member since 2008-10-09
member since 2008-10-06
Andrew Parker
American ex-pat, fifth year International School teacher in Bangkok, condo owner, Apple lover, Thailand explorer, fitness enthusiast.
member since 2011-04-03
member since 2009-08-12
Rob Reynolds
Eureka Public School's Technology and Learning Coordinator. Providing support to teachers and students in the inclusion of 21st century technology tools in their classrooms.
member since 2009-11-22
Heather Bailie
Learner, teacher, teacher-librarian, geek. Currently studying Master of Education (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innovation) and working at an independent P-12 school.
member since 2008-10-10
member since 2009-11-27
Kim started his tertiary studies in Chemistry, and his working life in analysis and assay for the mining exploration industry a little later he started dabbling in the dark arts of Theatre and Drama and moved into management, performance and production roles in theatre. His interest in arts, ed...
member since 2008-12-24
member since 2008-10-17
member since 2008-12-09
Steve Madsen
I am a secondary teacher in New South Wales, Australia where I teach computing courses from Years 7 - 12. I am mostly a full time classroom teacher with a small time allowance for integrating eLearning within the school.
member since 2008-10-09
Wesley Fryer
I'm an educator, author, digital storyteller and change agent. More info about me is available on www.wesfryer.com/bio
member since 2010-02-23
member since 2008-10-09
member since 2023-06-10
Group Members
14 members total, 1 receiving alerts immediately, 5 receiving alerts daily, and 6 receiving alerts weekly.