when we belong to several networking sites, it can be hard to keep up. silentale keeps all your conversations in 1 place. i don't know if i feel comfortable about this, but i may try it out.
Generally adults help young people learn to drive safely before giving them car keys and turning them loose on the streets of the world. Young people also need guidance and adult assistance to learn how to safely navigate the virtual environments of the 21st Century. Schools must be proactive, rather than merely defensive, in helping students acquire the skills of digital citizenship needed today and in the future. Simply banning read/write web tools on school networks is an inadequate response: Educators must strive to learn alongside students and parents how these technologies can be safely and powerfully used to communicate and collaborate.
Mashable.com's preview of 5 social networking sites aimed at children, complete with a quick overview of how each protects the privacy of children, tries to maintain a suitably safe environment, and how parents should be involved.