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liveinfreedom .

Voting Present: Obama Dithered 16 Hours Before Killing Bin Laden - 0 views

    NOTE: Keep in mind that this ILLEGAL POTUS is subject too being blackmailed... controlled by others ... like Jarret an Iranian born who, by various reports, controls the RAT USURPER in the White House. ******************* "there had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper. The primary opposition to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her opposition that was enough to create uncertainty within President Obama. Obama would meet with various components of the pro-invasion faction, almost always with Jarrett present, and then often fail to indicate his position. This situation continued for some time, though the division between Jarrett/Obama and the rest intensified more recently, most notably from Hillary Clinton. She was livid over the president's failure to act, and her office began a campaign of anonymous leaks to the media indicating such. As for Jarrett, her concern rested on two primary fronts. One, that the military action could fail and harm the president's already weakened standing with both the American public and the world. Second, that the attack would be viewed as an act of aggression against Muslims, and further destabilize conditions in the Middle East. (Emphasis added.)"
liveinfreedom .

Obama: 'I Am Not a Dictator. I'm the President.' | The Weekly Standard - 0 views

    Obama: 'I Am Not a Dictator. I'm the President.' This EVIL BASTARD allowed honored military officers to be prosecuted because they asked for the credentials that are required to be the POTUS... due to their SWORN OATHS to defend American RIGHTS aka Constitution against ALL enemies foreign and domestic. If any "TRUE" American neglects their PLEDGES of ALLEGIANCE to American RIGHTS then they too, need to be charged with TREASON.
liveinfreedom .

Press11.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    To date, no federal court has taken up the merits of Obama's eligibility relying instead on the dubious legal doctrine of "standing" to dismiss every lawsuit. Accordingly, Sibley has released his Stuxnet-like Motion to Dismiss Indictment into the federal prison system. The Motion makes the simple argument that: (i) no federal law is valid under Article I, § 7, cl. 2, of the Constitution unless it is presented to the President, (ii) Obama is not a legitimate President and thus (iii) his signing of the Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009 ("FERA") is void. Accordingly, every person charge and/or convicted under FERA is entitled to be released.
liveinfreedom .

contempt2.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    What NARA produced on December 13, 2012, were two microfilm spools of the arrival records for July 28 through August 1, 1961 and August 8 through August 12, 1961. Attached hereto as Exhibit "B", is a photograph of the boxes those two microfilm spools are stored in which show the dates the spools cover. Even more significant, the date of "August 1" has been altered. It appears that "white-out" was applied and a new date was written over the original date of "August 7, 1961". Proof of that alteration comes from a photograph of the same box taken six months before on or about March 22, 2012 which reveals the date was originally "August 7, 1961". Thus, indisputably the box has been tampered with - a criminal offense.
liveinfreedom .


    "Published on Dec 16, 2012 - CommieTunes Episode 16 - We Show Proof Obama is Operating Under a False Identity (a Felony Fraud). He was a Foreign College Student, Recruited and Trained by Communist Terror Bomber and KGB Agent, Bill Ayers - His Goal is to Kill 10% of Americans - Arrest Obama Now! - Starring Barack Huessin Obama, Barry Soetoro, Mike Zullio, George Soros. Bill Ayers, Allen Hulton, Jerome Corsi, Bill O'Reilly, VA Atty Gen. Ken Cuccinelli, Michael Savage, Judge Andrew Napolitano,The Weather Underground Organization, Bernadine Dohrn, Steve Doocy, John Murtagh, Michelle Obama, Tom Fife, Larry Grathwohl, Russian Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev. See all our videos at"
liveinfreedom .

Democrat demands Obama eligibility hearing now - 0 views

    ""Indeed, neither defendant Obama, nor the Democratic Party of Florida, has even stated that defendant Obama is a 'natural born citizen,'" the filing said. "The only evidence of defendant Obama's alleged birth within the United States has come in the form of an electronic version posted on the Internet. However, there has been evidence to show that this 'birth certificate' has either been altered or is entirely fraudulent.""
liveinfreedom .

