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Richard Richard


    To be successful, you need to have a positive mental attitude. A great percentage of successful people have all experienced some sort of setback or failure. No matter where you are in life, there is always more to reach for.…
World Vitamins

Incidence of High Cholesterol Drops in U.S. - 0 views

    The good news is that a new report shows the percentage of American adults with high LDL cholesterol, the "bad" kind that clogs arteries, decreased by about one-third between 1999 and 2006

Lose Weight Easier by Eating Smarter - 0 views

Losing weight is really simple: consume fewer calories than you expend. But the actuality is that for 66% percent of the Americans that are overweight or obese, this is either too difficult or they...

Weight Diet loss tips health fat fatburn losefat burnfat calories burncalories

started by livehigher on 17 Jul 21 no follow-up yet
omar elmessaoudi

Pure Green Coffee - 0 views

Discovered the benefits of green coffee and benefits on the body and the extent of their impact in reducing body fat percentage Click here:

health weight Tips loss benefits

started by omar elmessaoudi on 09 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
omar elmessaoudi

Pure Green Coffee - 0 views

    Discovered the benefits of green coffee and benefits on the body and the extent of their impact in reducing body fat percentage Click here:
Vortege Ville

Interracial marriage: More accepted, still growing - - 0 views

    People are more likely to marry outside their race. In 2008, the percentage rose to 14.6% from 6.7% 30 years earlier.
drugand alcoholblog

Alaska drug addiction center is ensuring normal life to every drug addicted person - 2 views

The percentage of drug addiction in Alaska is increasing day by day. The teens are mainly getting addicted in various drugs. As the results they are leaving the school before at the middle of the s...


started by drugand alcoholblog on 28 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
vijay kumar

Tea Tree Oil Reviews - 0 views

    Tea Tree Oil Reviews is said to be specially reclaimable against occasion lice as it can outperform the general anti-lice medicament Permethrin. A minute percentage in shampoos and conditioners has been shown to be operative against dandruff. Due to its keen fungicide properties, they are also old for arrest fungus.

27% of U.S. Families Delay in Paying Medical bills Due to Rise in treatment Cost - 0 views

27% of U.S. Families Delay in Paying Medical bills Due to Rise in treatment Cost   Every one out of four (27%) households with family in U.S likely to delay care. Because  possibly they c...

medical bills healthcare denefits patient financing surgery no credit checks

started by denefits on 17 May 19 no follow-up yet

"I do crunches to melt my belly" Why you can't remove body fat? - 0 views

    The body fat is indeed a normal part of every human body, it serves to store and provide energy for metabolic processes for everything from your heart beating to your legs sprinting. There are several types of fat, such as brown fat, visceral fat, and subcutaneous fat. The type of fat that sits on the surface of our body is the subcutaneous fat, the fat that is visible upon seeing yourself in the mirror.
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