In Mobile, Fragmentation is Forever. Deal With It. - - 0 views
Gary Edwards on 04 Mar 10I disagree with the authors conclusions here. He misses some very significant developments. Particularly around Google, WebKit, and WebKit-HTML5. For instance, there is this article out today; "Google Really is Giving Away Free Nexus One and Droid Handsets to Developers". Also, Palm is working on a WiMAX/WiFi version of their WebOS (WebKit) smartphone for Sprint. Sprint and ClearWire are pushing forward with a very aggressive WiMAX rollout in the USA. San Francisco should go on line this year! One of the more interesting things about the Sprint WiMAX plan is that they have a set fee of $69.00 per month that covers EVERYTHING; cellphone, WiMAX Web browsing, video, and data connectivity, texting (SMS) and VOIP. Major Sprint competitors, Verizon, AT&T and TMobile charge $69 per month, but it only covers cellphone access. Everything else is extra adn also at low speed/ low bandwidth. 3G at best. WiMAX however is a 4G screamer. It's also an open standard. (Verizon FIOS and LTE are comparable and said to be coming soon, but they are proprietary technologies). The Cable guys are itneresting in that they are major backers of WiMAX, but also have a bandwidth explosive technology called Docsis. There is an interesting article at TechCrunch, "In Mobile, Fragmentation is Forever. Deal With It." I disagree entirely with the authors conclusion. WebKit is capable of providing a universal HTML5 application developers layer for mobile and desktop browser computing. It's supported by Apple, Google, Palm (WebOS), Nokia, RiMM (Blackberry) and others to such an extent that 85% of all smartphones shipped this year will either ship with WebKit or, an Opera browser compatible with the WebKit HTML5 document layout/rendering model. I would even go as far as to say that WebKit-HTML5 owns the Web's document model and application layer for the future. Excepting for Silverlight, which features the OOXML document model with over 500 million desktop develop