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John Pearce

Virtual History Centre - 0 views

    "This site has been created to support the Virtual History Centre - a 3D virtual world for Victorian Students which is designed to support immersive learning. It has been developed by the History Teachers' Association of Victoria, the Public Record Office of Victoria and the State Library of Victoria and was funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's Fuse Project. "
John Pearce

Sweeping Away a Search History - - 0 views

    "YOUR search history contains some of the most personal information you will ever reveal online: your health, mental state, interests, travel locations, fears and shopping habits. And that is information most people would want to keep private. Unfortunately, your web searches are carefully tracked and saved in databases, where the information can be used for almost anything, including highly targeted advertising and price discrimination based on your data profile."
John Pearce

myHistro - 0 views

    "Create free timelines. Follow interesting stories, get updates and notifications with "Today in history". myHistro is an interactive diary and a story-flow generator for bloggers. Unlimited space, unlimited number of photos! Create as many stories as you want and export these into Google Earth (KML) or spreadsheet format (CSV)! See the story on map and timeline, read more by "manually" turning pages or see the story summary as a simple chronological list of events. Try them all! My Histro also has an app.
John Pearce

- Vrroom - 2 views

    "What is Vrroom, an ever-growing set of records from the National Archives collection, for anyone learning to use archival records. A tool for 20th-century Australian History, Civics & Citizenship and more - see curriculum connections rich in learning content developed in partnership with the Curriculum Corporation through The Learning Federation"
John Pearce

Australian Curriculum Lessons | Lesson Plans, Classroom Activities and Games for Teache... - 0 views

    This user generated blog has been created to accept lesson plans and ideas related to the Australian Curriculum under English, Maths, Science, History, The Arts and Special Needs.
John Pearce

Crash Course! - YouTube - 1 views

    "Two awesome courses in one awesome channel: John Green teaches you world history and Hank Green teaches you biology."
John Pearce

#MysterySkype - Skype in the classroom - 1 views

    "Mystery Skype is an educational game, invented by teachers, played by two classrooms on Skype. The aim of the game is to guess the location of the other classroom by asking each other questions. It's suitable for all age groups and can be used to teach subjects like geography, history, languages, mathematics and science."
John Pearce

How to Infuse Digital Literacy Throughout the Curriculum - 0 views

    "So how are we doing on the push to teach "digital literacy" across the K12 school spectrum? From my perspective as a school-based technology coach and history teacher, I'd say not as well as we might wish - in part because our traditional approach to curriculum and instruction wants to sort everything into its place. Digital literacy is defined as "the ability to effectively and critically navigate, evaluate, and create information using a range of digital technologies." Many educational and business professional cite is as a critical 21st century skill. Even so, many schools have struggled to adapt it into their curriculum."
John Pearce

The Positive Classroom:Joy in School - 0 views

    "Two quotes about schooling particularly resonate with me. The first is from John Dewey's Experience and Education (1938): "What avail is it to win prescribed amounts of information about geography and history, to win the ability to read and write, if in the process the individual loses his own soul?" (p. 49). If the experience of "doing school" destroys children's spirit to learn, their sense of wonder, their curiosity about the world, and their willingness to care for the human condition, have we succeeded as educators, no matter how well our students do on standardized tests? The second quote comes from John Goodlad's A Place Called School (1984). After finding an "extraordinary sameness" in our schools, Goodlad wrote, "Boredom is a disease of epidemic proportions. … Why are our schools not places of joy?" (p. 242). Now, a generation later, if you were to ask students for a list of adjectives that describe school, I doubt that joyful would make the list. The hearts and minds of children and young adults are wide open to the wonders of learning and the fascinating complexities of life. But school still manages to turn that into a joyless experience."
John Pearce

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine - 0 views

    A really interesting look at the Khan Academy, and more, and the bigger "Flipped Classroom" movement. The article contains a potted history of the Khan development as well as some rebuttals from Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez. An interesting read for all wanting to know more about Khan.
John Pearce

Test drive: MyHistro | Bright Ideas - 0 views

    "There is a new timeline tool in town! Actually MyHistro is more than just a timeline - it has a  built-in mapping tool too. MyHistro allows users to build timelines around a theme or story with options for including text, video and photos. Every 'event' the user adds to their story can be geo-located on a Google Map. Stories can be developed by individuals or as a collaborative effort; the owner simply invites others to co-author a timeline. Comments are limited to registered users only. Registration is free with unlimited space and number of timelines you can create."
John Pearce

Who Invented the Internet? And Why? - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on 10 Apr 2014 Nuclear war, cat gifs and reddit? Wait, what? Who was the genius who came up with all of that? The internet is such a crucial tool in our daily lives today that we hardly remember that it hasn't been here forever. But yeah, it is actually not that old. We still have fuzzy memories about the time before the first thing in the morning was to check email and browse our favorite blogs and youtube channels. Well, let's explore how the internet came into existence and why."
John Pearce

25 Years of Personal Technology | Re/code - 0 views

    "This month, Re/code partner CNBC is celebrating its 25th anniversary. To help commemorate the occasion, the network asked Walt Mossberg to pen this essay on how personal technology has evolved over the past quarter century."
John Pearce

Then Versus Now: How Technology in Schools Has Changed Over Time - 0 views

    "The editors at Master of Arts in Teaching Degrees decided to research the topic of: Then Versus Now: How Technology in Schools Has Changed Over Time"
John Pearce

Free Technology for Teachers: How to See The Way a Webpage Used to Look - 0 views

    "The Internet Archive: Wayback Machine is a good tool to use when you want to see how a webpage used to look. This is helpful when you want to verify the citation of a webpage in an academic work. Using the Wayback Machine is also a good way to verify that a website was working at a previous point in time. In the video embedded below I provide a short overview of how the Wayback Machine works."
John Pearce

Google Inside Search - 1 views

    Get information on Google's newest search features and learn tips from basic to advanced. For even more on Google search, explore our Playground of fun features, or go "Under the Hood" to explore the technology that powers your searches.
John Pearce

The Illustrated History of Twitter - YouTube - 0 views

    "Published on 21 Mar 2014 Eight years ago, Jack Dorsey let the world know he was setting up his "twttr." How did Twitter go from a 140-character experiment to trading on the NYSE? Follow the social network's growth over the years."
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