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The fight over the future of food | Reuters - 1 views

    I've been learning more about food security right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is: how the future of food supply will look like. I was researching this question online and this article caught my attention because of the title, "The fight over the future of food." I can't seem to imagine what the world will look like in a few years, not even in like a hundred years. \n\n"A combination of the food crisis and the global economic downturn has catapulted the number of hungry people in the world to more than 1 billion. The United Nations says world food output must grow by 70 percent over the next four decades to feed a projected extra 2.3 billion people by 2050."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that if not much is done, there won't be enough food for the growing population by 2050. There has to be a 70% increase of stable food production worldwide to help feed everyone. This is pretty intense because thinking ahead, 2050 is only 40 years away and I'll be like 57 years old by then. What will happen to me if there isn't enough food to feed me and my family? How will I react?\n\n I think this is an important issue for everyone to pay attention to because it affects everyone globally. Even though there are some actions being taken currently to fight the issue of food security and world hunger, it's not enough. There are too many factors that contribute to people not wanting to help out. I think it's mainly because of money. Because many countries are still in a recession, it's difficult for people to dig into their pockets to donate and help the cause. It's sad and unfortunate, but it's true.

Al Jazeera English - Focus - Fighting for Africa's food security - 0 views

  • Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us.
  • In my work at the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), one of my responsibilities is to help smallholder farmers adapt and create climate-resilient farming methods. Such knowledge exists but often fails to reach Africa's vast rural populations.
  • When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours.  When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular I'm wondering about is how to make more food at the same time as we did before. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because the girl is sharing about her childhood in Zimbabwe, how to grow food. The expriences that she has is really interested me.
    • KatherineG EWSIS
      I am currently learning about Africa's food security. I read this article "fighting for Africa's foo Security" by Sithembile Ndema. This article. Ms.Ndema speaks a bit about her child hood in Zimbabwe and how she would see her grandmother go to the same one acre plot of land each day, where she would work long hours growing crops. It is how she survived "This is how i wake up everyday, this is how i survive." " She continues to till her field with a hand hoe using seed saved from previous harvest, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type if in outs have remained the same over the years, how ever, the yeilds have been declining drastically." The quote above is basically describing what sithembile's grandmother does. It also address the problem. " Yeilds have been declining drastically." I think this is a serious problem because this is how many people survive. It makes me wonder what other people can do to help. As i was reading this article i began to wonder how i will help this article also made me appreciate the many things that i have and the opportunity's that others do not
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  • Yet today, in 2010, the effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves, let alone their communities. African farmers need to be able to access the knowledge and tools with which to grow a food-secure future for Africa. This would include, for example, the most effective and cost-efficient fertilisers and seeds, and improved access to markets.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The quote I chose here is basically saying that the growth of food in Africa is still based on how good the climate is in now a days. The growth of food supply is not only one farmer's job, but all farmers's job. Everyone work together as a community and be success as a group.
  • While many young people do not seem to care about agriculture, they should acknowledge the fundamental role it plays in our lives.  Not only does it feed the cities, but it also feeds factories with the raw ingredients needed to continue building an economy.   One Young World will give me a chance to promote the importance of agriculture among my peers, and to help them understand its role in creating a food-secure, economically-stable Africa in the future.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      I this is challenging because the technology in now a days are very good, but we still need at least 5 years to improve the technology to make food supply faster and easier. It makes me wonder how can the technology imapct the farming.
  • Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially.
