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John Pearce

MediaShift . How Twitter is Reinventing Collaboration Among Educators | PBS - 0 views

    "Before the advent of Twitter, most educators I know had limited opportunities to collaborate with colleagues outside their building. Some subscribed to listservs or participated in online forums, but these outlets lacked critical mass; teachers also networked at in-person conferences and training sessions, but these isolated events didn't provide ongoing support. Enter Twitter. I've heard many educators say that Twitter is the most effective way to collaborate and that they've learned more with Twitter than they have from years of formal professional development. Here are some of the specific ways educators are using Twitter to collaborate:"
John Pearce

Ultimate Twitter Guide for Educators - 0 views

    "If you are new to the strange land of Twitter, it might seem like the most ridiculous thing that has ever been created. What is the use in 'tweeting' something to millions of people in 140 characters or less? In education, Twitter is actually being used as a very powerful tool for learning and connecting with educators and students around the globe. With this handy Twitter guide for teachers, you'll be ready to jump feet first into the world of Twitter."
John Pearce

Twitter in the classroom - 1 views

    Many is the blog post which highlights the ways in which Twitter is the best staffroom in the world but I've not seen too many that highlight the ways in which we can use Twitter in the classroom. Many teachers love to use Twitter as a resource to share, explore, discuss and 'magpie' ideas from other teachers and as a vehicle to help develop their own ideas and their own practice too. It's great for that… no, it's absolutely brilliant for that! So how can we capitalise on the 140 character legendary social media king to help learning in the classroom? Here are some do's and don'ts to help get you going.
John Pearce

26 Effective Ways to use Twitter for Teachers and Educators Infographic - e-Learning In... - 1 views

    "Teachers and educators in the present fast-paced, ever evolving world of communication are presented with a plethora of options which might sometimes be overwhelming. To reduce the efforts of teachers in learning a new form of communication, we give you some of the most effective ways of using the most modern form of communication, Twitter. The 26 Effective Ways to use Twitter for Teachers and Educators Infographic is aimed at educators interested in utilizing Twitter as a communication and collaborative tool, for educators who like telling a story and effectively reaching out to an audience who they normally can't! Check out the 26 effective ways to do that."
John Pearce

The 14 Day Twitter Challenge | Smore - 0 views

    "Without a doubt the connections and learning that is possible within Twitter is simply second to none. However even with all of the amazing benefits many teachers new to Twitter sign up, tweet once or twice, miss the benefit and let their accounts fade to oblivion. So to assist with the goal of helping teachers unlock the potential, I have designed a 14 day twitter challenge. Follow it and reap the benefits of powerful connections."
John Pearce

25 Ways to Get the Most Out of Twitter | Edudemic - 0 views

    "It's no wonder educators are harnessing the power of Twitter to bring cutting edge ideas, trends, research, and best practices to use in their schools and classrooms. But just as Twitter can be a treasure trove of information, it can be overwhelming for new users to figure out how to use it effectively. We've compiled this list of the best ways to make Twitter a social media tool that works for you."
John Pearce

Why Twitter could hold the secret to better #CPD | tesconnect - 0 views

    "Get your hashtags ready: Twitter is a far more effective source of CPD than more traditional approaches, research has found. Indeed, teachers believe they derive more from the 140 characters of a tweet than they do from several hours of seminars or lectures. Academics from two US universities surveyed 755 members of school staff about Twitter. They found that the most popular use of the social media website was for CPD, with many praising Twitter's advantages over more traditional methods. Twitter, many teachers told researchers, allowed them to create a virtual staffroom, filled entirely with their own choice of colleagues. Indeed, a middle school English teacher explained: "I have learned so much from other teachers. It has transformed my teaching. And this is my 18th year [in the profession].""
John Pearce

