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Contents contributed and discussions participated by horowitzza


Americans Say Jews Are the Coolest - The Atlantic - 0 views

  • Maybe it's Seinfeld, or the ubiquitous appeal of bagels. It could be all the Jews in Hollywood, or the YouTube a capella sensations known as the Maccabeats, who flip their latkes with undeniable verve. Whatever the cause, at some point during the last 100 years, America developed a little crush on the chosen people: Jews are officially cool.
  •  Despite making up only two percent of the country's population, despite having only 100 representatives in this 3,000-person poll, Jews were at the top. For Jews like me, this feels like the statistically impossible triumph of Hanukkah, only better.
  • These feelings of warmth toward Jews aren't just fond personal memories of Mrs. Rosenberg from down the street, who makes an excellent kugel; they're a sign of a broad acceptance and appreciation of Jewish culture. Outside of New York City, Jews are generally rare in terms of numbers. Yet in spite of this, they've become seen as normal—and popular—by the population at large.
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  • Still, despite the home-team advantage of the Christians in the survey, who made up more than two-thirds of the sample, Jews got the highest overall ratings.
  • A century ago, when Jewish emigration from Central and Eastern Europe was at its peak, American anti-Semitism was common and fierce.
  • The world at large is full of anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers. Jews, it seems, are not universally accepted; their cool-kid status is unique to America. So why is it different here? Why, despite the anti-Semitism that still exists in the United States, are Americans mostly down with the Jews?

In the Safe Spaces on Campus, No Jews Allowed - The Tower - 0 views

  • College students have risen up to fight racism on campuses across the country. But it is often those very same students who subject Jewish students to anti-Semitism.
  • It was this disquieting, yet growing, trend of hate speech and crimes directed towards Jewish students within the UC system that spurred Mokhtarzadeh and Rosenberg, both Jewish sophomores at UCLA, to attend the conference.
  • The campus was supposed to be their new home, their new safe space—so why didn’t they feel that way?
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  • they saw the school’s pro-Palestinian group, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), issue criticism of Israel that overstepped into anti-Semitic rhetoric and hate.
  • Their freshman year was punctuated by incidents of anti-Semitism that were both personal and met with national controversy. They were shocked during their first quarter in school, when students entered the Bruin Cafe to see the phrase “Hitler did nothing wrong” etched into a table. Months later, Mokhtarzadeh’s friend, Rachel Beyda, was temporarily denied a student government leadership position based solely on her Jewish identity, an event that made news nationwide.
  • the campus progressives who were fighting for justice on college campuses for students of color weren’t only ignoring anti-Semitism and attacks on Jewish identity—they were sometimes the ones perpetuating it.
  • This was quickly made clear on the first day at a session called “Existence is Resistance,” hosted by leaders of UC San Diego’s SJP chapter. Students discussed the boycott of Israel as an issue of urgency for students of color. Rosenberg and Mokhtarzadeh told me that they originally had no intention to engage in dialogue about Israel at the conference, but they were horrified at how attacks on Israel soon devolved into attacks on the Jews.
  • they said that Israel was poisoning the water that they sell into the West Bank, and raising the price by ten times. Any sane person knows that this is not true. They also said that when Jewish-American students go on Birthright trips, the Israeli government offers you money to live on a settlement. A number of things like that.
  • “there was also no mention of the Holocaust when talking about the history of Israel. They said that in the late 19th century, Jews decided to move into this land and take over it. They completely whitewashed our history as a people.”

WATCH: 'Safe Spaces' on Campus - for Everyone but Jews | United with Israel - 0 views

  • Anti-Semitism is the only hate allowed at college “safe spaces.”
  • On American campuses today, many Jewish students who grew up with expectations of equality, inclusion and a nurturing learning environment are saddened to discover a harsh and ugly reality, one which is mostly ignored by college officials.
  • The accepted ideology on campus seems to be that to be anti-Israel is to be truly progressive, and the result is very aggressive anti-Semitism.