  • "Young people have the advantage of growing up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us" Sithembile Ndema
    • Kyle Garcia
      I agree with this quote I suppose, technology is only improving.
    I'm learning more about Food Security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Is this a problem of politics or science? In other words can we right now "Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us. Whilst young people may not yet have the power to drive policies, we will be the ones who must accept the big challenges of the future which are as yet unresolved: from population growth to climate change to market reform and the end of poverty."
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    I'm learning more about food security right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is how the next generation will take over to fight the challenge. I was researching this question online and this article caught my attention because it was written by a 24 year old woman who has worked in the field all her life. She grew up in Zimbabwe and she used to watch her grandmother work long exhausting days as a child and even now. Because of her grandmother, she wants to make a difference as she attempts to get her generation more active in facing world problems.\n\n"Whilst young people may not yet have the power to drive policies, we will be the ones who must accept the big challenges of the future which are as yet unresolved: from population to climate change to market reform and the end of poverty."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that she is calling out to the younger generation for help. Even though we don't have as much power as many others, we still have the power to try. It's up to us to contribute to changing the world.\n\nI think this is strong and hopefully it will motivate the younger generation to volunteer more and acknowledge these world issues. It makes me wonder what will happen in the future when it comes to youth involvement in the world. Will youth voices slowly disappear? Will anyone care anymore?
    "Young people have the advantage of having grown up in a globally connected world, within which we communicate more quickly and broadly than perhaps any other generation before us." The quote I chose here is basically saying the younger generation can spread awareness because of the technology nowadays, news can be heard around the world. I think this is strong statement because it's true. That's how most people hear the news. Online, texting, watching television, and social networking. Many youngsters don't really read the newspaper. It's easier to just check the news websites online.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is why is there such a huge food shortage in Africa? While i was researching this question online i found this blog, entitled " Fighting for Africa's food security" It caught my attention because it seemed like it would be interesting and that the answer to my question would be within this blog. I thought this because of the title it had the words food security in it which i know is related to hunger so, it caught my attention. "When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. "
    I'm learning more about Fighting for Africa's food security right now , and in particular what I'm wondering about is how people work so hard? I was researching this question online, and this article caught my attention because it shows how people in Africa need help. "She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. " This quote I chose here is basically saying how they wake up early and start to work so they can get something to eat. I think that this is strong because for them they have to work really hard to find food. Another quote that I liked was " "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I like this quote because it shows how they are willing to survive no matter what.
    "Yet today, in 2010, the effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves, let alone their communities. " Well right now I'm learning about Food Security and in particular what I'm wondering is that if the problem in climate change in Africa has to do with global warming. There has to be a reason why the climate changing is occurring in Africa.It probably all has to do with global warming. I think maybe that we humans are the ones who caused the decrease in food security. God doesn't that suck....
    "When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day. She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. " This is a very sad article to read about. It's too bad that these type of things happen in other parts of the world. I feel so spoiled and bad compared to these people. I'm so lucky and blessed to have the life that I have and that things are sometimes just handed to me and that opportunities are everywhere. I hope these type of lives will one day be over so that everyone can live a wonderful and fruitful life instead of having a hard working life like this.
