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Tulsa Chiropractor | Schluter Chiropractic | Media - 0 views

    Press Releases New Business Takes On Low Back Pain Tulsa Chiropractor Provides Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans Videos
    Press Releases New Business Takes On Low Back Pain Tulsa Chiropractor Provides Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans Videos
    Press Releases New Business Takes On Low Back Pain Tulsa Chiropractor Provides Free Chiropractic Care for Returning Veterans Videos
lisa templer

Boys' Bedroom Blunders - 0 views

    Boys' Bedroom Blunders Boys' Bedroom Blunders Sex - it's exciting. But sometimes, unfortunately, it's confusing and disappointing instead. We'd all like to believe that we know what to do when it comes to sex, but blunders do happen. So what can you do to minimize wrong-turns in the bedroom? Here's a list of the commonest mistakes men make with women. Avoid these and you'll maximize both you and your partner's sexual satisfaction! Not kissing, or kissing badly A woman's arousal is greatly increased by kissing - both gentle and passionate. Women love the connection and it's a major aspect of foreplay. Think of it as "upper persuasion for a lower invasion". Diving straight for the naughty bits Reaching too quickly for the breasts or vulva is a passion-killer for women; it's more likely to annoy than to arouse. Take time to build excitement touching her body elsewhere. The skin of a woman is second only to her brain as a sex organ. Being too rough A frequent complaint women have is that men aren't gentle enough. Men generally want a firmer touch then women do - so keep your touch light. She may want a more forceful touch as she becomes aroused. Take your cues from her. Pushing her head down Women hate this passionately! Do not push her head down to your dick thinking it will get you anywhere good. Women resent this. Forcing her head down during fellatio Along the same lines - never force her head farther down on your cock. Yes, it may feel good, but she needs to control the depth and speed. You may gently hold her head, or stroke her hair or cheek. Take care to not thrust yourself into her mouth either. You may find blowjobs non-existent if you do this. Not warning her you are about to cum during oral sex Not all women like the taste of cum. Give her the choice to decide what to do. Latching onto her nipples Women's breasts are very sensitive to touch. Caress and stroke them. Don't thump, squeeze, twiddle or bite them (unless she's into that). Tou
JoAnn Lennon

A Chocolate a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away - 0 views

    Chocolate has gotten a lot of press and media coverage over the last decade. And the reason is that the cocoa bean is rich in plant nutrients called flavonoids. Flavonoids help protect plants from environmental toxins and repair damage.
moosa lubega


    Here is a most honest and trusted spiritual healer, herbalist and using earth and othersecretive planet powers to magneticallycasting magic spells. He use real spiritual powers  from his forefather's ancestral  spirits ,jinns,and the souls of  his dead elderly parents who used to be professional doctors during their fore ages  and upgraded to fight demons and super villains ,misfortune, bad ghost and other kind of negative energetic force. He has nearly limitless powers to tackle your most pressing problems to bring you un doubtily beyond positive expectation.
Martha Rutherford

Solid Advice For Finding Your Ab Muscles - 1 views

It is up to you to change your life, and the fact that you've searched for information on muscle building tells me that you're interested in doing just that. You want to improve your health, your b...

muscle building build muscles workout exercise body weight intensity

started by Martha Rutherford on 18 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Karma Vip 515 - 0 views

    Wheelchair with comfortble reclining back headrest. This wheelchair allows the user to obtain a more comfortable position, equally for those who are unable to sit at 90 degrees, but need to lie back. Options include elevating legrests and cushioning. This type of Wheelchair is a superb light weight aluminium total care chair with all the actions one would wish. All fully adjustable, tilt in space, reclining back, multi positional headrest,elevating legrests and full pressure cushioning. The reclining deluxe manual wheelchair. This wheelchair has all the features one would need in a wheelchair, fully adjustable arms, legrests, reclining back and pop off wheels. To remove the wheels simply press the button in the centre of the wheel and slide them off. Ideal for those who need to recline in the wheelchair as the back rest on this wheelchair can be adjusted to any position. With cushions, elevating legrests and other options, this wheelchair can be configured to meet most needs. This chair does not have tilt in space mechanism or pressure care cushioning, for this must look to the tilt in space chair. Comfort and positioning tilt-in-space wheelchair which is durable, modern looking and comfortable. It offers adjustable seat height and depth, back height, length adjustable armpads and infinite recline and tilt. The multifunction tilt in space wheelchair focuses heavily on the need of each individual user which is why it has many adjustments in one frame to make sure it can alter to cater individual requirements. One of the main features of this chair is its tilt in space feature, which allows a step less adjustment of the backrest and the seat angle. This is easily operated from the push handle and can be quickly adjusted when needed. The design of the backrest and seating on the wheelchair helps ensure comfort and support for the user. Wheelchair comes with elevating leg rests fitted as standard which again are step less and easily adjusted. There is also the o
Kim Manahan

10-Minute Anywhere Workout - 0 views

    Traveling? Not near a gym? Just crazy busy? Here's a great workout that can be done at home or on the road when you're pressed for time. Because EVERYONE has 10 minutes
Pain Management

OSPI Now Offering Anterior Approach Hip Replacement, AfterHours - weSRCH - 2 views

    Orthopedic and Sports Performance Institute (OSPI) combines practice and comprehensive services focused on assisting patients in and around Arizona to live a ba..., Free Press Release Submission - OSPI Now Offering Anterior Approach Hip Replacement, AfterHours - weSRCH.
Michelle Rodulfo

David Kirby: American Factory Farming: You Owe It to the Animals to Watch This (Video) - 0 views