Ynetnews News - Netanyahu to meet Putin, says Iran seeks permanent foothold in Syria - 0 views

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday to voice opposition to what the Israeli leader charged were Iran's attempts to establish a permanent military foothold in Syria.  
  • Israeli leaders have pointed to Tehran's steadily increasing influence in the region during the six-year-old Syrian conflict, whether via its own Revolutionary Guard forces or Shi'ite Muslim proxies, especially Hezbollah.
  • "In the framework of a (future peace agreement) or without one, Iran is attempting to base itself permanently in Syria—either through a military presence on the ground or a naval presence—and also through a gradual attempt to open a front against us on the Golan Heights," Netanyahu told his cabinet in public remarks on Sunday.
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  • Netanyahu has said that Israel has carried out dozens of strikes to prevent weapons smuggling to the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah via Syria.

Washington unsure of whether to scrap nuke deal, UN watchdog says | The Times of Israel - 0 views

  • The new US administration has not yet decided what to do about the 2015 Iran nuclear deal
  • They are looking “not only at that issue but also at many other issues. So it is very early for them to give their assessment,
  • Trump said while campaigning for the presidency that he wanted to “dismantle” the July 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six major powers including the United States.
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  • Iran has always denied wanting nuclear weapons, saying its activities are purely peaceful.

The (ir)rational fear of terror | Eitan Gor | The Blogs | The Times of Israel - 0 views

  • major part of Trump’s campaign for presidency was based on national security and specifically the threat of terror.
  • So why are people so worried about a cause of death that kills less people than lightning?
  • While people are more likely to be killed in traffic accidents than be murdered, we still tend to look at crime rates when shopping for a house, but not at local traffic accident rate.
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  • Terror is deliberate man-made violence against a community’s way of life in order to strike fear and disrupt its ability to function.
  • comparing death probabilities of furniture crashes and terror is like saying, “It’s ignorant of you to be scared of terror — look at these numbers.”
  • A wise woman once told me that I can’t argue with how something makes her feel. She is right. I doubt anyone ever convinced others by claiming their fears or feelings are stupid. All it does is generate antagonism.

Iran launched 2 ballistic missiles, US officials say | Fox News - 0 views

  • Continuing a pattern of provocative actions, Iran this weekend test-fired a pair of ballistic missiles and sent fast-attack vessels close to a U.S. Navy ship in the Strait of Hormuz, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News.
  • The launches of the Fateh-110 short-range ballistic missiles were the first tests of the missile in two years, one official said.
  • The Iranian provocations were partially obscured by a worldwide focus on North Korea's own ballistic missile tests.

Trump signs new immigration order - BBC News - 0 views

  • President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order placing a 90-day ban on people from six mainly Muslim nations.
  • Iraq - which was covered in the previous seven-nation order - has been removed from the new one after agreeing additional visa vetting measures.
  • Citizens of Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, the other six countries on the original list, will once more be subject to a 90-day travel ban.
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  • America's top US diplomat said the order was meant to "eliminate vulnerabilities that radical Islamic terrorists can and will exploit for destructive ends".
  • Gone are the most controversial measures of the old order, such as preference for Christian refugees and the suspension of existing visas and green cards.
  • It's still an open question as to what, if anything, this order will do to prevent violent attacks on US soil, given that past high-profile incidents have not involved individuals from any of the six named countries.
  • Mr Trump promised bold action on border security, however - the kind of move that would unnerve traditional politicians and anger civil liberties advocates.

