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62 Items, 5 Members

For apx. 60 years America has diverted its development of nuclear power, an environmentally clean power. America has built coal fired power generation plants that produce apx 2-8 tons of CO2 emissions and radioactive waste more dangerous than the wast from a nuclear power generating plant. AMERI...

Health Care Insanity

Health Care Insanity

4 Items, 1 Members

Learn about the insane health care proposals throughout the world.



250 Items, 8 Members

Iranian students in Iran demonstratiing against the Iranian regime with a LIVE FREE or DIE slogan that is the state of New Hampshire's (USA) slogan. This group is concerned with eliminating terrorism and in bringing; FREEDOM, peace and prosperity to ALL people in the world.

IRAQ The New Republic of the Mid-East

IRAQ The New Republic of the Mid-East

123 Items, 10 Members

The group will focus on the NEW Iraq and its improvements made in the new republic. The group will provide information about the improvements made with regards to the topics of goods and services provided to the Iraq citizens.

Israel Palestine Info

Israel Palestine Info

412 Items, 58 Members

Negotiations for peace can be covered here

Pro-active Conspiracy Eliminination Team

Pro-active Conspiracy Eliminination Team

7 Items, 2 Members

The trouble makers in our world who create 'conspiracies' for profit need to be destroyed because they are indirectly and directly responsible for having people in the world suffer unneeded pain an death.

Quran Adherence Group (QAG)

Quran Adherence Group (QAG)

71 Items, 13 Members

Nasir Abbas has learned that Bin Laden is the Anti-Christ for Islam. Disgusting Al Qaeda members are mass murderers who kill MUSLIMS under the pretense of adherence to the Quran. The terrorist are the DEVILS servants and surely will all end up in hell.



115 Items, 23 Members

America is the only country that has, as its citizens, as "Monarchs" with 'unalienable' rights that are now being taken away from the American citizens by the ILLEGAL ALIEN "POTUS".

Take Our Country Back

Take Our Country Back

80 Items, 1 Members

A group organized to promote physically meeting people and presenting information to organizations in the form of presentations. Presentations can be created with MS-POWER POINT or OPEN OFFICE

Usurper Removal

Usurper Removal

29 Items, 1 Members

An ACTION group is needed to thwart the USURPER also known as "Suspected Illegal Alien Potus" (SIAP)

World Religions

World Religions

4 Items, 1 Members