    I'm learning more about Africa's food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering is: Why isn't the younger generation helping the older generation? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because, all the changes that they are talking about is going to affect them in the long run and if they don't something about it now then it would be harder to fix later. The title of the news article is Fighting For Africa's Food Security. Something that i saw in the summary was that they are trying to fix the problem with Africa and they are trying to make a better way to get the young generation involved since they are not involved at all. "Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially." I think this is a strog description because, if peoplee don't worry the sudden changes now how are they going to fix them later. I think that fixing the problem now will be more easier because later if you try to fix it some obstacles might be in the way.
    I'm learning more about Food Security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is what else affects food security. I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it said a bunch of other stuff that would affect food security. I chose this passage because it interests me to learn more about how other things contribute to food security. \n\n"Political instability, global poverty and health, the financial crisis, religious conflicts and climate change are all issues that affect us and require long-term solutions to address substantially."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that other things like political instability, climate changes, etc are also affecting food security in countries. \n\nI think this is true because it makes me wonder how governments or people who represent us would cause a big effect on food security. I also think that climate changes can cause the most effect on food security because it changes the weather and also causes the temperature to change all around the world. It also causes the world to have more natural disasters all around. Many people lives also changes as the weather around them change.
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: How does food security affect Africa? I was researching this question online and this blog post was attached on one of the pages on It caught my attention because in the urgent evoke game they made up a hypothetical situation of food security and I wanted to know about an actual one.\n\n"When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. When I asked her why she put herself through this, she replied: "This is how I wake up every day, this is how I survive." I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day.She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically. "\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that agriculture is the main source of food in Africa and the people have to work for their entire lives on crops and farming.\n\nI think this is interesting because people have to do a lot of hard labor. It makes me wonder why in the U.S. and other countries, people are able to retire after a certain age. But, in Africa they have to work their entire lives.
    I'm learning more about food security right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Why is there food security? I was researching this question online and this news item caught my attention because it talks about the reasons why there are food shortages. "The effects of climate change are exacerbating an already vulnerable food supply in Africa, leaving farmers less capable of providing for themselves alone. let alone their communities." The quote i chose here is basically saying that due to global warming, and recent climate changes, crops are not growing as well as they could. As the heat, and cold gets worse plants will not be able to survive. I think this is will not be good for the economy because without farmers being able to grow crops, that means less food for the humanity. It makes me wonder how much longer, it will take before food runs out, and people starve to death. Will the scientists figure out a way for more heat-resistant plants?
    This quote caught my attention !!
    "When I was a child growing up in Zimbabwe, my grandmother used to go to the same one-acre plot of land each day and work long and exhausting hours. "
    "I am now in my twenties and my grandmother is still out there on her plot each day." This woman must be at least in her sixties, still doing this exhausting work.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa right now, and in particular what im wondering about is Why is food security such a big thing in Africa. i was researching this question online and this news article caught my attention because Mr.Allison myi english teacher pointed it out to me.\n\n"She continues to till her field with a hand hoe, using seed saved from previous harvests, and applying a teaspoonful of fertiliser per maize plant. Her working hours and type of inputs have remained the same over the years; however, the yields have been declining drastically."\n\nThe quote i chose here is basically saying that the girl who is mentioned in the quote works hard to plant her crops and take care of the crops to. Food security is important because she wants to be able to feed her family.\n\ni think this is interesting because It makes me wonder about how food security is in other places outside the United States.

