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Vernon Fowler

WordPress › WP Super Cache « WordPress Plugins - 1 views

  • After you have enabled the plugin, look for the file "wp-content/cache/.htaccess". If it's not there you must create it. It should read: # BEGIN supercache <IfModule mod_mime.c> <FilesMatch "\.html\.gz$"> ForceType text/html FileETag None </FilesMatch> AddEncoding gzip .gz AddType text/html .gz </IfModule> <IfModule mod_deflate.c> SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.gz$ no-gzip </IfModule> <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Cache-Control 'max-age=3, must-revalidate' </IfModule> <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/html A3 </IfModule> `` # END supercache
Rika Y

Search Meter: a WordPress plugin » Semicolon - 0 views

  • sm_list_popular_searches() Show a simple list of the 5 most popular recent successful search terms, hyperlinked to the actual search results. sm_list_popular_searches('<h2>Popular Searches</h2>') Show the list as above, with the heading “Popular Searches”. If there have been no successful searches, then this tag displays no heading and no list. sm_list_popular_searches('<li><h2>Popular Searches</h2>', '</li>') Show the headed list as above; this form of the tag should be used in the default WordPress theme. Put it in the sidebar.php file. sm_list_popular_searches('<li><h2>Popular Searches</h2>', '</li>', 10) This is the same as the above, but it shows the 10 most popular searches. sm_list_recent_searches() Show a simple list of the 5 most recent successful search terms, hyperlinked to the actual search results. You can also use the same options as for the sm_list_popular_searches tag.
Vernon Fowler

Jetpack and WordPress SEO * disable OpenGraph in Jetpack * Yoast - 0 views

  • In their last release, they enabled OpenGraph tags by default with no setting to disable it. Even when you already have WordPress SEO enabled and OpenGraph enabled in that. This is making people freak  out everywhere as double OpenGraph tags lead to problems with Google+ and with Facebook.
  • The best solution, honestly, is to install another plugin by Mark Jaquith, called Manual Control for Jetpack. This disables Jetpack automatic activation of new modules. Now you at least have to manually do something for stuff to break on your site when the Jetpack team decides to push new stuff.
  • This particular OpenGraph feature is in the Publicize module, so you’d think you could disable that, but that doesn’t seem to work. Instead, adding this line in your functions.php should fix this particular problem:

    1add_filter( 'jetpack_enable_opengraph', '__return_false', 99 );
Alexis Sgavel

20 More WordPress Code Snippets and Hacks - 0 views

    When coding WordPress themes, especially if you do it regularly, its really useful to have a selection of code snippets in your toolbox to just 'copy-n-paste' as and when the functionality needs. Not just your most commonly used code, but also some snippets that can, when required, extend WP even further.
fasts crack

BuildBox 3 Crack With Activation Code For [MAC & Windows]! - 0 views

    BuildBox 3 Crack - A brand-new software containing new features for minimizing the codding efforts and building the games with modern technology. BuildBox 3 Crack is providing intuitive interface for the professional with great combination of game creating features and avoid the programming and codings that actually made the work more time-consuming, difficult troubleshooting, hard to detect the errors and problems. Moreover, If you are the game developers than it will give you now drag and drop options to add the elements, texts, graphics, and others things that make the full working games. In this way, your hard coding procedure will avoid and the thousands of time-consuming difficulties will be gone away. So, Just download BuildBox 3 Crack and lets yourself to rest and also do your workout with better in productive. Moreover, It is the lightweight application software with no more system resources usage. The combination of features and easy to use features encourages the users to work more product more. You can also simulate the project live to see what you made and what of changes you made. Finally, It is the great application software for making the medium-sized applications as well as professional games. You will be able to connect the game parts, elements, channels withy no programming scripts.
    BuildBox 3 Crack - A brand-new software containing new features for minimizing the codding efforts and building the games with modern technology. BuildBox 3 Crack is providing intuitive interface for the professional with great combination of game creating features and avoid the programming and codings that actually made the work more time-consuming, difficult troubleshooting, hard to detect the errors and problems. Moreover, If you are the game developers than it will give you now drag and drop options to add the elements, texts, graphics, and others things that make the full working games. In this way, your hard coding procedure will avoid and the thousands of time-consuming difficulties will be gone away. So, Just download BuildBox 3 Crack and lets yourself to rest and also do your workout with better in productive. Moreover, It is the lightweight application software with no more system resources usage. The combination of features and easy to use features encourages the users to work more product more. You can also simulate the project live to see what you made and what of changes you made. Finally, It is the great application software for making the medium-sized applications as well as professional games. You will be able to connect the game parts, elements, channels withy no programming scripts.

