member since 2012-08-22
member since 2012-08-23
cindy acosta
I am Magister Cindy Acosta. I work at UNACHI Boquete. I like to read, go out and enjoy with my family.
member since 2012-08-25
member since 2012-08-19
member since 2012-08-23
member since 2012-08-24
member since 2012-08-23
member since 2012-08-23
Bleixen Sanchez
I am an English Teacher in the IPTC and it has been a really nice experience. Teaching is my thing and I hope with the new MasterĀ“s I am taking I can gain more experience and teach others.
member since 2012-08-24
member since 2012-08-21
member since 2012-08-24
member since 2012-08-24
member since 2012-08-23
member since 2012-08-25
Bleixen Sanchez
Hello I am an English Teacher who works with Middle students, and I want to invite you to my class
member since 2012-09-05
Group Members
15 members total, 5 receiving alerts immediately, 9 receiving alerts daily, and 1 receiving alerts weekly.