NPR Media Player - 0 views

    My current inquiry question is about the legendary sea monster named Lochness. This podcast that I'm listening right now is about a discovery of an ancient long-necked creature named Dinosuffulosaurus,that inhabited the seats of what is now southeast China. The physical features of this creature looks strikingly similar to that of Loch Ness. The interviewer describes this creature as," Imagine an egg, a little bit squashed that is about 3 feet long. And on the front end of that, stick a neck that is about 5 feet long and about 3 inches in diameter. On the end of that put a head that is about 5 inches long. It's a very elongated neck head relative to the size of the body. The back end would've been a tail too but we don't know how big that was because it's not on this fossil." He had also compared the creatures neck to a Giraffes, however it's neck is more slender and long. He comes from a family of the Plesiosaur. What's most interesting is that the creature is not a dinosaur and is often mistakened as on. It is actually a marine reptile. They go on talking about the reptile's neck and what it's use was for. Unlike other reptiles/dinosaurs that possessed a long neck, Dinosuffollosaurus' neck was stiff. They say that reason for its long neck was to deceive their preys to think that they weren't as big as they were until it was too late. This method of feeding is called suction feeding, which is commonly used by many of the sea animals, such as fishes. The creature's fossil is currently in China and is placed there for further

Childhood obesity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Obese children often suffer from teasing by their peers.[10][11] Some are harassed or discriminated against by their own family.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      This is very important because children often becoming suicidal or low self esteemed due to teases made by their peers or own family.
  • Physical inactivity of children has also shown to be a serious cause, and children who fail to engage in regular physical activity are at greater risk of obesity.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      It is very important for an overweight child to engage in physical activity as it can help improve their health and lose weight. The key to fighting obesity is to exercise daily and maintain a healthy eating habit.
  • A 2008 study has found that children who are obese have carotid arteries which have prematurely aged by as much as thirty years as well as abnormal levels of cholesterol[13].
    • Ammy EWSIS
      Why is this so? How does carotid arteries and obesity both contribute to premature aging?
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  • Children's food choices are also influenced by family meals. Researchers provided a household eating questionnaire to 18,177 children, ranging in ages 11–21, and discovered that four out of five parents let their children make their own food decisions.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      A child's weight is highly influenced by their food choices and family meals. It plays a critical role on their diet.Hence if a parent lets their own child make their own food choices, then that wouldn't be good since kids enjoy eating junk food and fast food, which doesn't do any justice to their bodies. Instead, they should be eating healthy nutritious foods such as vegetables and fruits. It is important for the parent to be in charge of what their child consumes. I found out from another source that studies have shown that almost all childs who are overweight, are due to their parents giving them control over what they want to eat.
  • Breast-feeding for example may protect against obesity in later life with the duration of breast-feeding inversely associated with the risk of being overweight later on.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      How does breast feeding contribute to preventing child obesity? Where are the facts to support this?
  • Stress can influence a child's eating habits.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      I agree because sometimes when people are stressed, they tend to eat a lot, because eating usually makes them feel better and happier.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      However, in some case, its different for other people. For example, females are very conscious about their own body appearance. They are very strict to themselves when it comes to having a nice body image. When influenced by a magazine model to look thin, they would binge and not eat; which later on leads to a serious case of anorexia.
  • Childhood obesity however can also lead to life-threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, and other disorders.[6][7] Some of the other disorders would include liver disease, early puberty or menarche, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and asthma and other respiratory problems.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      Yes this is very true. Child obesity can lead to any of these risky factors.
  • Many children fail to exercise because they are spending time doing stationary activities such as playing video games or watching TV. TV and other technology may be large factors of physically inactive children.