Trump will move embassy, one-congressman mission predicts | The Times of Israel - 0 views

  • S President Donald Trump will likely decide to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the head of a Congressional fact-finding mission into a possible relocation said on Sunday.
  • “To see this happen 50 years after the liberation of Jerusalem is going to be exciting for a lot of people in the US, and I know it’s going to be very exciting for a lot of Israelis here in Jerusalem.”
  • rump, who during his campaign vowed to move the embassy and, according to reports was willing to do it on his first day in office, has recently backtracked, saying he is still studying the matter.
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  • “He’s in a position where he’s either going to follow his campaign promise or he’ll have to actually have to sign this waiver,”
  • Many in the international community have warned against moving the embassy, a move that would be seen as de facto recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Thousands of ICE detainees claim they were forced into labor, a violation of anti-slave... - 0 views

  • Tens of thousands of immigrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement were forced to work for $1 day, or for nothing at all — a violation of federal anti-slavery laws — a lawsuit claims.
  • It’s the first time a class-action lawsuit accusing a private U.S. prison company of forced labor has been allowed to move forward.
  • “That’s obviously a big deal; it’s recognizing the possibility that a government contractor could be engaging in forced labor,
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  • violates
  • Detainees work for up to eight hours a day, 40 hours a week, cleaning bathrooms, showers, toilets, windows, patient rooms and staff offices, waxing floors, and preparing and serving meals. ICE says detainees “shall be able to volunteer for work assignments but otherwise shall not be required to work, except to do personal housekeeping.”

FBI Director Comey asked Justice officials to refute Trump's unproved wiretapping claim... - 0 views

  • FBI Director James B. Comey asked the Justice Department this weekend to issue a statement refuting President Trump’s claim that President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap of Trump’s phones before the election
  • “There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time as a candidate or against his campaign
  • “Is it legal for a sitting President to be 'wire tapping' a race for president prior to an election?” Trump asked in another tweet. “Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!”
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  • Current and former government officials said such surveillance would not have been approved by any senior Justice official in the Obama administration.
  • “This is Nixon/Watergate,” Trump tweeted Saturday.
  • Republicans
  • “This may come as a surprise to the current occupant of the Oval Office, but the president of the United States does not have the authority to unilaterally order the wiretapping of American citizens,” said former Obama White House press secretary Josh Earnest.
  • “The president’s in trouble if he falsely spread this kind of information,” Schumer said. “It shows this president doesn’t know how to conduct himself.”
  • Whether there was any collusion is a key question fueling a wide-ranging federal probe into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

North Korea fires multiple missiles The United States and South Korea are ana... - 0 views

  • North Korea fired four ballistic missiles early on Monday, three of which landed in Japan's exclusive economic zone
  • "South Korea and the United States are conducting a close-up analysis, regarding further information,
  • Japanese officials described the launches as a grave threat and said they lodged "strong protests" with nuclear-armed North Korea.
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  • "The launches are clearly in violation of Security Council resolutions. It is an extremely dangerous action,"
  • North Korea test fired a new type of missile, known as the Pukguksong-2, into the sea early last month, and has said it will continue to launch new strategic weapons.
  • "Not only Pukguksong-2 but newer independent strategic weapons will fly high vigorously in the sky off the ground as long as the United States and the puppet regime are going ahead with their nuclear threat to us and an exercise for invasion war against the North," North Korea's Rodong Sinmun newspaper, the mouthpiece of the ruling Workers' Party said in a commentary last week.

There Never Was a Two-State Solution; It's Time to Move On | Jewish & Israel News Algem... - 0 views

