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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2477)
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This group is private to those people participating in the course "Understanding learning in the online environment" in the MSc Programme in E-Learning at the University of Edinburgh.
diigo group for INSDSG 605 course at UMass Boston, Spring 2014 Semester. Instructional Design program.
This is a place to pool our resources and share great finds with each other!
Demo group for the EdTechTeacher Shrewsbury Research Workshop.
The mission of the Centre for Open Learning (COL) at the University of Cape Town, is to make the academic resources of the institution accessible to a wider range of participants. COL is made up of sev...
"Yhteisömanageri toimii verkossa yrityksen, yhdistyksen tai muun yhteisön viestinnän ja sen asiakkaiden / yleisöjen rajapinnassa. Hän tuottaa sisältöjä sekä itsenäisesti että yhdessä asiakk...
group for edtec 540 course at SDSU
Val, Mike, Meg, Gina, Andy, Anne, Tom, John, Fio, Barbara, Leslie
This is a learning resource for UMaine students enrolled in NMD 201 and CMJ 261 during the fall semester 2011.
Our mission is to develop a World Wide Community of Individuals and Organizations with a passion for Social Entrepreneurship, Life Long Learning, Mentoring and Teaching. This goal is being achieved by ...
Please include your articles here about Technology and education
Modern History