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Sallie Draper

"Insider presentation tips from Nancy Duarte" - The Forge - Episode 29 (HD) - YouTube - 0 views

    On this episode of The Forge we chat with Nancy Duarte about the concepts in her book 'Resonate.' Learn how to create powerful and engaging presentations. Nancy talks about how Steve Job's iPhone launch presentation and Martin Luther King's I have a dream speak have similar elements.
Sallie Draper

Beyond PowerPoint | Dickinson College Commentaries - 1 views

    Shared by Missionary Paul Nitz - Ties to the current WELSTech book discussion of Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds
Sallie Draper

Movenote - Google Apps Marketplace - 2 views

    John Dorn originally shared on G+:   I just tried the Movenote app for the first time and I love it. You can easily take a webcam video of yourself to show and explain documents. The app shows the documents and video side by side. You also have the ability to perform some annotation of your documents during the presentation. Very slick. 
Sallie Draper

Interesting Ways | - 2 views

    Google Docs collaborative presentations on all aspects of technology in the classroom
Sallie Draper

Christian Worship PowerPoint - 1 views

    The CW PowerPoint product provides presentation slides for the public domain hymns in Christian Worship. One PowerPoint file is provided for each hymn. Each file contains a title slide, multiple slides containing the lyrics of the hymn stanzas (including repeated refrains), and an ending credits.

Quaver Music for Teachers and Parents - 0 views

    A mostly web-based music curriculum that teachers in the KML federation took a look at a couple of months ago.  Get a bunch of schools together to look at and and they just might bring food.  They had Panera cater a meal for during the presentation!
Sallie Draper

New Forms of Professional Development | Langwitches Blog - 0 views

    Perhaps we should have regional/national Pecha Kucha presentation conference with iPads as prizes?
Sallie Draper

WLC Google Education Summit 2013 - 3 views

    Chad Kafka shared: I will be presenting at the Google Education Summit during June 17-21 in Southeast Wisconsin!  It's a week long event focused on using Google in Education and participants get a Chromebook!   Here's a deal if you sign up, if you use the coupon code KAFKA, you get $100 off your registration!  Check it out.
Sallie Draper

WELS Intersections_Videos for the Church_April 9, 2016 - Google Docs - 1 views

    Kelley Randall was so kind as to post her notes from this morning's (4/9/16) Intersection's presentation by Steve Zambo. I thought they would interest you. Also check out her links, especially to a video, the first in a series that St. John has begun.
Emile Burgess

Mac Power Users #352: Workflows with Ian Byrd - Relay FM - 0 views

    Interesting episode with a former teacher, now presenter for other teachers on teaching the "gifted and talented" student. The episode isn't so much about the education end, as much as the technology behind Ian's work. Website looks very useful for teachers.

Getting the Most Out of Google Apps For Business - Training - O'Reilly Media - 1 views

    FREE Online professional presentations on using Google Apps from O'Reilly publishing. Learn to - Create an online community - Build and host a public website - Collaborate with colleagues - Assign project tasks - Share your work using Google Docs - Manage a schedule - Go pro with Google Apps Premier

How Companies Learn Your Secrets - - 0 views

    Understanding our habits and those of others . . How might Christians and churches better use life events, like pregnancies, as opportunities for the Gospel? Target figures out who's pregnant to influence their buying habits. How might we "gentle as dove wise as serpent" ambassadors of Christ act and speak to make the most of opportunities to present the best free offer every conceived . . . salvation? Note that the article is a plug for the author's full length treatment of "habits".

Social-Media Lifecycle Why companies care? - 0 views

    Simple clear presentation of why businesses (and churches, schools) should care about promoting and monitoring their reputation (i.e. "brand") in social media. What was it they say about "word of mouth" . . Social Media is today's high tech "word of mouth" at warp speed.

Agile Tortoise | Home - 0 views

    Phraseology (iPad only) and Terminology (iPhone, iPad) are two low cost, high quality integrated writing tools useful for any writing task on the go from tweets to instructions, multipage reports, sermons, etc. Terminology (iPhone & iPad), in addition to its built in dictionary and thesaurus, allows you to chose which online word tools to check and integrate into your lookups/research. Phraseology (iPad only) is a friendly editing environment which is especially useful breaking down your word/phrase usage and frequency. Pay attention to the Flesch Kincaid Reading and Grade level scores along with other readability statistics, including root word frequency, and you can improve the comprehension of your written or oral presentation. Most pastors and teachers who either compose or copy-paste-revise content taking into account Phraseology's feedback should be able to greatly improve their audience's comprehension. Interested in tired old phrase remediation or reductions in redundancies and passive platitudes? Anyone?

8 TED Talks You Need to Share with Your Students - 5 views

    TED talks/videos can be a great source of free classroom or individual student enrichment. Naturally, use with caution. TED materials are typically most appropriate for upper grade levels, but expecially visual presentations could be repurposed for the lower grade levels.
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