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Bill Kuykendall

BBC - Viewfinder: David Campbell on photojournalism in the age of image abundance - 0 views

  • our 'photo-op' culture, where much of everyday life seems picture driven and played out in front of the camera.
  • "As a professional practice, photojournalism has historically relied on two forms of scarcity. The first involved the scarcity of skills to make good images, and the second the scarcity of popular access to the dominant forms of print distribution, the newspapers and magazines. Both of these limits have now been fundamentally challenged.
  • "Amateurs are able to purchase and use the best camera technology to make striking photographs, and - although it is not solely responsible for the decline of newspapers - the transformative power of the Internet has reduced the cost of publication to near zero, thereby opening up new channels for the circulation of imagery. Together these transformations have produced a new era of abundant pictures.
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  • The task is to find ways to leverage the new possibilities enabled by the Internet to sustain production and enhance circulation, while presenting the work in a variety of formats across a range of platforms to reach as many people as possible.
Bill Kuykendall

BBC - Viewfinder: Michael Kamber on photojournalism today - 0 views

  • "Yet we are the last stalwarts; my photojournalist friends at other mainstream newspapers say their travel budgets are gone. The LA Times, US News and Newsweek appear to be sliding towards bankruptcy; The Washington Post closed nearly all its foreign bureaux; Time is a shadow of its former self.
  • what is dead is not photojournalism - what is dead is the particular culture of photojournalism that supported us for the past 30 years.
  • new models for raising cash to do projects - the grants, agency workshops, Emphasis, the partnerships with NGOs (which I find troubling for reasons I won't detail here), and others. I myself am using Emphasis to raise money for a book project.
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  • a photojournalist today has to be much more of an overall journalist - video, written pieces, and multi-media are crucial to stitching together a living.
  • "Do I like this new developing model? Not much. Does it allow for a photographer to have job security, raise a family with health insurance, know that someone will evacuate him or her if injured in a warzone? Absolutely not.
  • What troubles me is that we are becoming ghettoised. As the mainstream press dies a slow and ugly death, we increasingly work for each other - for the cultish community of photo festivals and workshops, awards and grants, boutique print collectors.
Bill Kuykendall

Viewing Feed - 0 views

  • I was confronted with the fact that traditional media was rarely publishing, let alone commissioning, long-form visual journalism. I saw the dearth of assignments as an opportunity that would force me to find different, and potentially more personally fulfilling, ways to reach an audience.
  • "I figured that if my primary goal was not to publish in traditional print media, then I should take on projects that were larger and demanded a broader platform. I began to investigate ways to finance those projects and avenues to distribute them. I began to look for grants to produce the work, but was equally interested in figuring out how to reach an audience outside of traditional media outlets in a way that could still have a significant impact.
  • I'm Phil Coomes, picture editor and photographer for the BBC News website. This is my blog where I'll be exploring the world of photojournalism, photos in the news and BBC News' use of photographs, including those by our readers.
Bill Kuykendall

F.C.C. Expanding Efforts to Connect More Americans to Broadband - - 0 views

  • Various studies have shown that the major reasons people do not have broadband are: the cost of Internet services and the cost of computers; not knowing how to use a computer; and not understanding why the Internet is relevant.
  • Last week, Mr. Genachowski outlined a plan to transform the $8 billion Universal Service Fund, most of which comes from consumers’ telephone bills nationwide, from subsidizing telephone service in underserved areas to expanding broadband access in those areas. He said Tuesday that some of the money from this fund could be used to help expand computer classes in libraries.
Bill Kuykendall

Learning Through Digital Media » Introduction: Learning Through Digital Media - 0 views

  • The altered roles of the teacher and the student substantially change teaching itself. Learning with digital media isn’t about giving our well-worn teaching practices a hip appearance; it is, more fundamentally, about exploring radically new approaches to instruction. The future of learning will not be determined by tools but by the re-organization of power relationships and institutional protocols. Digital media, however, can play a positive role in this process of transformation.
  • Re-Imagining Learning in the 21st Century, described good contemporary teachers as learning experts, mentors, motivators, technology integrators, and diagnosticians.
  • How do we ignite student engagement, political and creative imagination, intellectual quest, and the desire for lifelong learning?
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  • The most burning problem for digital learning is technological obsolescence and the attendant need to learn and readapt to new technological milieus and cycles of transformation. Openness, flexibility, playfulness, persistence, and the ability to work well with others on-the-fly are at the heart of an attitude that allows learners to cope with the unrelenting velocity of technological change in the 21st century. Digital media fluency also requires an understanding of the moment when technological interfaces hinder learning and become distracting.
  • Technological skills have never had a shorter shelf life. Learning to learn with digital media is about conducting continual small experiments. MIT professor and director of the Lifelong Kindergarten project, Mitchel Resnick, argued that “the point isn’t to provide a few classes to teach a few skills; the goal is for participants to learn to express themselves fluently with new technology” (Herr-Stephenson et al. 25).
  • Digital media can help learners to become more active participants in public life and, moreover, can facilitate subversive, radical pedagogy and civic engagement.
Bill Kuykendall

Diane Russell: Coming Out of the Black - 0 views

  • it turns out that some powerful Republicans in some agricultural states have supporters who have been poaching into the spectrum LightSquared owns and intends to use for a new nationwide broadband network.
  • the LightSquared initiative is a game changer. It builds on the satellite network already familiar to boaters and first responders to create a national wireless network with no dead zones -- if you have access to the American sky, you have access to your phone and the Internet.
  • While LightSquared now says it has fixed most of the GPS interference problems, including issues with "high precision" GPS devices , the GPS industry said "no way," and -- finding that perhaps the FCC was not buying the story -- spent millions to expand the debate into Congress and anywhere else it could find, like the Department of Defense.
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  • "GPS industry insiders and government end users manipulated the latest round of tests to generate biased results."
  • In Maine, we used Recovery Act funds to invest in the Three Ring Binder project that is bringing broadband to parts of the state that did not have it. But there are still places that need broadband for businesses to compete, their kids to learn and to bridge a very real digital divide.
Bill Kuykendall

