulnerable to threats ranging from malware to identity theft to sexual predators, the State of the Net survey by Consumer Reports said."
John Pearce

32 Ways to Use Google Apps in the Classroom - 0 views

    Great Google presentation with lots of examples embedded about using Google Docs, (A copy has been saved in my G Docs)
John Pearce

Student Alamo project made with Minecraft - The Minecraft Teacher - 0 views

    The video is a great example of what kids are able to do with Minecraft and what educational value can be derived.  And kudos to Ethan's teacher for being open-minded enough to accept a Minecraft creation in lieu of a traditional history project.
John Pearce

YouTube - Go Figure (Online Safety Version) - 0 views

    "Facts and statistics about online safety."
John Pearce

Students Speak Up in Class, Silently, via Social Media - - 0 views

    "Wasn't it just the other day that teachers confiscated cellphones and principals warned about oversharing on MySpace? Now, Erin Olson, an English teacher in Sioux Rapids, Iowa, is among a small but growing cadre of educators trying to exploit Twitter-like technology to enhance classroom discussion. Last Friday, as some of her 11th graders read aloud from a poem called "To the Lady," which ponders why bystanders do not intervene to stop injustice, others kept up a running commentary on their laptops. "
John Pearce

Rupert Murdoch - Education: The Last Frontier - 0 views

    Below is text from Rupert Murdoch's (Chairman and CEO of News Corporation) speech at the G8 Forum in Paris. Education: The Last Frontier
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