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Sallie Draper

Live Hangout Schedule - EducationOnAir - 0 views

    A lengthy list of free Google Hangouts in the Education On Air series covering Chromebooks for Education, Apps, Digital Literacy, Professional Development and much more
Sallie Draper

Business Hangouts - 1 views

    ntroducing a Hangouts app for Virtual Classrooms If you use Hangouts on air (or consider using them) for education, and miss any of the features below: - A full featured registration module to manage attendees - An all-in-one Event Planner/Scheduling/Conferencing app - A comprehensive e-mailing system with fully custom automatic invitation emails, reminder emails and follow up emails - Allow non-plussers attend your classrooms signing in with their Facebook or LinkedIn profiles - Run private HOAs (directly generate unlisted YouTube recordings) - Give the mic to a viewer on-the-fly and make them participant, the time of a question - Get fixed URLs for your permanent virtual classrooms (with or without scheduling) - View a map with geolocated attendees - View your attendees as avatars in a 3D virtual classroom , create a sense of presence, see who's raising hand,... - A unified & moderated chat for participants and viewers engaging in the same chat then you should look into +Business Hangouts : Business Hangouts is an app built for Google Hangouts by Altadyn using the Google Hangouts API (not built by Google ).
Sallie Draper

Education on Air: It Takes a Teacher - 1 views

    Free online edtech conference 12/3/16
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