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Marge Runkle

50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom - 1 views

    Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom.
Michelle Krill

How to Automatically Record Skype Calls - 1 views

    "Skype is a great way of calling people from all over the world. However, it lacks the call-record feature. One way to utilize this feature is to use the MP3 Skype Recorder program. This software can automatically record all your incoming and outgoing Skype calls. The output audio's format is MP3, so it's easy for you to listen and share the recorded call. You can use it as a podcast or as an instructional audio."
Ben Louey

Skype in the classroom (beta) | Skype Education - 1 views

    Skype in the classroom is a free directory for teachers who want to use Skype to bring education to life in their classrooms. Join today to share resources, chat with teachers and even pair classes.
Michelle Krill

About Skype in the classroom | Skype Education - 0 views

    Skype in the classroom is a free global community that invites teachers to collaborate on classroom projects where they might use Skype, and share skills and inspiration around specific teaching needs.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

"Skype Jobs" for Students - 2 views

    from Silvia Tolisano's Langwitches Blog - She shares the "Skype Jobs" of her students for when they get ready to conduct a Skype call.
Michelle Krill

How dangerous is Skype? - Computerworld - 1 views

    "There's been a lot information -- and misinformation -- available about whether Skype is dangerous to corporate networks and individual users. How dangerous is it? In this article, I'll separate the truth from the myths when it comes to Skype vulnerabilities."
Ann Baum (Johnston)

PowerGramo Skype Recorder - 0 views

    Record skype and do a lot more! PC users
Michelle Krill

Integrating Tech: Backchanneling Basics #10 - Skype - 0 views

    Skype as a backchanneling tool.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Skype An Author Network - 0 views

    Skype an Author Into Your Library or Classroom
Michelle Krill

skrbl: easy to share online whiteboard - 0 views

    Share resources with your team, co browse the web, annotate shared documents, video phone, skype calls ... share ideas, communicate & sync like never before. 'team-skrbl' is the next best thing to being in the same room.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Audio Hijack Pro: - 0 views

    Record any audio on Mac OS X - use for recording skype on a mac
Michelle Krill

Grandview Elementary School Blog - 0 views

    An elementary library site. Amazing.
    An elementary library site.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

The Mixxer | Language Exchange for Everyone - 0 views

    The Mixxer is a free educational site for language learners hosted by Dickinson College. The Mixxer is designed to connect language learners around the world so that everyone is both student and teacher.
Michelle Krill

Digitally Speaking / Videoconferencing - 0 views

    "To make the most of videoconferences, teachers must introduce students to a set of skills that are not always necessary in traditional classrooms. The tools and resources on this page can help teachers to structure meaningful learning experiences with videoconferences. "
pctech spportnow

PC Tech Support Now Really Helps - 2 views

I am a father of two and my wife is working abroad. There came a time when my computer experienced a breakdown which really cut off my daily chatting session with my wife through Skype. I reported ...

virus protection tech support PC technical

started by pctech spportnow on 12 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
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