A collection of tech resources, tutorials, and guides, especially for teaching English. You can download all of these documents free of charge or read them online.
Crash Course Tutorial
The Crash
Course Tutorial is available for faculty to use to learn Copyright basics,
especially in the distance learning context.
Google Reader, a tool which can do wonders, is still unused by people. We all know Google Reader as a Web-based aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline, but it can also perform various other useful tasks. I compiled some uses of Google Readers and mentioned the links for tutorials.
Academics have held the online, user-written reference work in some disdain, said Mahzarin R. Banaji, a psychology professor at Harvard University, "but now I'm hearing nothing but enthusiasm, and I really think this is going to work." Ms. Banaji, the association's president, has put the prestige of a leading scholarly group-and her own name-behind the project, which involves a new interface custom-designed to make encyclopedia entries easier to write and edit, a nascent social network that links scholars who share interests, and tutorials for professors on ways to make writing for Wikipedia part of course assignments.