  • The answer to the question of how to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian dispute has been to partition “Palestine” into two states. This assumes, however, that the parties only have a dispute over land; but that has never been the case. The conflict has always had political, religious, historical, geographical and psychological dimensions. The international community’s unwillingness to accept this reality has led to the continued fantasy that a two-state solution is possible.
  • The Palestinians have never been prepared to share any part of the land they claim as their own.
  • Jews have no place in the Islamic world — except as second-class citizens (dhimmis) under Muslim rule
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  • it is time acknowledge that the two-state idea, as presently conceived, is dead.
  • Today, there is little enthusiasm for territorial concessions to the Palestinians. Even those who believe that Israel should withdraw from the West Bank do not believe that it can be done so long as there is no evidence the Palestinians are interested in peace.
  • For some time, I believed that the Palestinian people wanted peace but were denied the opportunity by their leaders. But decades of incitement and educational brainwashing regarding the evils of Jews and Israel have had an impact, and now poll after poll has found opposition to peace among Palestinians
  • radical Muslims will not rest until the descendants of apes and pigs are driven from holy Islamic soil
  • the same week John Kerry was extolling the virtues of the two-state solution and skewering Israel for allegedly creating obstacles to peace through settlement construction, the ruling Fatah party celebrated the 20 most outstanding terrorist operations of all time
  • Why Kerry or anyone else would expect Israelis to make concessions to people who commemorate the murder of Jews is a psychiatric rather than a political question.
  • One problem is that the Palestinians will continue their delegitimization campaign aimed at turning Israel into a pariah, and convincing the international community to dismantle the Jewish State.
  • Another concern with the status quo is that Palestinian terrorism fueled by hopelessness, incitement and radical Islam.
  • Put simply, the majority of Palestinians have no interest in peace with Israel under any circumstances. This view is reinforced daily by their leaders’ pronouncements, the incessant terror and incitement, and an education system that teaches intolerance, denies the Jewish connection to the land of Israel and extols the virtue of martyrdom.
  • Even when Israel agreed to Obama’s demand for a 10-month settlement freeze and the Palestinians responded by refusing to negotiate, Obama did not change his view. I’m not sure whether to call that naiveté or just stupidity
  • Today’s Palestinians are no more interested in compromise than their predecessors. As the poll data above indicates, the only acceptable solution is to have one state called Palestine that encompasses the West Bank, Gaza and what is currently known as Israel.
  • A wholesale change in attitudes and leadership will have to occur if there is to be any prospect of negotiating a peace agreement. Even then, it is difficult to imagine a reversal of the Islamization of the conflict — and there can be no compromise with jihadists.
  • Despite the ease with which it is possible to prove that settlements are not the obstacle to peace (e.g., did the Arabs agree to peace during the 19 years Jordan occupied the West Bank and Egypt occupied Gaza and not a single Jewish settlement existed?), President Obama never figured this out; but he is not alone. The obsession with settlements will not go away.
  • For the last eight years, the Palestinians have refused to negotiate altogether, and their position has not changed in 80 years
  • , his failure to learn anything in eight years was apparent in his last minute UN tantrum
  • the incoming Trump officials seem to understand reality and are prepared to act accordingly by rejecting the specious notion that settlements, rather than Palestinian implacability, are the obstacle to peace.
  • Israel has evacuated approximately 94% of the territory it captured in 1967, which, it could be argued, has already satisfied UN Security Council Resolution 242’s expectation that Israel withdraw from territory
  • Most people, including all Arab leaders, ignore that resolution 242 also required that the Arab states guarantee the peace and security of Israel in exchange for withdrawal
  • ank and 100% of Gaza, and this did not bring peace; it brought more terror and should have forever buried the myth that if Israel cedes land, it will receive peace in return
  • If a Palestinian Zionist emerges tomorrow, it will still be risky for Israel to make a deal because 5, 10, or 20 years down the road, a radical Islamist or other hostile leader may emerge.
  • Advocates of the two-state solution on the Israeli side talk about a demilitarized Palestinian state, but this is not acceptable to the Palestinians because it would be a significant limitation on their sovereignty. This is another reason why the “solution” is flawed.
  • While the international community insists the settlements are an obstacle to peace, they actually can serve as a catalyst for peace.
  • to defeat the Palestinians Israel would have to apply the Powell Doctrine, which says that “every resource and tool should be used to achieve decisive force against the enemy…and ending the conflict quickly by forcing the weaker force to capitulate.”
  • Israel would have to be prepared to kill every terrorist with little regard for collateral damage; the Air Force would have to bomb refugee camps and other targets that would result in thousands of casualties rather than hundreds.
  • The United States did not flinch from killing tens of thousands of Iraqis to defeat Saddam Hussein and is unapologetic when bystanders are killed in drone strikes (never mind examples such as the Allied bombing of Dresden or the US use of the atomic bomb). Israel would have to be equally callous to “defeat” the Palestinians.
  • Israel has been unwilling to follow Powell’s guidance because the public would see the action as disproportionate and immoral, the international community would condemn Israel and the United States would force Israel to cease military operations before total victory out of moral indignation and fear of Arab/Muslim reaction.
  • Israel has learned the hard way in battles with the Palestinians and Hezbollah that it does not have the same freedom as a superpower to use decisive force, and therefore cannot militarily defeat the Palestinians.
  • The reason that none of these men annexed the West Bank is well known: Israel cannot remain a democratic, Jewish state if it assimilates 2.7 million Palestinians
  • Meanwhile, the Jewish birthrate has increased, Aliyah will accelerate as global antisemitism worsens and the Palestinians will not become a majority in Greater Israel
  • Hamas is also allied with the Muslim Brotherhood, and this would strengthen the Islamist threat to the government, which would not be in Israel’s interest.
  • “The Palestinians now realize,” Bethlehem Mayor Elias Freij said in 1991, “that time is now on the side of Israel, which can build settlements and create facts, and that the only way out of this dilemma is face-to-face negotiations.”
  • The Palestinians continued to talk until President Obama took office, and gave them the false impression that he would force Israel to stop building settlements without their having to make any concessions in return
  • Obama’s refusal to veto the latest Security Council Resolution calling settlements illegal and labeling Judaism’s holiest places in Jerusalem “occupied territory” kept Abbas’ strategy in play, but the election of Donald Trump should derail this approach for at least the next four years.
  • the Palestinians will not accept any compromise that involves coexisting with a Jewish state
  • The current leadership will remain obstinate and continue to seek international help in destroying Israel.
  • President Trump can make an important contribution to disabusing the Palestinians of the idea that Israel can be forced to capitulate to their demands by fulfilling the promise to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moving the US embassy.
  • This would send a clear message that the Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the city and will never have a capital in Eastern Jerusalem.
  • To further hammer home the point that Jerusalem will not be divided, Israel should complete the long-delayed E1 project to connect Ma’ale Adumim with the capital.
  • The aim of this step would be to force the world to accept the reality that Israel will never relinquish these areas, and to increase pressure on the Palestinians to negotiate.
  • If the Palestinians refuse to talk or recognize the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in their homeland, Israel should formally annex the Jordan Valley
  • The world may blame Israel for the growth of settlements, but the real culprits are Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.
  • Settlements have grown because of Palestinian rejectionism — and the situation will only get worse for them.
  • Ironically, the Palestinians could have two states instead of the one foreseen by proponents of the two-state solution. In the unlikely event of Palestinian reconciliation, a corridor could be created between Gaza and the West Bank as envisioned in the Clinton parameters.
  • Unless Palestinians radically change their attitudes, they will reject any proposal that requires coexisting with Israel. This will leave them with a shrunken Palestinian state with limited power and the possibility for a larger state permanently closed off.
  • It may be difficult to accomplish in the next four years, but Israel’s best chance of achieving this “solution” is to take advantage of having a friend in the White House.