I will remove malware from wordpress site with professional malware removal services - 0 views

There are several steps you can take to try to recover a hacked WordPress website. Here are a few: Remove any malware or malicious code from your website files. This can be done manually or by usi...

hacked website recover protect from future cyber attack Plugin Plugins themes Theme cms Design blog blogging wordpress

started by wordpresshacked on 26 Jan 23 no follow-up yet
Luciano Ferrer

WordPress › Peter's Login Redirect « WordPress Plugins - 0 views

    "Redirect users to different locations after logging in and logging out. Define a set of redirect rules for specific users, users with specific roles, users with specific capabilities, and a blanket rule for all other users. Also, set a redirect URL for post-registration. This is all managed in Settings > Login/logout redirects. You can use the syntax [variable]username[/variable] in your URLs so that the system will build a dynamic URL upon each login, replacing that text with the user's username. In addition to username, there is "userslug", "homeurl", "siteurl", "postid-23", "http_referer" and you can also add your own custom URL "variables". See Other Notes / How to Extend for documentation. If you're using a plugin such as Gigya that bypasses the regular WordPress login redirect process (and only allows one fixed redirect URL), set that plugin to redirect to wp-content/plugins/peters-login-redirect/wplogin_redirect_control.php and set the relevant setting to "Yes" at the bottom of the Settings > Login/Logout redirects page in the WordPress admin panel. You can add your own code logic before and between any of the plugin's normal redirect checks if needed. See Other Notes / How to Extend for documentation. Some examples include: redirecting the user based on their IP address; and redirect users to a special page on first login. This plugin also includes a function rul_register that acts the same as the wp_register function you see in templates (typically producing the Register or Site Admin links in the sidebar), except that it will return the custom defined admin address. rul_register takes three parameters: the "before" code (by default ""), the "after" code (by d"
bryan yu

How to use php syntax in Wordpress - 3 views

    Earlier I would have introduced it this "php code widget" that is a wordpress widget allows you to run php syntax, but i find another decent plugin (Exec-PHP) of wordpress these two days. Although it is also the implementation of php syntax, but its advantage is able to use in the article. if you want to use it in widget, you can fill php code in the text. There is a very simple way to install, just download it into your plugin directory and then extract file and active it so that you can add php code in the article and widget...
mcafeehelpteam3 - Enter your Activation Code: Is Mcafee Any Good? - 0 views

    Mcafee 25 digit activation code will guide you with each and every steps for McAfee like from signing up to the mcafee activate enter code account to the steps to download and install McAfee from and then mcafee 25 digit activation code will guide you how to find McAfee activation code and steps to activate as well because McAfee activate is the most important factor otherwise your antivirus will not work.
mcafeehelpteam3 - Enter your Activation Code: why we use McAfee Activate Product Fe... - 0 views

    Mcafee 25 digit activation code will guide you with each and every steps for McAfee like from signing up to the mcafee activate enter code account to the steps to download and install McAfee from and then mcafee 25 digit activation code will guide you how to find McAfee activation code and steps to activate as well because McAfee activate is the most important factor otherwise your antivirus will not work.
sania batool

CorelDRAW X3 Crack Keygen Activation Code Free Download - 0 views

    CorelDRAW X3 Crack Keygen Activation Code Free Download
JR Oakes

Shun the Plugin: 100 WordPress Code Snippets from Across the Net | WordPress, Multisite... - 16 views

