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John Pearce

How Khan Academy Is Changing the Rules of Education | Magazine - 0 views

    A really interesting look at the Khan Academy, and more, and the bigger "Flipped Classroom" movement. The article contains a potted history of the Khan development as well as some rebuttals from Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez. An interesting read for all wanting to know more about Khan.
John Pearce

The Khan Academy Finally Gets What it Desperately Needs: Criticism | Motherboard - 0 views

    "It's nice to see Khan getting some critical attention here-it's not particularly useful to anybody to continue to smother the project in unthinking praise; particularly not to the Khan academy itself. Many have complained that Khan's been unreceptive to criticism, and these efforts have cracked the door for a more robust conversation."
John Pearce

YouTube for Schools - YouTube - 1 views

    "YouTube for Schools provides schools access to hundreds of thousands of free educational videos from YouTube EDU. These videos come from well-known organizations like Stanford, PBS and TED as well as from up-and-coming YouTube partners with millions of views, like Khan Academy, Steve Spangler Science and Numberphile."
John Pearce

Why Khan Academy Is The Wrong Answer « Looking Up - 0 views

    "Popular efforts to improve education are focusing on the wrong problem. Millions of dollars and hours of innovation are being spent on improving how we deliver content in an era when content matters less and how we interact with it matters more."
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