Trump-Lewis row: Democrat inauguration boycott grows - BBC News - 0 views

  • The number of Democratic members of Congress saying they will boycott Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday has increased to 26.
  • Mr Trump lashed out at Mr Lewis on Twitter on Friday after Mr Lewis said he was not a "legitimate president".
  • Mr Lewis was a prominent member of America's civil rights movement and is a hero to many Americans. He was among those beaten by police during the infamous Selma-Montgomery voting rights march of 1965.
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  • The president-elect's insults, made just days ahead of Martin Luther King Day, were the final straw for a number of Democrats who will break with tradition by missing the inauguration ceremony on Frida
  • "When you insult Rep. John Lewis, you insult America," said Yvette Clarke, one of five representatives for New York who will boycott the event. There are 535 members of Congress, across both houses.
  • California representative Ted Lieu said: "For me, the personal decision not to attend Inauguration is quite simple: Do I stand with Donald Trump, or do I stand with John Lewis? I am standing with John Lewis."
  • "I could not look my wife, my daughters, or my grandson in the eye if I sat there and attended, as if everything that the candidate said about the women, the Latinos, the blacks, the Muslims, or any of those other things he said in those speeches and tweets, and that all of that is okay or erased from our collective memory," Mr Gutierrez told the House.
  • Mr Lewis' announcement of his own boycott in an interview with NBC News, in which he said that Mr Trump was an illegitimate president, prompted the outburst from the president-elect.
  • "You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong," he told NBC News.