    Great Code examples 
Philipp Stracker

How To Create Custom Post Meta Boxes In WordPress - 0 views

  • Since you only want your post meta box to appear on the post editor screen in the admin, you’ll use the load-post.php and load-post-new.php hooks to initialize your meta box code
    Simple steps to add a custom meta-box to default WordPress post-types

An Introduction Into Learning To Code | VirtualSmash - 1 views

    I'm going to give you an introduction to what I personally think is the very best resource online if you really want to learn to code. The learn to code market is absolutely booming and with so many options and companies fighting for the chance to show you how great they are at teaching people how to code, it can be very tough.
Vernon Fowler

Redirection - Manage 301 redirections without modifying Apache | Urban Giraffe - 0 views

  • Full regular expression support
  • Advanced users can make use of regular expressions to reduce the number of redirections they need to create. A regular expression is basically a pattern that tells the plugin how to match.
  • Remember that if the source URL is a regular expression then you must enable the regular expression option, otherwise Redirection will just treat you source URL as plain text.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • match the URL only when the user is logged in
  • Redirect to URL by login status This rule allows you to match a URL based upon the user’s WordPress login status. That is, if they are logged into your site.
  • Export all redirections to CSV, XML, or Apache .htaccess files Import Apache .htacces files
  • Site URL – an advanced option which allows you to set the site base URL
  • Ban IPs – prevents certain IPs from accessing your site
    "Redirection is a WordPress plugin to manage 301 redirections, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This is particularly useful if you are migrating pages from an old website, or are changing the directory of your WordPress installation. "
Christer Rönningborg

101 Useful WordPress Snippets - 0 views

    Snippets are little pieces of code that you can add to your code to enhance it in some way. There are many great snippets available for WordPress that extend the functionality of your site or change what is displayed on a page.
Vernon Fowler

Function Reference/wp title « WordPress Codex - 0 views

  • The wp_title() function should not be used by a theme in conjunction with other strings or functions (like concocting with bloginfo('name') ) to set the title because it will render plugins unable to rewrite page titles correctly. The best practice is to use the wp_title filter with a callback function. This method is now a requirement for themes.
Vernon Fowler

Child Themes « WordPress Codex - 0 views

  • A child theme resides in its own directory in wp-content/themes. The scheme below shows the location of a child theme along with its parent theme (Twenty Twelve) in a typical WordPress directory structure:
  • This directory can contain as little as a style.css file, and as much as any full-fledged WordPress theme contains: style.css (required) functions.php (optional) Template files (optional) Other files (optional)
  • @import url("../twentytwelve/style.css");
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Note on the @import rule There must be no other CSS rules above the @import rule. If you put other rules above it, it will be invalidated and the stylesheet of the parent will not be imported.
  • Unlike style.css, the functions.php of a child theme does not override its counterpart from the parent. Instead, it is loaded in addition to the parent’s functions.php. (Specifically, it is loaded right before the parent’s file.)
  • But, when creating child themes, be aware that using add_theme_support('post-formats') will override the formats as defined by the parent theme, not add to it.
  • A child theme can override any parental template by simply using a file with the same name.
Luciano Ferrer

Style Different Categories in Your WordPress Site Differently Using CSS - Tuts+ Code Tu... - 0 views

    "In the previous tutorial I showed you how to style the posts on your main blog page according to their category, creating color coding by category. A lot of sites that use this technique also take it further by adding distinct styling to each section of their site, in a way that co-ordinates with the styling on the main blog page or home page. You can just use a simple color scheme or add completely different styling to each section, maybe with a different logo or branding for different parts of your organisation, or even a different layout. An example is the London Times website, which uses a different color for each section of its site. The front page uses these colors in a banner above each post, as shown in the screenshot:"
Alex Sysoef

How to Add Logo to Wordpress Site, and Show Code In Worpress | Free Adobe Training, Lea... - 0 views

    How to Show Your Readers HTML or PHP Code
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