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Contents contributed and discussions participated by erikliu17


How Immigration Changes Language - 1 views

    The invention of new ways of speaking is one surprising consequence of migration to Europe. The story of languages is, by and large, one of extinction.

A History of Punctuation for the Internet Age - The New Yorker - 0 views

    "People don't know why they get so upset about language," David Crystal told me recently, over Skype from his home in Wales. " 'Potato's,' with an apostrophe 'S,' " he offered, as an example of the kind of thing that drives some people batty, "but you ask them, 'Why are you so upset?', and they can't answer you."

Texting and Writing - 1 views

    This article discusses how words are made up in the texting language and the benefits and consequences of it.

Texting abbreviations and language learning - 3 views

    Texting language is a new language variety that appears with the Internet and digital media. This language has developed a unique style that requires new terminology, which separates it from daily language.
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