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Contents contributed and discussions participated by alishiraishi21


What Happens When You Have A Speech Disorder? · Frontiers for Young Minds - 0 views

    This article talks about how speech and language disorders can occur in a variety of different ways. Sometimes, people's brains have problems figuring out how to make their mouths and tongues move in the proper way to make the sounds they want to make. The article goes over how these children might have problems learning others things as well such as reading. In other cases, some children have speech language disorders because of cerebral palsy which means that the muscles in their bodies do not work as well as they should, making it harder to make your mouth create the right sounds. or, children might be deaf, and unable to hear that they're making wrong sounds. The article states many different reasons why people might have speech and language disorders

View of A Collaboration Between Music Therapy and Speech Pathology in a Paediatric Reha... - 0 views

    This article shows the importance of music therapy practice when focusing on communication skills with a speech pathologist within a pediatric rehabilitation setting. There is a case about a kid named Sam who is an eleven year old boy who sustained a severe garrotting injury. The article goes over how the individual music therapy program helped him to maximize his potential and motivation in achieving his communication goals, while speech pathology provided therapeutic intervention and outcomes while he re-learned his speech skills.
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