Why Global Warming Portends a Food Crisis - TIME - 1 views

  • A comforting thought, except for one thing: it's not true. A study published in the Jan. 9 issue of Science shows that far from compensating for the damages associated with climate change (heavier and more frequent storms, increasing desertification, sea-level rise), hotter temperatures will seriously diminish the world's ability to feed itself.
    "It can be difficult in the middle of winter - especially if you live in the frigid Northeastern U.S., as I do - to remain convinced that global warming will be such a bad thing. Beyond the fact that people prefer warmth to cold, there's a reason the world's population is clustered in the Tropics and subtropics: warmer climates usually mean longer and richer growing seasons. So it's easy to imagine that on a warmer globe, the damage inflicted by more frequent and severe heat waves would be balanced by the agricultural benefits of warmer temperatures." im learning more about this because i jsut finshed reading this i though that this is a good thing and a bad thing becuase i saw it on netgeo that if the earth temptrue go up by 1 or 2 is a major change in the earth it can affect alot of differet things however since global warming gets warmer it means that there will be easyier to grow food however if it keeps on getting hotter is going to be really bad im sure so i guess we need to stp this becuase it's jsut simply bad. in many different ways we are doing this as as a bookmark to show that we did some work and i thought that this article is really cool
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    I'm learning more about how global warming is causing a food crisis all over the world right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is: what is going to happen if nothing is done? I was researching this question online and this article caught my attention because it describes what might happen in the future by providing statistics and evidence. \n\n"In Italy, maize yields fell 36% in 2003, compared with the previous year, and in France they fell 30%. Similar effects were seen during a major heat wave in 1972, which decimated farms in the former Soviet Union, helping push grain prices to worryingly high levels. If those trends hold in the future, the researchers estimate that half the world's population could face a climate-induced food crisis by 2100."\n\nThe quote I chose here is basically saying that global warming is already affecting many countries. We can also see that it has greatly affected us in the past as well. If further actions are not taken, we might all be in a really bad situation the coming years.\n\nI think this is very alarming because it states strong evidence that global warming is affecting agriculture and food production. It makes me wonder what will happen in the future. Will the world be in a climate-induced food crisis by 2100? But, even with all the talks about trying to change the situation, I don't see much change and impact on society. People are procrastinating and not taking this issue seriously. Maybe we'll all just die.
    I totally disagree with this statement. Yes, people may enjoy warmer weather and "It can be difficult in the middle of winter - especially if you live in the frigid Northeastern U.S., as I do - to remain convinced that global warming will be such a bad thing. Beyond the fact that people prefer warmth to cold, there's a reason the world's population is clustered in the Tropics and subtropics: warmer climates usually mean longer and richer growing seasons. So it's easy to imagine that on a warmer globe, the damage inflicted by more frequent and severe heat waves would be balanced by the agricultural benefits of warmer temperatures."
    "With these frightening predictions in mind, we need to try to heat-proof our agriculture. That can be accomplished by using crops that have proved resistant to extreme heat - like sorghum or millet - to breed hybrid-crop varieties that are more capable of withstanding higher temperatures. We'll need to drop any squeamishness about consuming genetically modified crops. Unless we can tap the power of genetics, we'll never feed ourselves in a warmer world. But we'll need to act quickly. It can take years to breed more heat-resistant species, and investment in agricultural research has shriveled in recent years." This is a great way to get ideas going to test what can work and what won't work in these tough times. We have to figure out ways to continue growing crops through these harsh and terrible weather conditions. We have to be smart and conduct new ways. We need this. Really badly. Its the only way we can help the starving people around the world and how we can help farmers make good money in more than one season.
    I'm learning more about food crisis right now,and in part of this article where it says"So it's easy to imagine that on a warmer globe, the damage inflicted by more frequent and severe heat waves would be balanced by the agricultural benefits of warmer temperatures."I agree with this because it happen to the orange tree dead in Florida due to the change with temperature. Read more:,8599,1870766,00.html#ixzz0iONZcutE "hotter temperatures will seriously diminish the world's ability to feed itself"
    I'm learning more about food security right now,and in particular what I'm wondering about is:why global warning portends a food Crisis?I was researching this question online,and this blog post caught my attention because it have told what will happen in Africa. "Yet many climatologists believe that global warming will make dry areas dryer and further damage farming, which is especially dire news for sub-Saharan Africa, a region that already struggles with heat waves, droughts and famines even as population continues to grow. "Climate change is going to be a major concern for Africa," says Nteranya Sanginga, director of the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Nairobi. "We could lose whole growing seasons."" The quote I chose here is basically saying that the Africa will lose the whole growing season,because the temperature in Africa have the higher temperature effect by the Battisti and Naylor ,it is not the possible effect of changing precipitation patterns.The climatologists believe that global warning will make the dry areas dryer and further damage farming.It make the climate is changing is going be a major concern for Africa. I think this is amazing because it makes me wonder that there have so many country don't have enough food for their people,and because the climate change,make some place can't grow the plants again,so i think if you want solve the problem of the food security, one of the thing you need to do is solve the global warning,make it don't not effect the climate.
    I'm learning more about "food security" right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: what really caused this problem. I was researching this question online, and this article, "Why Globing Warming Portends a Food Crisis" caught my attention because it made me realize the connection between two big global issues. The quote I chose here is basically saying as the temperatures on this planet becomes higher and higher, more and more food is going to be damaged. I think this is really serious because we all would die without food. It makes me wonder what would happen if the temperatures keep going up and causing more serious food security issue. I hope there would be a way to solve these problems.
Paul Allison

Angela Booth's Writing Blog: Top 15 Writing Tips To Help You To Write More - 1 views

