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rakesh singh

Colorful iPhone 5C Is Cheap Or Cheaper - 0 views

    On last 18th of September 2013, Apple launched their two new devices namely iPhone 5C & 5S and it is rumoured that it cheap. So what do you you think guys?
Redesign Unit

Custom Website Design- One Stop CustomWeb Design Solution at Affordable Rate - 0 views

    If you want to create your own identity on the internet you should have website. There are plenty of cheaper options to create a website. You cannot stand out from the crowd. You don't have unique design which suits your business needs. India NIC has solution of all your problems and that is custom website design.
Devika Raj

Business Tips For Buying VPS Hosting - 0 views

    A virtual private server or VPS hosting involves dividing a single server into several partitions to become an individual private server. virtual private Server hosting is a great alternative to dedicated web hosting as it is much cheaper but you get to enjoy all the features of a web server.

Custom Web Application Development - Tips for Utilising Ecommerce Web Design Development - 0 views

    Each business faces unique challenges during its growth and web application development. This could depend on the type of business, to begin with. Those that sell physical products as opposed to services may wish to look into how ecommerce web design development could help boost their sales. The majority of consumers today shop online, finding it to be far cheaper and more convenient than going to a brick and mortar shop.

5 Smart Ways to Grow Your Newsletter List - 0 views

    Learn here ways to grow your email subscriber list from newsletter subscriptions. 5 tips and tricks are mentioned here to grow newsletter list with huge emails. Building email lists has clear benefits for online retailers. For one, sending the newsletter is the way to reach your customers' most private communication channel - their inbox. It is additionally cheaper than most channels.

Custom Website Design | Benefits Of Custom Web Design - 0 views

    All of us utilize the internet practically daily. We choose the web to communicate, gather information, be entertained, complete various tasks, socialize, share files, buy or sell items, education, stay updated with what's happening, learn, and various other purposes. Websites signify the webpages where we navigate or do what we want on the web. Websites like,,,,, are exclusively some of the sites we regularly check when we surf the web but did you ever consider how these sites were created? Web Development happens to be the method of constructing a site and putting that up on the internet. The method is complex and challenging, but some experts can swiftly perform the job. What is website design? Web Design involves the design of the site as a whole. You instantly view a site and see the layout. Well, that is done as part of web designing. It can undoubtedly be beneficial to have a site that has remained well designed as it will likely be more spontaneous and, consequently, more suitable for visitors to use. There are two methods to design a website: Custom Web Design and utilizing Website Templates. No matter being expensive, this design approach is beneficial as specialized web designers design them for better conversion rates. On the other hand, a website can also reap benefits from using a website template which can be a cheaper option. However you can find out the benefits of a custom website design which may help you ease up your selection on the kind of web design needed. Benefits of custom website design With a custom website design, your website is likely to have a unique design. Custom website design enables you to stand out from the other competitors you have. You can understand what mistake your opponents are making with their site and avoid making the same errors on your site. It allows your website to advertise your brand efficiently and build a greater online presence. A c
Aaron Rylaarsdam

