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Contents contributed and discussions participated by karamachida


The Impact of Listening to Music on Cognitive Performance - 7 views

    Listening to music for relaxation is common among students to counter the effects of stress or anxiety while completing difficult academic tasks. Some studies supporting this technique have shown that background music promotes cognitive performance while other studies have shown that listening to music while engaged in complex cognitive tasks can impair performance.

When Does Bilingualism Help or Hurt? | Psychology Today - 1 views

    By Sara Guirgis and Kristina Olson Parents are often asking what they can do to prepare their children for the increasingly globally-connected world. Often that answer has involved encouraging children to learn a second language or, for immigrant families, ensuring they pass on their native language to their children.

How social media is changing language | OxfordWords blog - 4 views

    From unfriend to selfie , social media is clearly having an impact on language. As someone who writes about social media I'm aware of not only how fast these online platforms change, but also of how they influence the language in which I write. The words that surround us every day influence the words we use.
karamachida - 2 views

language technology texting language_evolution
started by karamachida on 06 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
  • karamachida
    Many people say that the most successful communicators have the ability to do both talk and text, but some fear that more people are losing the ability to have or avoiding face to face conversations. (vital to personal and work relationships)
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