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liveinfreedom .

Clinton's Iraq Liberation Act - 0 views

    America's congress passed the "Iraq Liberation Act" in 1998 under President Clinton's watch. So get with it...and stop blaming BUSH for the ills that Sadam had.
liveinfreedom .

Conspiracy Crazy, part two. The Editorial - 0 views

  • Jones is an ultra right wing Uber-Patriot who preys upon the feeble minded by instilling half truths, lies and paranoia into them.
  • he's gotten older, he's become more outrageous, incomprehensible, fantical and frankly, i think he's become dangerous
  • but i believe he is capable of influencing a feeble minded individual into doing so.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • he feeling was that regardless of what we said about Jones it would empower him, helping to further define him as a spokesperson in our community.
  • I used to listen to Jones on the radio but eventually stopped because any participation -- even just listening -- supported the show.
  • a conspiracy theorist starts out with an assumption, garners all information that supports their theory, and ignores or discredits information that disagrees with it. Jones seems driven more by getting media attention than any ideology.
  • Jones does not offer specific political solutions (Jones' only solution actually is to encourage an ever-increasing paranoia about everything).
  • his overriding goal was self-promotion.
  • For those of you who don't know, Jones is an ultra right wing Uber-Patriot who preys upon the feeble minded by instilling half truths, lies and paranoia into them.
liveinfreedom .

Conspiracy Crazy, Fact or fantasy? Don't ask Alex ! - 0 views

  • producers down here (at ACAC) who see Free Speech as an excuse to say anything they wish to, regardless of it's factual basis and regardless of the legal implications.
  • Jarhead removes my posts as soon as he can; provided that I'm out of sight. In true paranoid fascist behavior, free speech is good and well as long as no one stands up to challenge his delusions.
  • Such as, has anyone ever wondered why only uneducated to semi-educated white males call these shows?
liveinfreedom .

Conspiracy Crazy, Modern Facism for Reactionist Minds - 0 views

  • OK Jarfuck.
  • He challenged a man to "step outside"
  • nd whipped him like the little bitch that he is
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • he claimed that 4 men with knives attacked him to stifle his free speech.
  • Finally he [the source], explained that he knew the real story of what happened and that if Jarhead didn't shut up about the incident, he would call every radio and television show in town and explain what really occurred.
  • His favorite target was Jarhead.
  • Jarhead tells a whopper when he recounts this story
  • He created Social security fraud, child pornography, and terrorism charges so he could bring in the Feds.
  • The scary thing is that I believe Jarhead truly thinks his version IS the truth!
    The IDIOT is identified as JONES the dumb shit that has othe DUMB shits believing the incoherent rants he delivers withour regard to his civic responsibilities.
liveinfreedom .

Conspiracy Crazy, puts the "P" in Pathetic - 0 views

  • Before i go any further with letting Alex Jones make even more of an ass of himself than he has already, i wanted to present a couple of items for your consideration.
  • The DSM-IV, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, is the benchmark for helping mental health experts determine the nature of a persons sickness. This book is readily availible at any decent bookstore.
  • Alex Jones written all over it.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Inflated self esteem is typically present, ranging from uncritical self-confidence tomarked grandiosity, and may reach delusional proportions (Criterion B1). Individuals may giveadvice on matters about which they have no special knowledge (e.g., how to run the United Nations).Despite lack of any particular experience or talent, the individual may embark on writing a novelor composing a symphony or seek publicity for some impractical invention. Grandiose delusions arecommon (e.g., having a special relationship to God or to some public figure from the political,religious, or entertainment world). Manic speech is typically pressured, loud, rapid and difficult to interrupt (Criterion B3). Individuals may talk nonstop, sometimes for hours on end and without regard for others wishes to communicate. Speech is sometimes characterized by joking, punning and amusing irrelevancies. Theindividual may become theatrical, with dramatic mannerisms and singing. Sounds rather than meaningfulconceptual relations may govern word choice (i.e. clanging). If the personsmood is more irritable thanexpansive, speech may be marked by complaints, hostile comments or angry tirades
  • Jones
    • liveinfreedom .
      This Jones guy is a real NUT and he has a following on Skype.
liveinfreedom .

Britisnroud SkypeCast need to be revealed as contradiction to truth. - 0 views

    This Skypecast really needs to be identified for what it is.
    The conspiracy stuff needs to be identified for its worthless content
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