Identifying Your Audience - AT&T Small Business InSite - 0 views

  • <iframe leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="No" frameborder="0" height="1" width="1" src=""></iframe> Rate this content login to rate Identifying Your Audience Before designing the first Web page, it's vital to know who you are trying to reach. This single detail will chart the entire development course, from the site's content to its functionality. Defining and understanding your prospective audience increases the likelihood of user attraction and retention.
  • Before designing the first Web page, it's vital to know who you are trying to reach. This single detail will chart the entire development course, from the site's content to its functionality. Defining and understanding your prospective audience increases the likelihood of user attraction and retention.
  • Primary market research consists of personal interviews, questionnaires, focus groups and surveys. When putting together your own Target Audience Profile, use these guidelines:
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Demographics. Regardless of the assessment tool you use, questions first should address basic demographic information. Prior to conducting a survey or focus group, spend some time online. The U.S. Department of Commerce publishes the Country and City Data Book which captures hard statistics for all U.S. states, counties, and cities with a population of 25,000 or more. Then, compile a questionnaire to address market segmentation along specific criteria:
  • Age: Users' wants and needs tend to change based on their generation. Knowing the average age range of potential users can help you design and market the site to meet that group's expectations. Gender: Male and female users often differ when it comes to what they value in a Web site. Studies show the factors that motivate women to visit or purchase from a particular site don't necessarily inspire men to do the same. Knowing gender predilections at the outset can impact the entire Web design process. Education: Data regarding potential users' educational background will help the Web developer determine design and content. In general, a site's format should target the average likely visitor, rather than aim at high or low ends of the academic experience curve. Geographic location: Where the target audience calls home drives the Web page content. For instance, urbanites living in a densely populated northeastern U.S. city likely will have different needs and preferences than their rural counterparts.
  • Marital status: Married Internet users typically access different retail/service sites than do single people. A TAP will help ascertain which group comprises your largest consumer demographic, with your Web site following this direction. Occupation: Although exceptions invariably exist, Web sites servicing "blue-collar" consumers will differ in style and content from those catering to professionals and "white-collar" workers. By the same token, retirees usually will have different preferences than consumers still in the throes of career building. Income level: A company targeting consumers who are apt to purchase luxury goods and services will require a Web site that differs considerably from a discount retailer's Internet page. Nationality: Businesses trading in goods and services for an ethnically diverse target market may need to consider multilingual content, as well as adjustments in design and format to fit cultural standards. Social class: A consumer's perception of his or her social status impacts preferences in goods and services - even when individual income does not reach this level.
  • Psychographics. Once you've finished with demographic-based questions, you're ready to take the line of inquiry a bit further. The science of psychographics (also known as "enriching characteristics") addresses why consumers act as they do. So, while demographics offer a general outline of your customer pool, psychographics brings critical characteristics of your target audience into sharper focus. Employing a psychographic methodology means devising queries about lifestyles, attitudes, values, beliefs, purchasing habits and other qualitative criteria. Although possibilities are numerous, key questions can help you and your designer hone and refine your Web site. Depending on your business, you might ask, for instance:
  • Do you consider yourself conservative or liberal? Is it important to care of the environment? What are your hobbies? Interests? Are you family-oriented or a loner? What type of entertainment do you prefer (cinema, theater, symphony, etc.)? How many books do you read monthly? What magazines do you read?
  • When you shop, which is most important - friendly staff, nice surroundings, good prices or convenient location? Do you shop for fun, because you must, or to relieve stress? Do you purchase (our) company's product because of quality, ease of use, price or availability? Do you patronize our competitor because their product is cheaper, product quality is better, service is friendlier, the store is nicer, or returns are simpler? Do you go online to work, shop, do research, play games, or e-mail? Do you think the Internet is tough going or easy to navigate? Do you prefer retail/service Web sites that are easy to navigate, easy to read, picture-heavy, or text heavy?
    Good article from AT&T explaining various demographics and psychographics to categories who target audience is.
Harikrishna Patel

Types of Fake iPhones - Softqube Technologies - 1 views

    How To Identify a Fake iPhone? if you are asked to buy an iPhone that's available for cheaper rate then make sure to identify whether these are fake or real ones.

Myths About Usability Testing - 0 views

    It is somewhat strange that while usability testing has been around for over two decades, it is still shrouded by a number of myths and misconceptions. Over the years usability testing, a very important part of software development, has become much simpler, faster and cheaper - there's really no good reason to NOT do usability testing.
Fadsan Technologies Private Limited

Responsible Use of Technology - 0 views

According to the best digital marketing company here, technology has become an important part of life. People while knowing the importance of having the privilege to use the technology at...

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started by Fadsan Technologies Private Limited on 04 May 21 no follow-up yet

What is cross-platform applications and its advantages. - 4 views

As the name suggests, being cross-platform means building applications that can run on a variety of operating systems. Once you've written your application code, you can deploy it to different devi...


started by olafyang on 25 Nov 21 no follow-up yet

Social Media Strategy - 1 views

Social Media is referred to as an electrical-based technology that helps to connect one person with another person through various channels which is available to any Individual. It is generally u...

social media marketing strategy

started by wecodefuture2015 on 03 Oct 22 no follow-up yet

Outsourcing to Philippines is Great - 17 views

poker garuda adalah situs slot online yang paling terpercaya! yang lagi nyari situs slot online terpercaya ayo cepetan cek poker garuda!

Philippine outsourcing

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