Express - Newspaper on the Behance Network - 0 views

  • As my final year class room project, I decided to take up the Newspaper design.
  • The complete newspaper of over 20 pages reduces to mere 4 pages of essential and selective reading, as the reader doesnt have the complete time to read the entire news, though he wished he had been able to read everything.
Mary Kay McFarland

Tell me a story dammit - 0 views

    Blog post about the importance of narrative and scene setting. Uses a recent story on town meeting after the oil spill.
Bill Kuykendall

When Companies Respond to Online Criticism With Lawsuits - - 0 views

  • the latest incarnation of a decades-old legal maneuver known as a strategic lawsuit against public participation, or Slapp.
  • meritless defamation suits filed by businesses or government officials against citizens who speak out against them. The plaintiffs are not necessarily expecting to succeed — most do not — but rather to intimidate critics who are inclined to back down when faced with the prospect of a long, expensive court battle
Bill Kuykendall

The Media Equation - Bids for Newsweek Due This Week - - 0 views

  • in the current digital news ecosystem, having “week” in your title is anachronistic in the extreme, what an investor would call negative equity.
  • in a publishing landscape filled with the lame and infirm, weeklies are the most profoundly challenged. A weekly schedule, with its tight turnarounds and frenzied production, is costly as a matter of course. Monthlies can still do step-backs for readers who don’t expect to see what happened five minutes ago, and daily newspapers have co-opted the newsweekly formula to build in real-time analysis.
  • It is axiomatic that in the current epoch, it is much less cost-intensive to build out a new brand than to try to walk back the cat on a legacy business.
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  • “These kinds of businesses garner a disproportionate amount of public attention for their economic significance because they are culturally significant,”
  • One of the biggest logical barriers to buying the magazine has to do with its current ownership: If the Graham family, who are careful, good publishing operators, could not make a go of it, how might someone else? Any publicly owned company that bought the weekly would be raked over the coals by its shareholders, and a private buyer would have to have a plan, a lot of confidence, and a stomach not just for risk, but big losses.
Bill Kuykendall

Media Cache - London Newspapers Challenge Web's Gratis Orthodoxy - - 0 views

  • As The Times and its Sunday sibling challenge the Internet orthodoxy that readers will refuse to pay for general news online, some of the conventions of newspaper Web design are already tumbling. Freed from the imperative to generate clicks and to lure search engines, The Times and Sunday Times have taken a novel, reader-focused approach that minimizes distractions.
  • advertisers are most interested in audiences who actually care about what they read or watch, rather than the casual Web surfers.
  • The new Sunday Times site is particularly striking visually, with a heavy emphasis on photography. Clicking on an article brings it up in a separate box, with everything else on the page shrouded in a dark gray screen that makes for easier reading.
Bill Kuykendall

AP Stylebook Adds 42 New Guidelines for Social Media - 0 views

  • The AP Stylebook has released its new social media guidelines, including the official change from “Web site” to “website” (a move first reported back in April) and 41 other definitions, use cases and rules that journalists should follow.
  • Finally, the AP also offers some basic rules of thumb for how social media should and shouldn’t be used by journalists, with a focus on making sure they continue to confirm sources and information they find on blogs, tweets and other forms of social media.
Bill Kuykendall

YouTube - Goose Fight! - 0 views

    Now THAT's entertainment!
Bill Kuykendall

Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price - - 0 views

  • While many people say multitasking makes them more productive, research shows otherwise. Heavy multitaskers actually have more trouble focusing and shutting out irrelevant information, scientists say, and they experience more stress.
  • “The technology is rewiring our brains,” said Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse and one of the world’s leading brain scientists. She and other researchers compare the lure of digital stimulation less to that of drugs and alcohol than to food and sex, which are essential but counterproductive in excess.
  • The nonstop interactivity is one of the most significant shifts ever in the human environment,
Bill Kuykendall

Editorial - The Digital Pulse - - 0 views

  • Like most technologies, our new electronic digisphere is made up of good and bad. How we use it is, as always, up to us.
Bill Kuykendall

20 Photojournalists' fantastic portfolios :: 10,000 Words - 0 views

  • The digital era has revolutionized photography. Photojournalists not only have access to high-end cameras with a seemingly infinite number of features, but their photos can be presented in many different ways, including slideshows and multimedia packages. However, it doesn't matter the technology that powers the photography, what matters is the eye and innate skill of the photographer, as evidenced below.
Bill Kuykendall

"Is Social Media A Fad?" New Video With Mind Blowing Stats | - 0 views

  • Still skeptic about social media, watch this new video” with mind blowing stats
Bill Kuykendall

News Corporation Prepares to Charge for Online Content - - 0 views

  • Speaking to investors last month, Mr. Murdoch said that the News Corporation was in “final discussions with a number of publishers, device makers and technology companies” about digital delivery of news and entertainment. “We will soon develop an innovative subscription model that will deliver digital content to consumers wherever and whenever they want it,” he said.
Bill Kuykendall

Discovery Education: Web 2.0 Tools - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 is about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing user-generated content online. It's also about ease of use. There's no need to download, and teachers and students can master many of these tools in minutes. Technology has never been easier or more accessible to all.
Bill Kuykendall

Top Giving Foundations: West Virginia - 0 views

  • The following list of top giving foundations in West Virginia is derived from The Grantsmanship Center'ssm funding databases.
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