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My Groups
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Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0

Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0

1983 Items, 3319 Members

This Diigo group is dedicated to the topic of Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0.

History Teachers

History Teachers

4192 Items, 1603 Members

This group is for any history teacher interested in sharing online sources and teaching ideas to improve the quality of history teaching and learning in high schools and universities. Just search the group tags for the time period, region and type of source you require and Bob's your uncle.

Leadership for 21st Century Schools

Leadership for 21st Century Schools

452 Items, 486 Members

The nature of leadership has evolved to meet the needs of our students in a world that is becoming more connected and global. This is a place to share great sites that can help us build our knowledge and understanding of what it is to be a great leader in schools for now and the future.

Teaching Middle School Science

Teaching Middle School Science

48 Items, 119 Members

This group is concerned with exemplary science teaching in the middle grades.



16 Items, 11 Members



183 Items, 100 Members

Resources from Alan November's full day workshop at #tech_k12



422 Items, 25 Members

A Leadership group of doctoral candidates at Setonhall learning about educational change and technology in this course.



52 Items, 20 Members



1 Items, 28 Members

For the in crowd

NL research team

NL research team

55 Items, 2 Members

Our combined resources for digital literacy and emerging pedagogy.



0 Items, 9 Members

for all of us



0 Items, 1 Members

Principals' Institute

Principals' Institute

86 Items, 51 Members

Seton Hall 15

Seton Hall 15

435 Items, 41 Members

A group of education leaders sharing resources to inspire leading and learning in a technology environment.