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Where There's a Will, There's a Way - Associated Content - - 0 views

    I know what you're going to say. You're going to say that I'm writing about a cliche. I have one thing to say about that, it is not only a cliche; it's truth at it's very best.

Going Within Your Self - Associated Content - - 0 views

    Do you really know your self? Do you know who you are and where your going? Can you sum up your purpose in one or two words?

If You've Had a Head Injury and Still Struggle to Live Some Type of a Normal Life Read ... - 0 views

    I guess one of the most frustrating things is that when somebody is trying to explain how to do something to me, and for some reason I just don't get it.

Failure is the Best Teacher - Associated Content - - 0 views

    In my opinion, failure is the best teacher because you are learning from experience. When you totally embrace failure and experience it for what it is, a learning tool; you can get the most out of it.

The Art of Listening - Associated Content - - 0 views

    We all know how to listen, but do we really?

The Value of Patience - Associated Content - - 0 views

    We've all heard the cliche, good things come to those who wait. And in some ways it rings true. We are born into a world in which we wait for a lot of things and how we spend our time waiting is often the determinant of whether we are successful or not in whatever the endeavor may be.

How to Make Your Dreams a Reality - Associated Content - - 0 views

    Knowing how to make your dreams a reality requires a few things. You have to know what you want, you have to know your self well enough to know that it's really what you want because if you really want it bad enough--you're going to have to work your butt off to get it.

Ways that I Deal with Depression - Associated Content - - 0 views

    I have dealt with depression all of my life. I am a head injury survivor. The ways in which I deal with depression are: I take walks, I go jogging, I go see a movie, I laugh a lot, I watch comedy.

Living with the Results of a Head Injury - Associated Content - - 0 views

    So, you may be wondering; what is this guy writing about and why is he writing it? Well, you see, I feel the need to explain things because I don't think that people really understand what it's like to live with a head injury.

The Problems with Having a Head Injury and Medication - Associated Content - associated... - 0 views

    The medical community has come a long way in science. We have more opportunity and help than ever before. When it comes to medication, sometimes I feel like a science experiment because it's not all cut and dry.

Living with the Results of a Head Injury; Part 2 - Life as it Happened - Associated Co... - 0 views

    Life was very hard for me. My problem solving skills were very poor. Every time a problem would come up; my mind would automatically go to a place where I would think about suicide. It didn't matter how big or small the problem was, I would just always start thinking about ways of killing myself.

Living with the Results of a Head Injury - Associated Content - - 0 views

    I was three and a half years old when I was hit by a car. The year was 1974. If I remember correctly; I think it was sometime in April, I only know this because I remember seeing some medical documents that were in my record.

Things-that-will-make-you-smile-and-bring-you-joy - 0 views

    I'm on a mission to change the world, one person at a time. Join me and we'll change the world together. Let's go make a difference. Show us what you got behind those lips. These are things that will make you smile. Remember, you can smile now cry later.

The-photos-that-I-take-with-my-digital-camera - 0 views

    I'm an amateur but, I'm trying. Here's a goofy photo of me taken by me. I have such beautiful facial features that I often have to do a double take when I look in the mirror. I know that I'm stunning and beautiful. Please, don't mistake my arrogance for vanity. This little ole light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

Listening to your intuition can change your life forever - 0 views

    When going with your intuition, you are going with nothing more than a thought or a feeling. People call these hunches and a lot of times they will be right. If they are really good at it, they can have it guide them throughout their life; no matter what the situation. I have a theory about intuition and that is that it can protect you and guide you throughout your life. And so far, so good.

Why-I-love-chocolate-with-all-of-my-taste-buds - 0 views

    Chocolate is my favorite. I have fond recollections of chocolate soothing me as the sweet taste melts in my mouth and inspires my taste buds with delight; no, make that more of a passion and enchantment. Is chocolate the pathway to enlightenment? It sure feels like it. Every time chocolate passes my lips and touches the tip of my tongue, I get this warm and tingly feeling inside.

Seasons greetings for Christmas joy to last all year long - 0 views

    Time to get festive and get the holiday cheer going. Let's make it special and joyous for everyone. No matter what your rime or reason, tis the season to be jolly. You can see that the snowman knows his game; and he has no name. He knows how to spread holiday cheer this time of year. So, get in gear for christmas joy.

Conversation-Fillers-That-Are-Annoying - 0 views

    I want to make people aware of what they're saying and when they're saying it, with the thought in mind of how they're coming across to others. I know that when you are having a conversation with someone, you don't always know what you're going to say or talk about. Sometimes, ideas come out in conversations; giving them a spontaneous quality.

Invent-a-super-hero - 0 views

    I want to be able to invent a super-hero and share it with others. Then, maybe you can invent one too. If we put our minds together, who knows what we can come up with? Just imagine a new generation of super-heroes with new and improved powers. You could even design the clothes that your super hero will wear. If you can imagine the possibilities of what some new super heros could do; then, we can create them and all of humanity will benefit. Let's save the world.

Senseless beauty in nature upon the wild wilderness - 0 views

    As the butterfly sits upon the wild flower, it doesn't have a care; except to enjoy the world for what it is, a place of happiness and joy. Things in the wild are full of beauty. It's no wonder that the wilderness is full of charms in nature. I don't know about you but, sometimes I'm just astonished by the beauty of the wild. It has it's subtle nuances but, it has its own special way of seeing you through.
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