    I wonder how helpful this will be for my students.
Anthoulla EWSIS

Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food - 1 views

  • The number of emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006, with the Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost. In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%. The smallest increase was 29% for Staten Island.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      The statsics shows the insecure of the meal and food supply. The whole city is missing food supply and it already become a huge problem that effect many's life.
    • diane ewsis
      I am suprised that many people are going hungry and that since 2006 the rates of hunger have increased tremendously the tally that this has been in the bronx, brooklyn, manhattan, and staten island has gone extremely high.
    • Yu Park
      What I found interesting about this article is that people are starving in a urban where food is plentiful yet people cant get to it.
    • KatherineG EWSIS
      It's hard to believe that so many people are starving. Some thing that stood out for me was when the article stated Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost.In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%." & a 29% for Staten Island. Staten island has the smallest percentage due to how small the island is.Either way the rates of hunger have increased drastically.
  • "Because of the bad economy, New York families that typically donate food, warm clothes and other basics to those in need just can't afford to this year," Gillibrand said. "As a result, food bank shelves have gone bare, and hunger and food insecurity have reached disturbing, historic highs." The Food Bank for New York City, which supplies food to 1,000 agencies providing 300,000 meals a day, found that 93% of city food pantries have seen an increase in first-time visitors over the past year. Half of the pantries reported more than 25% in increased demand over last year.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Many people in NYC need food after the economy went down. New York families miss their home and they couldn't handle their life well. Those people are the ones who really need help from others. The govenment is trying to help, but the government's food bank is missing supplies too.
    • Yu Park
      The reason why the hunger rate is high these days is because of how popluated the cities are and the lack of recognition towards the poor class and the homeless.
  • "Because of the bad economy, New York families that typically donate food, warm clothes and other basics to those in need just can't afford to this year," Gillibrand said. "As a result, food bank shelves have gone bare, and hunger and food insecurity have reached disturbing, historic highs."
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  • "We need to make sure we're helping children and families who were hit the hardest by this economy," Gillibrand said.
    • YuDi EWSIS
      Everyone is meeting the food supplies missing problem. The children and families who were hardest by the econmoy especially needs the help. The government is trying to help them in order to save more people from starving.
    • diane ewsis
      we have to make sure that we try to help as much as possible and also help the children that are currently hunger and they need us and also many families that are being hit by poverty and dont have enough money to feed their children.
    I'm learning more about Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: why more than half of food pantries still had to turn people away because they ran out of food. I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because it explains the problems about giving food to elder people. It also talks about Gillibrand and Sen. Chuck Schumer are co-sponsoring legislation to make permanent the Good Samaritan Hunger Relief Tax Incentive that encourages businesses to donate unused food items to food banks. It also states that another piece of legislation Gillibrand is co-sponsoring to help support food pantries and other charities is an extension of tax credits for seniors when they make charitable donations from their retirement savings. Such credits are set to expire at the end of this year. A paragraph that caught my eye was " Emergency measures taken in Washington over the past year dramatically increased the availability of food stamps and government purchases of food for emergency relief programs, according to Triada Stampas, the Food Bank's director of government relations and public education, but failed to fill the gap in the city." This is because it explains about food emergency. "Because of the bad economy, New York families that typically donate food, warm clothes and other basics to those in need just can't afford to this year," Gillibrand said. "As a result, food bank shelves have gone bare, and hunger and food insecurity have reached disturbing, historic highs." " The quote I chose here is basically saying the because of the bad economy that we are having right now sometimes it hard for them to find food. I think this is strong because without money sometimes it's hard to get food. But if people donate or give food that they don't eat then that's good.
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    I'm learning more about food insecurity right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: what cause the rate of food insecurity to increase. I was researching this question online, and this news article, "Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food" caught my attention because it explains what I'm wondering. The quote I chose here is basically saying that as the economy goes down, those who always donate clothes and other food supplies stopping donating because they cannot afford to. This is one of the biggest reason that food crisis in queens is becoming more serious. I think this is very sad because it makes me wonder how many people in our city right now don't have food to eat and can barely survive. I'm now recalling how much food that I have wasted since I was born. I believe that if I had saved all that amount of food, I would have saved a lot of people. Therefore, from now on I will try my best not to waste any food and join those who donate food to poor people.