EMERGENCY; Warning to All U.S.A. Citizens - Obama and Ayers - YouTube - 0 views

    "Ayers and Obama have worked together on books for at least 21 years, and have cooperated in funneling tens of millions of dollars to leftist indoctrination progammes for youth. All this you may have already known. What is even more chilling is this expose' on how William Ayers is planning to implement their mutual Marxist ideology, should Ayers attain influence on Obama through their long standing relationship. Larry Grathwohl penetrated the Weather Underground to bring this fist hand account of Ayers' (and the Weather Underground's) plans. As you may know, Ayers remains unrepentant to this day, and lives just a few houses away from Barack Hussein Obama. Obama's flimsy and ever-shifting denials of his relationship with Ayers have all but completely disintegrated. Furthermore, the prime backer of Obama, Khalid Al Mansour, was a legal assistant to the Black Panther Party (with an office next door). It is known from testimony of Weather Underground members that the BPP and Weather Underground worked "very closely" together. Therefore it it likely that Mansour (who was advising Obama even before he moved from Hawaii, under the tutelage of Communist agent Frank Marshall Davis), was working with Ayers and Dohrn simultaneously."
liveinfreedom .

How Barack Obama avoids prison - English - 0 views

    The Russians know more about the crooked politics in Ameirca than Americans know ... How sad it is in a NATION that claims itself as being a REPUBLIC but has a citizenry that is JUST PLAIN DUMB about their rights.
liveinfreedom .

JB Williams -- Lawyers and Judges at War with Constitutional Law - 0 views

    You were warned the White House R.A..T is destroying America's REPUBLIC. The R.A.T has sent billions to Kenya, has made MUSLIMS exempt from implementing the OBAMACARE insanity. WAKE UP AMERICA. The FOUNDING FATHERS made every effort to PREVENT what is now occurring with our AMERICAN RIGHTS
    YOU asked for it by voting for a R.A.T... (Recognized American Threat) without validating "ITS" credentials. Americans "DON'T" know who he is... does it make any sense to reinstate the bastard as POTUS?
liveinfreedom .

User blog:SaveOurRights/America's Future IS In The Electorates Hands - Save Our Rights - 1 views

    Interesting take on American FREEDOMS and the threats to the freedoms Americans have.
liveinfreedom .

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate - 0 views

    "Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate "
liveinfreedom .

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference March 31 - YouTube - 0 views

    This video finally shows that the White House "RAT/USURPER" has fraudulently produced credentials used to INVADE America's house. The "RAT/USURPER? needs to be JAILED yesterday. These FRAUDULENT acts that are committed by Pelosi and the Demoncrats are the beginning of the END for AMERICAN "UNALIENABLE RIGHTS".
liveinfreedom .

How Obama fixed 2012 election - YouTube - 0 views

    The RAT/USURPER in Ameria's White House needs to be JAILED for LIFE.
liveinfreedom .

Baer/Haggerty Offensive of Repatriot Radio presents Dr. Jerome Corsi in Morristown - Yo... - 0 views

    Here's the MOST accurate REVELATION that shows the FACTS about the White House RAT.
liveinfreedom .

Barack Obama Foreign Student - American Media Threatened into Silence - English - 0 views

    Was there ever a greater EVILE ever perpetrated on "True Americans" who are dedicated to preserving FREEDOM as stipulated by America's Fouding Fathers?
liveinfreedom .

Washington Times' Jeff Kuhner: Sheriff Joe's Obama Investigation Biggest Scandal in Ame... - 0 views

liveinfreedom .

Washington Times: Obama Identity Document Fraud Biggest Scandal in American History | B... - 0 views

    The trail to jailing the "RAT/USURPER" is narrowing more and more as time progresses. Let's RELISH the fact that the STINKING/ROTTEN "RAT/USURPER" can be tried for TREASON and put away as the law rrequires for the crimes the "RAT/USURPER" is alleged to have committed,
liveinfreedom .

Sheriff Joe wants Obama's original draft card - 0 views

    The absolute DUTY of every Amerian is to DEFEND their UNALIENABLE RIGHTS which are now being threatened my a MUSLIM who has INVADED the POTUS's office. See the facts in this new item,
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