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Michael Dodes

Learning and Teaching PDF from NYC DOE School Library Services Handbook - 0 views

    The NYC DOE Department of School Library Services publishes a handbook for librarians which includes a curriculum for research with grade level benchmarks called the Information Fluency Continuum and a process for Research called the Stripling Model. This document contains the grade level benchmarks and the Research process.
CorrineA EWSIS

Insomnia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • Insomnia is typically followed by functional impairment while awake.
    • Paul Allison
      So this is saying that when you don't sleep at night you often get hurt the next day.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      I guess this is saying that if you are not usually asleep when you normally would be, you are less attentive. You could bump into something or hurt your foot etc. When you are between being awake and being asleep that can also damage you in the morning.
  • Insomnia is a symptom[1] which can accompany of any of several sleep, medical and psychiatric disorders, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep despite the opportunity.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      It's important because knowing what insomnia is helps to figure out what sleepless night are and why they occur.
  • According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services in the year 2007, approximately 64 million Americans regularly suffer from insomnia each year.[3] Insomnia is 1.4 times more common in women than in men.[4]
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      This sentence is important because statistics mean that there are personal experiences out there to investigate in the mysterious questions circulating sleepless nights
    • kavoy jones
      The more i look up research on this topic the more i realize that i have insomnia myself. Before i was told that its from stressed, something on my mind or feelings i had kept hidden. Every where i looked for information about it they all seem to save diffrent things how you can have it but they all did say the syptoms and i do have them.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Transient insomnia lasts from days to weeks. It can be caused by another disorder, by changes in the sleep environment, by the timing of sleep, severe depression, or by stress. Its consequences - sleepiness and impaired psychomotor performance - are similar to those of sleep deprivation.[5]
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      this helps to know the different types of insomia so in case you come across sleepless nights then you can figure out what your symtoms may be
  • Acute insomnia is the inability to consistently sleep well for a period of between three weeks to six months.[6]
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      This type of insomnia is not very long but is is alarming to those who can't get a good night's sleep for months.
  • Chronic insomnia lasts for years at a time. It can be caused by another disorder, or it can be a primary disorder. Its effects can vary according to its causes. They might include sleepiness, muscular fatigue, hallucinations, and/or mental fatigue; but people with chronic insomnia often show increased alertness. Some people that live with this disorder see things as though they were happening in slow motion, wherein moving objects seem to blend together. Can cause double vision.[5]
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      Is there more to this because I wonder how long chronic insomnia can go on.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      Does chronic mean consistantly?
  • In many cases, insomnia is caused by another disease, side effects from medications, or a psychological problem.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      What types of diseases cause mild sleepless nights?
  • Many insomniacs rely on sleeping tablets and other sedatives to get rest. All sedative drugs have the potential of causing psychological dependence where the individual cannot psychologically accept that they can sleep without drugs[citation needed].
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      What types of sedatives can give you psychological diseases?
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      Are sedatives harmful to you nervous system?
  • Restless Legs Syndrome can cause insomnia due to the discomforting sensations felt and need to move the legs or other body parts to relieve these sensations. It is difficult if not impossible to fall asleep while moving.
  • Some antidepressants such as amitriptyline, doxepin, mirtazapine, and trazodone can often have a very strong sedative effect, and are prescribed off label to treat insomnia.[33] The major drawback of these drugs is that they have antihistaminergic, anticholinergic and antiadrenergic properties which can lead to many side effects. Some also alter sleep architecture.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      I think that these are important because they are partly the reason why some people have sleepless nights. Also because these are anti-depressants and they are the laeding cause of sleepless nights which answers part of my question
  • The antihistamine diphenhydramine is widely used in nonprescription sleep aids such as Tylenol PM, with a 50 mg recommended dose mandated by the FDA. In the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries, a 25 mg to 50 mg recommended dose is permitted.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      Why is this relevant to the treatment?
  • Cyproheptadine is a useful alternative to benzodiazepine hypnotics in the treatment of insomnia. Cyproheptadine may be superior to benzodiazepines in the treatment of insomnia because cyproheptadine enhances sleep quality and quantity whereas benzodiazepines tend to decrease sleep quality.
    • CorrineA EWSIS
      What these two sentences are saying is that Cyproheptadine way better then benzodiazepines in the treatment of insomnia.