    Last month, a camera crew from the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) came to my home to interview me about Animal Factory: The Looming Threat of Industrial Pig, Dairy and Poultry Farms to Humans and the Environment (St. Martin's Press 2010).
Youngbear Roth

Why you shouldn't care what you look like when you're exercising - 0 views

    Two days ago a fellow with no legs needed help out of his chair and onto a supine bench where he could knock out a set of barbell presses. An obes...
drmartyr md


    This is very easy...just open the specific page that you want to take screen shot off and then press Ctrl button[extreme lower left of your keyboard] and print screen
Skeptical Debunker

Obama, Republicans clash at heated health summit - Yahoo! News - 0 views

    "We have a very difficult gap to bridge here," said Rep. Eric Cantor, the No. 2 House Republican. "We just can't afford this. That's the ultimate problem." With Cantor sitting in front of a giant stack of nearly 2,400 pages representing the Democrats' Senate-passed bill, Obama said cost is a legitimate question, but he took Cantor and other Republicans to task for using political shorthand and props "that prevent us from having a conversation." And so it went, hour after hour at Blair House, just across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House - a marathon policy debate available from start to finish to a divided public. The more than six-hour back-and-forth was essentially a condensed, one-day version of the entire past year of debate over the nation's health care crisis, with all its heat, complexity and detail, and a crash course in the partisan divide, in which Democrats seek the kind of broad remake that has eluded leaders for half a century and Republicans favor much more modest changes. With Democrats in control of the White House and Congress, they were left with the critical decision about where to go next. Obama and his Democratic allies argued at Thursday's meeting that a broad overhaul is imperative for the nation's future economic vitality. The president cast health care as "one of the biggest drags on our economy," tying his top domestic priority to an issue that's even more pressing to many Americans.
    Of course the "we" in "We can't afford this" is the big health care monopolies (pharma, insurance, etc.). Supposedly, the country and people can afford the continued gouging by those special interests (up to 40% in some places this year alone!). Too, if the government were to find a way to "afford it" (disregarding that Medicare and Medicaid savings might pay for it altogether!), that would probably be on the "back" of the richest 5% and by reducing corporate and business subsidies (like those to oil companies, the military industrial complex, "big finance" bailouts and sweetheart Federal funds rates and "liquidity" pumping, non-risk underwriting for things like coastal flood insurance, etc., etc., etc.). Since that is the "invisible hand" that feeds most "conservatives" and Republican politicians, that would never do.
thinkahol *

Eating green veggies improves immune defenses - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (Oct. 17, 2011) - Researchers reporting online in the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, on October 13th have found another good reason to eat your green vegetables, although it may or may not win any arguments with kids at the dinner table.
Eric Sean

How to do - Flat Barbell Chest Press - 0 views

    So our next exercise is flat benching and barbell flat benching. Again, I am not a big fan of it but I think that in a regular routine, it's a good exercise. Again, although it puts a lot of stress on the rotator cups. Here we go. Again, with this exercise, you want to hit the middle of the chest, straight across the middle. Same grip. Longer your arms are, the wider you should go. But generally don't go any wider than the middle finger on the line.

Alphas Co Inc The - Company Profile and News - Bloomberg Markets - 0 views

    Company profile page for John Alphas Co Inc The including stock price, company news, press releases, executives, board members, and contact information

100% Pure Skin and Hair Naturals Sweet Almond Oil - Mantjat - 0 views

    100% PURE - Our sweet almond oil is unscented, undiluted and contains no added ingredients. Tested for purity with every batch, our oil is hexane-free and safe for even the most sensitive skin types. TOP GRADE ALMOND - Unlike bitter almonds, our almond oil is pressed from the sweet almond tree, Prunus dulcis. Sweet almonds are known for their heavenly aroma and flavor, and provide a source of vitamin E and phytosterols for a more youthful, radiant complexion. SKIN & HAIR SOFTENER - Sweet almond oil nourishes skin and hair and can be added to your daily beauty routine morning or nighttime. Prepare your own facial serum or hair mask by adding a few drops of essential oils. It's also a nail strengthener! NATURAL MAKEUP REMOVER - Everyday makeup removers contain synthetic ingredients that can irritate the skin. As an all-natural makeup remover, our almond oil is suitable for stubborn eye makeup, foundation and more! AROMATHERAPY MUST HAVE - Our sweet almond oil is an ideal carrier oil for all your aromatherapy needs. Add your favorite essential oils to almond oil for a relaxing massage or soothing bubble bath. Bath pearl and Flakes
ali hassan

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin D - 14 views

    The benefits of Vitamin D are not much talked about in the press. That could be why most folks are unaware of the major benefits of Vitamin D.
    This is what I need! Now I know what Vitamin D is and what benefits it can give me!
Alex Smith

Online Medical ID Retailer Launches Video Promo Event - 0 views

    My Identity Doctor, an online resource of medical alert ID bracelets, tags, and necklaces, has announced the launch of a video promo event. The "Medical ID Amateur Video Promo Event!" is open to anyone who wants to share information on their condition, tips, and experiences.
Richard Turner

Know the Major Health Benefits of Skipping a Rope - 0 views

    Are you pressed for time and can't go to a gym to become fit? Then try, DynaPro's professional grade jump rope that can really get your heart pumping and help you burn calories in a relatively short period of time. The benefits of this simple yet effective fitness equipment ranks as a perfect cardio exercise, muscle mass builder, and as one of the most efficient ways of improving cardiovascular health, bone density, breathing efficiency. Even with a busy schedule, you can still workout and get in shape using a skipping rope. Read the complete article here to reap the benefits of skipping a rope.
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