    I'm learning more about the food security right now,and in particular what I'm wondering about is :What is the food problem in NY? I was researching this question online,and this news item caught my attention because we have look for the food security in the Africa,and we are looking for the food security in America now,then i saw this topic,and i think it is interesting. "The number of emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006, with the Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost. In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%. The smallest increase was 29% for Staten Island.The report found that 340,000 households across the city are now considered "food insecure" - meaning that these families are unsure when or how they will get their next meal - with 53,285 in the Bronx. " The quote I chose here is basically saying that the food security in New York is very important,because the news said that the number of the emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006.Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx,which saw a 100% boost.Brooklyn jump was 75% and Manhattan 62%.the less increase was 29% in Staten Island. I think this is amazing because i don't really know that was a big problem in the New York,it make me wonder that not only the food problem in Africa,it also happened in the place that I lived,that i have never know it make me very amazing.I think we should solve the food problem also.
    "The report from the office of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand shows a dramatic 55% rise in the need for emergency food relief statewide, and a 75% increase in New York City overall. The number of emergency meals provided to the city's hungry has jumped in every borough since 2006, with the Queens tally topped only by that in the Bronx, which saw a 110% boost. In Brooklyn the jump was 75% and in Manhattan 62%. The smallest increase was 29% for Staten Island." This is something that I couldn't believe. Are these numbers really true? I mean there are these many people who need food in my area? I mean I know in Queens I have seen many homeless people and food drives all around the city but I never knew it was due to the fact because there are these amount of people who need it. Its sad and shocking and I think I am going to start putting in my two cents and try to hep out. I think I will start volunteering at a food drive or something. This is crazy how people are in hunger like this.
    "Emergency measures taken in Washington over the past year dramatically increased the availability of food stamps and government purchases of food for emergency relief programs, according to Triada Stampas, the Food Bank's director of government relations and public education, but failed to fill the gap in the city.\n\n"More than half of food pantries still had to turn people away because they ran out of food," Stampas said. "
    I'm learning more about food security in queens right now, and in particular what i'm wondering about is why are people hungry all of the sudden. I was researching this question online, and this new posts caught my attention because, why is only Queens having this food problems and why does the title have the borough queens and not any other borough. "The report found that 340,000 households across the city are now considered "food insecure" - meaning that these families are unsure when or how they will get their next meal - with 53,285 in the Bronx. " The quote i chose here is basically saying that food is really scarce and people don't know when is the next time they will be able to eat. Several people in the Bronx have to worry about this for sure because there are so many of them in this condition. I think this is a true statement because, several people are having such a low amount of food and they don't know when they gonna have their next meal.I think that why their are so many emergency security food and meals are being passed out all around the boroughs in NYC.
    I'm learning more about food security right now and in particular what I'm wondering about is Is there a food problem in Queens? I was researching this question online, and this news post caught my attention because it mentioned exactly what i wanted to know.\n\n\n"Queens sees huge surge in demand for emergency meals and food." "Queens has seen a whopping 106% sspike in the number of emergency mealss provided to hungry residents in the past two years."\n\nThe quote i chose here is basically saying that there has been a huge jump in the number of emergency food distributed to the people. Amny people are in a food crisis, and is worried about what they are going to eat in days to come. \n\nI think this is not good because what will happen when there are no emergencey food rations left then what will happen to the people? I believe New York State should do something about this before it gets worse than it is.
    I'm learning more about food security in Africa as well as New York right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: why is food security a problem in New York City, the city that I live in. I was researching this question online, and this news article caught my attention because it shows how my community is suffering from food security. Food security affects the world and the people around us. "We need to make sure we're helping children and families who were hit the hardest by this economy,' Gillibrand said." The quote I chose here is basically saying that we as a country are suffering from hunger. This is very surprising because children and families are suffering and we should help them. The economy affected the rate of food security, because a lot of adults lost their jobs and now they cant afford to put food on the table. I think this is shocking because so many people lost their jobs in the last two years with the economic crisis that now, thousands of children and families are suffering. It makes me wonder how many people are suffering from hunger not only in the US or Africa, but the whole world. I found out that India is going through some food crisis and that many children are dying from hunger. I don't think this is an issue not many people think about. That's what makes me think.
CameronD EWSIS