Trump vows to strike post-Brexit deal with UK, rips EU as 'vehicle for Germany' | Fox News - 0 views

  • President-elect Donald Trump vowed over the weekend to quickly work out a trade deal with Britain in a bid to help smooth the country's path out of the European Union -- further strengthening ties with the Brexit movement he lauded during his campaign. 
  • Trump also riled European leaders by dismissing the E.U. as a “vehicle for Germany.”
  • Trump ripped German Chancellor Angela Merkel over her decision to welcome more than a million Syrian refugees into her country.
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  • While Trump said he had great respect for Merkel, he accused her of making “a catastrophic mistake,” which triggered Brexit.
  • "We’re gonna work very hard to get it done quickly and done properly. Good for both sides."
  • Trump's remarks stand in contrast to President Obama's warning before the June vote that Britain would be at the “back of the queue” for a trade deal if it voted to leave.
  • “I was delighted to hear Mr. Trump speak so positively about Brexit,” U.K. Independence Party MP Douglas Carswell told “It means so much to me -- and to the millions of Brits who voted to leave the EU.  It is good to know that our American ally will help us make it work.”
  • Trump’s remarks come as Prime Minister Theresa May is set to make a major speech on the subject Monday, in which she is expected to call for a so-called “hard Brexit”
  • “As is the case with Brexit, the best way of defending Europe, which is rather what Mr. Trump has invited us to do, is to remain united, to remain as a bloc, not to forget that the strength of the Europeans lies in their unity,” he said, according to the Journal.
  • “Europe needs to start meeting its responsibilities as part of the wider West -- and post-Brexit Britain can be part of making that happen,” he said.

Protesters shut down Milo Yiannopoulos event at UC Davis - - 0 views

  • A speech by right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos' at UC Davis was over before it even started Friday after protests erupted, forcing sponsors to cancel the event.
  • UC Davis College Republicans canceled the controversial talk after consulting with the university's police department and student affairs officials.
  • "Our community is founded on principles of respect for all views, even those that we personally find repellent. As I have stated repeatedly, a university is at its best when it listens to and critically engages opposing views, especially ones that many of us find upsetting or even offensive."
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  • Earlier in the evening, protesters blocked access to the venue. Surrounding the lecture hall with signs, they chanted, "Say it loud, say it clear, racists are not welcome here."
  • As tensions rose between supporters and protesters, a determination was made that it was no longer feasible to continue the event safely.
  • "It's disgusting," Shkreli told CNN's affiliate KOVR as he left the venue. "Progressivism is about having a conversation."
  • The British conservative has been accused of racism and transphobia but he took no responsibility for inspiring the tweets directed at Jones after his review of "Ghostbusters."
  • "Gays are always canaries in the coal mine. This has given them the excuse they needed because (Leslie Jones) is a black woman," he said. "Twitter has just died as a free speech platform.

