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Classroom 2.0

Classroom 2.0

7994 Items, 8230 Members

A place for members of to share links, Classroom 2.0 is social networking site devoted to those interested in the practical application of computer technology (especially Web 2.0) in the classroom and in their own professional development.

Diigo In Education

Diigo In Education

28355 Items, 57453 Members

“Diigo In Education” - Phase I just released. More to come.. Share your classroom usecase, ideas, reviews, features, and wishlists for making Diigo a great resource and platform in teaching and learning. Let's explore the full potential of Diigo as an educational tool.

Cool Tools for Educators!

Cool Tools for Educators!

895 Items, 3409 Members

This is a place to share cool new educational tools with others!

Liens FLE

Liens FLE

1109 Items, 233 Members

TIC et enseignement du français FLE

GEP Spring course

GEP Spring course

17 Items, 15 Members

Formació telemàtica

Formació telemàtica

538 Items, 107 Members

Recursos, eines, articles, material hipermèdia per a la millora de la formació telemàtica