UNFPA - Abandoning Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation in the Afar Region of Ethiopia - 1 views

    I read this article that the evoke site has provided in the womanswatch feed link they provided with a bunch of other links. This story really stood out for me. A woman is standing up for what she thinks is right despite ridicule and harsh opinions she is getting from her community. She used to practice female mutilation in thinking it was for the practice for her Islamic religion. Its like a female circumcision. "In the Afar region, women have traditionally been subjected to the most severe form of the practice, infibulation, usually between the ages of seven to nine. In some districts it is carried out within the first few days after birth. Infibulation involves the entire removal of the clitoris, the labia minora and labia majora, followed by sealing of the wound, which leaves only a small hole for the passage of urine and menses. Figures show that 63.2 per cent of women in the Afar region have undergone infibulation (some people are now practicing a less extreme form). The practice leaves the girls with severe pain and trauma, shock, haemorrhage, sepsis, urine retention, ulceration of the genital region, and urinary infection, among other complications. Obstruction and tearing during sexual intercourse or childbirth is common." She now stops due to the seriousness that it is very bad for woman to get such treatment and can affect their bodies negatively, along with the main reason it doesn't support her religion.
    Im learning more about womens rights right now, and in particular im wondering about this: why do people continue to combat ancient traditions with "new age" materials. I was researching this question online, and this blood post (;jsessionid=79251EA07F4AF207A35AD2EE993377DC) caught my attention. It caught my attention because removal of genitals is a tradition, and im curious as to why people are combating that. "A smile formed on Dohra Ali's face when she recalled what her eldest daughter asked her a couple of years ago. "Mother, is there a place in this world where FGM is not practised where I could go to?" At the time, the question came as an affront to Dohra, who was herself one of the women in the community who did the cutting." The quote i chose here is basically saying, Dohra's daughter has inspired her to combat ancient traditions. I think this is a heavy impact because, when a mother sees her daughter scared and worried, that mother would do anything to protect them. It makes me wonder where our society is heading in the future if we continue to abandon ancient traditions

ESCAP Press Release: ESCAP Urges Recognition of Women's Informal Work as Crucial to Improving Women's Rights across Asia - 0 views

  • A special session to commemorate International Women’s Day on 25 March at ESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, with the theme, “Women Speak Up: Voices from the Informal Sector,” heard messages about valuing women’s informal work and their contributions to the global economy. The event included a discussion on women informal workers, addressing accountability and the need to affirm the value of women’s work in the informal sector while making linkages with migration, HIV, violence against women and women’s leadership.
  • “We must have the involvement of women and girls in finding effective solutions. It is women who raise sons and daughters and are influencing children’s attitudes and values about gender equality and human rights,” said keynote speaker Dr. Saisuree Chutikul, a former Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and current member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. “They should have freedom to express their views, to participate in decision-making and have leadership roles in areas of their concern.”
  • “Women are more marginalized than men. And as workers, women are the bottom of the job hierarchy. They have limited access to productive resources, often working for low wages, in contractual and flexible employment, without legal or social protections or collective bargaining mechanisms, and subject to market vagaries,”
    A special session to commemorate International Women's Day on 25 March at ESCAP headquarters in Bangkok, with the theme, "Women Speak Up: Voices from the Informal Sector," heard messages about valuing women's informal work and their contributions to the global economy. The event included a discussion on women informal workers, addressing accountability and the need to affirm the value of women's work in the informal sector while making linkages with migration, HIV, violence against women and women's leadership. "We must have the involvement of women and girls in finding effective solutions. It is women who raise sons and daughters and are influencing children's attitudes and values about gender equality and human rights," said keynote speaker Dr. Saisuree Chutikul, a former Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister of Thailand and current member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. "They should have freedom to express their views, to participate in decision-making and have leadership roles in areas of their concern." "Women are more marginalized than men. And as workers, women are the bottom of the job hierarchy. They have limited access to productive resources, often working for low wages, in contractual and flexible employment, without legal or social protections or collective bargaining mechanisms, and subject to market vagaries,"
Gavriela C

Make Way Partners - 0 views

  • ue to the war in Sudan, there are thousands of orphans in the South with no government infrastructure to help these vulnerable at-risk children. Make Way Partners is making a difference with the help of committed individuals like you through offering complete care by protecting, housing, feeding, medically treating and educating hundreds of children through our indigenous ministries - New Life Ministry & Hope For Sudan.  The death rate of un-housed orphans is very high due to exposure to weather, wildlife, and rape. In 2006, more than 280 orphans died at night in our Nyamlell community directly because of not having housing. By meeting more than the basic survival needs of these children and by ministering to both Darfur Refugees and Southern Sudanese children - we are helping to raise-up a generation of educated Peace Makers, rather than deprived revenge seekers.
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