How Trump's reset with Russia can work (Opinion) - - 0 views

  • "Wouldn't it be nice if we actually got along with Russia?"
  • President Obama's feckless handling of Russia has been so embarrassing that it may have emboldened Putin to annex Crimea, and terrified NATO allies along Russia's border.
  • When Trump takes office on January 20, he will have to contend with a slew of issues that demonstrate the extent to which Russia and America are strategically interdependent
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  • arms control to China, from radical Islamic terrorism to cyber threats and from nuclear proliferation to the price of energy. For all of the liberal media's mockery of Trump, he's right that dialogue with Moscow is essential, although dialogue with Moscow will be productive only if we talk about the tough issues we disagree on.
  • Getting along with Russia is a worthy goal, so long as the purpose is to attain a specific set of ends, not friendship for friendship's sake.
  • "Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma,"
  • We may, however, be able to cooperate with Russia on some issues, like terrorism, arms control, and perhaps stabilizing Central Asia
  • Russia may be calling the shots there, and may try to leverage this in other sensitive regions, such as the Baltics.
  • America does not have a Putin problem. Putin is a fairly typical Russian authoritarian leader, although more effective than most. If he were to pass away or be overthrown tomorrow, his successor would likely pursue a substantively similar foreign policy. America has a Russia problem, in that we have a difference in interests.
  • President-elect Trump is right: it would be nice if we got along with Russia. Every President since the end of the Cold War has had a similar sentiment. It is important to see dialogue and engagement as tools for achieving our objectives, not ends in and of themselves.

Fareed Zakaria: How Obama changed America - - 0 views

  • The Obama administration passed near-universal health care
  • It fundamentally reshaped America's energy policy to combat climate change and fuel a clean energy revolution. It enacted the largest reorganization of the financial industry since the Great Depression. It rescued the auto industry
  • most of that happened in the administration's first 18 months. Obama has argued, with merit, in the first two years in office, he accomplished more in domestic policy than any president since Lyndon Johnson.
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  • all that is in jeopardy. Donald Trump has vowed to erase the Obama presidency. Some of it he can easily erase; other parts might prove more indelible.
  • In recent years, America has gone through enormous economic, technological, political and cultural change, and in some parts of the country, there has been a growing backlash to that change -- and to an African-American president.
  • Barack Obama did what seven presidents failed to do -- he made health care a fundamental right. Whatever you call it, however you reshape it, that right will likely endure, and because of Barack Obama's ambition. It's the signature achievement of a consequential President.
  • In a sense, America made a big bet in electing Barack Obama as its first African-American president. And with respect to his personal character and intellect, most of the country believes that it was a bet that paid off.

Venezuela hikes minimum wage 40% -- to $67 a month - Oct. 27, 2016 - 0 views

  • Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro just increased the nation's minimum wage by 40%.
  • inflation is expected to soar by nearly 500% this year and 1,660% next year
  • Venezuela's minimum wage, including food subsidies, is rising to 90,812 bolivars a month.
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  • It is the fourth time Maduro has increased the minimum wage this year. Food stamps and worker bonuses make up most of workers' total "wages" in Venezuela.
  • The raise comes one day before opposition leaders, who want to oust Maduro, planned a nationwide strike of businesses
  • Tensions fired up last week when Maduro denied the opposition party any chance to call a referendum vote on him.
  • On Wednesday, huge protests across the nation called for Maduro to resign.
  • After meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, Maduro said he would meet with opposition leaders on Sunday to try to find common ground.

2006 Audio Emerges of Hillary Clinton Proposing Rigging Palestine Election | | Observer - 0 views

  • his old-school audiocassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.
  • Chomsky recalls being taken aback that “anyone could support the idea—offered by a national political leader, no less—that the U.S. should be in the business of fixing foreign elections.”
  • “I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake,” said Sen. Clinton
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  • “And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win.”
  • seemingly throwaway remark about elections in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority has taken on new relevance amid persistent accusations in the presidential campaign by Clinton’s Republican opponent Donald Trump that the current election is “rigged.”
  • and in these cultures of, you know, well, if they captured a soldier, we’ve got to capture a soldier.”
  • an answer that reflects her mastery of the facts but also reflects a willingness to talk to Russia that sounds more like Trump 2016 than Clinton 2016.
  • In an interview before the Observer heard the tape, Chomsky told the Observer that Clinton made some “odd and controversial comments” on the tape.
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