What's a simple way to start infusing your curriculum with technology? What's
a good starting point? Do you have a fav collab project?
Courtesy of my Twitter Network:
Suggest they take a part of their curriculum that they know well.... &
consider if it could be made more collaborative, interactive, or personal for
the students... then the tech tools are a win...
Need a GREAT project? Use Glogster to create and publish a WOW multimedia
poster on any academic topic!http://tinyurl.com/3m799m
I've been thinking a lot about NETS-making tech "transparent and
routine." For tech neophytes, it's got to be non-threatening. so I've used
GoogleGroups and GoogleDocs for out-of-class discussion and collaboration.
As a language teacher, epals.com has been invaluable with connecting my
students to native speakers. Also, wikis & google earth
Every faculty member has del.icio.us account-didn't support browser bkmrks
when gave new machines-made em use del.icall summer collaboration and planning
was done on wiki or google docs-all tech supprt documentation on
wiki-students/teachers add
Visit ISTE student profiles. Pick a unit to enhance w/them. See
We start many a noobie on sharing online bookmarks, understanding how to
share and access others bookmarks and subscribe to them.
Use technology to reach it? Sometimes I think when they see how well
the objective is reached, and how engaged the students are
We use wikis & google tools a LOT for collab started as tchr driven
switched 2 stud recommend gaggle too
Blogs would be my top suggestion... very collaborative.. easy learning
curve... lots of possibilities.
My teachers found the http://1001tales.wikispaces.com collaboration to be a
powerful and easily integrated project.
locating images for a timeline project? posting a question of the day on a
class blog? recording and sharing language mp3s?
I started last year with podcasting and posted their work on the web, just
like students in my class do. This year I showed teachers how to post and use a
ning. They LOVED it. I call it Facebook for teachers.
Set up Google Apps for Ed acct. for older students. Demonstrate the powerful
uses of apps. Learn to organize
Start with wikispaces. Look for other examples. Keep it simple &
collborative. Kids work in teams to build wiki. Maybe info one?
I'd say using tools such as Voki and Voicethread have been a good start for
me :o)
Tchers have 2 start by letting go of the idea that they are "integratin
tech" change to using tool for effective instruct ,that said...phone in response
casts to gcast, post assign 2 wiki let kids discuss, storytelling 4 slide...feel
post coming on:)
The easiest way for this writing teacher is to pick a topic, any topic, and
podcast students
another starting point is to use VoiceThread to accomplish that.or start
blogging and ask them to share their poetry (quick, simple success) then post
that online. Have them drop poems into PPT Poetry then put it online with
VoiceThread and invite feedback from other teachers' students on the poems,
serious or fun.
Take them to Thinkfinity.org and let them use the story mapper or bubbl.us
to map a poem, story, nonfiction text
Do something simple that can be successful and allow person to see tech can
support and make easier initially...find easy web sites that kids can do (my
background is EC) that excite them. Find place so they communik8 (such as ask an
Online enviros such as nings or wikis offer the most flexibility for just
about any kind of content; images, video, audio,text
basic start would be w digital camera and bulletin bd then putting pics into
projects, especially w a technophobe....take a look at what is happening and see
what could be done w tech--morning messages, sign in on the computer, parent
notes etc.
I think that there is incredible power in planning learning with other
teachers, and inviting student input :-)
I think wikis are an easy way in for teachers. they understand the
collaborative nature of them. So do kids
I think blogging is a simple way to start for humanities
teachers. It's writing for an audience. That makes sense to