Environment Institute strives to shrink carbon footprint - 0 views

    Something that I have been interested in learning more about has been about Environment. I remember my Math Teacher talking about it during his math class, but I didn't have a good explanation on what he really meant. Lately, the issue had caught my eye again. I know that many people feel that why is the environment important to the world and us? From what I have heard many scientist say that we need to have the environment clean. For example I hread that if we dont keep the environment clean we are destryoing ourselves. Now that's what I have heard, it may or may not be true. On thing that I know for sure about Environment is that it's what we live in and we need to make the best of it. Now I've studied my share of Biology and I believe that the Environment is caused by the smokes and other stuff that damages the world. Personally that's what I know and it may sound kind of funny but hey that's what ever one says. The most important about this topic is that Environment is what it keeps us on this world. An important quote that I believe that is given alot of information is where it says: Be the change you want to see in the world, said former UCL student Mahatma Gandhi - and staff at the UCL Environment Institute are acting on his advice.Staff calculated the carbon footprint of their work-related travel as part of an ongoing attempt to reduce the institute's impact on the environment.The study was based on the movements of a total of 12 staff and three PhD students during the 2007/08 academic year.The staff based their calculations on guidelines from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).They used the guidelines to calculate precisely how much carbon was emitted in the course of their work-related travel. According to the article :: The total carbon dioxide emissions for staff in 2007/08 amounted to 29.64 tonnes as a result of 231,700 kilometres of travel - an average of 2.5 tonnes per person. Of the total
Paul Allison

New School Rules on Bias Bullying - - 0 views

  • “Simply put, there is just no place for prejudice or hate or bullying in our schools,” said Mr. Bloomberg, who was joined by Schools Chancellor Joel I. Klein as he announced the rules.The policy is intended to deter intimidation and harassment based on ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.Every principal will be required to designate a staff member to whom students can report bullying, and schools will be required to report complaints to the Department of Education within 24 hours.The schools will have to investigate the complaints and contact the families of students accused of bias-based harassment.
    • Paul Allison
      This makes me wonder how much bullying has -- at it heart -- the kinds of harassment and intimidation that they are trying to address in this policy. Is it about "ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability?" If so than it appreciation of these differences that we need to work on if we want to deal with bullying, cyber or face-to-face.
AndreaLee EWSIS

Religion and divorce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      This is important because Catholicism is the only religion that does not allow for a divorce.
  • "Let not the wife depart from her husband...let not the husband put away his wife" (1 Corinthians 7:10-11), but he also includes the Pauline privilege.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      This demonstrates that Jesus did not support divorces. (What is the Pauline privilege?)
  • For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth. . . . So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Biblical law in Christianity
  • consummated sacramental
  • Dharmic religions do not have a concept of divorce. A person following these religions cannot divorce his/her spouse. However, the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 applicable to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and Jains in India does have provisions for divorce under some circumstances.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      This is important, well not really, because I can compare other religions with Catholicism.
  • However, divorced Catholics are still welcome to participate fully in the life of the church so long as they have not remarried against church law,
  • Since Deuteronomy 24:1-4 did not give Jewish women the right to directly initiate a divorce (See Agunah), did Jesus' answers "in the house" to his disciples expand the rights of women or did they merely acknowledge that some Jewish women, such as Herodias who divorced Herod Boethus, were wrongfully taking rights because Jewish women were being assimilated by other cultures?
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      Just wondering if this paragraph does me any good. It feels as if though I need prior information to understand.
Chris Sloan

Teacher's Guide - 0 views

    Teacher's Guide for the U.S. Labor Department's Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition.
Shehrina EWSIS

E.T. to Earth: Don't Get Me Sick - Space | NASA | Solar System | Planets | Shuttle | As... - 0 views

  • "If terrestrial bugs make it to Mars can they survive and grow, or would they be able to thrive in extreme environments?" asks lead author of the paper Wayne Nicholson, who is a professor at the Department of Microbiology & Cell Science at the University of Florida, Kennedy Space Center. "So far, our results show that they wouldn't be able to grow."
    This is pretty interesting to be because imagine they find a way to plant trees & flowers in mars and they actually survive. Then people might be able to live there too. That would be pretty awesome.
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