INFOGRAPHIC : How To Twitter Effectively - 0 views

    "Twitter can be quite addictive but you have to do it the right way to get the most out of it. That's why I wrote The Complete Guide To Twitter some time back and I highly recommend that you read it (no bias there of course!). Twiends has also produced a fantastic infographic showing how to quickly get started with Twitter, from choosing the right username to understanding hashtags and lists."
John Pearce

100 Of The Best Twitter Tools For Teachers By Category | TeachThought - 0 views

    "In 2009, we shared our favorite tools for teachers on Twitter, with 100 resources for managing feeds, finding followers, and tackling classroom groups on the social media site. Since then, many tools have been revamped, replaced, or simply aren't available anymore. Clearly, an update is in order, so we're proud to present a new list for 2012, featuring the very best tools available to Twittering teachers today."
John Pearce

R U Ready 4TwitterII - 0 views

    "From connecting via Twitter as an educator to Twitter in the classroom and connecting your class globally." This Slideshare from Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano looks at Twitter from a classroom prespective.
John Pearce

Are you still making these 10 mistakes on Twitter? - 0 views

    "How you use Twitter for business or for fun is up to you, but there are some things that are definite no-nos - things that you do that affect other Twitter users perception of you."
John Pearce

R U Ready 4Twitter? | Langwitches Blog - 0 views

    "I am still amazed at the amount of educators, who believe that Twitter holds NO VALUE for their professional learning. Many hold on to the belief that Twitter is a waste of time, used to follow celebrities, listen to gossip and bad hair day complaints. If YOU were able to get past that initial Twitter reputation, diving into the Twittersphere can be scary, OVERWHELMING and participating in this global conversation platform does not necessarily come naturally to everybody."
John Pearce

60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category | TeachThought - 0 views

    "Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool (including TeachThought's favorite), and we've shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we'll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom."
John Pearce

100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty | Edudemic - 0 views

    "Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it's become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown. These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure."
John Pearce

This Is Why No One Follows You on Twitter - 0 views

    "Twitter users often make the decision of whether or not to follow someone in seconds, meaning that you have very little time to impress. We looked into why people chose not to follow profiles on Twitter, and crowdsourced a variety of reasons that users give for not hitting that "Follow" button."
John Pearce

Learning with 'e's: Why Twitter is so powerful - 0 views

    "And here's the real power: The more you connect on Twitter, the more connections you get. For me, the value of Twitter is in tapping into its social critical mass."
John Pearce

60 Inspiring Examples of Twitter in the Classroom | Global Digital Citizen Foundation - 0 views

    "Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place. Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool, and we've shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we'll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom."
John Pearce

The Ultimate Guide To Using Twitter In Education - Edudemic - 0 views

    "Twitter seems to be here to stay. As one of the most popular ways for teachers, students, and the general public to communicate, it's becoming a must-have tool in almost every teacher's toolbox. However, numerous recent studies have shown that education in general has been slow to adopt social media. In an effort to speed up this adoption process, below you'll find a boatload of resources on the past, present, and future of Twitter in education as well as some helpful guides to using the tool in the classroom. This guide is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be added to on a regular basis. To do that, Edudemic needs your help. Just share your favorite resource(s) on the Edudemic Facebook page and it'll get added to this Ultimate Guide."
John Pearce

Twitter Exec Reports that Educators Dominate the Twitter sphere | EdSurge News - 0 views

    "Educators like to tweet! Out of the 1/2 billion tweets that post every day, 4.2 million are related to education, according to Brett Baker, an account executive at To put this in perspective, while you read this past sentence, over 3,000 edu-related tweets have flown across the Twitterverse."
John Pearce

Twitter for Teacher Leaders: Connecting on Twitter, Video 1 - YouTube - 1 views

    "Published on 13 Mar 2015 Have you heard fellow educators rave about the connections they've made on Twitter, but you don't feel that connected? Or do you have an account, but aren't really sure how to make those connections to like-minded people? Are you overwhelmed by how "busy" Twitter feels? This video tutorial is for you! "
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