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Ehsan Ullah

Top 5 Reasons Why Forums Are Important For Bloggers - 0 views

    Most of bloggers thinks that forums are not as important as other social networking sites to get traffic but I know why forums are important for bloggers.
Ehsan Ullah

Why Do I Blog? - 0 views

    The blogging is growing very fast and becoming more and more popular everyday, but there are still people who wants to blog but don't know how to blog and why to blog.
Eloise Pasteur

Second Life®, First Person: Throwing in the Web 2.0 Towel - 0 views

  • I started uploading my photos into Picasa because it’s run by Google, just like Blogger is. And now I think I’m stuck. I certainly don’t want to move everything I’ve got in Picasa over to Flickr, and I don’t want to just start putting the new stuff on Flickr because the idea of scattering my photos across two hosting sites just bothers me.
  • There are too many people to follow, and it just got sort of overwhelming. I had a hard time following conversations between people, and before long I was spending huge chunks of my workday just trying to catch up on friends’ Tweets. On top of all that, I also had a hard time coming up with things to say in my own Tweets. Frankly, I can’t imagine why anyone would find the daily minutiae of my life to be worth reading, and the 140-character limit on each Tweet seemed to prevent discussion of anything more deep.
  • All of a sudden, it seemed like everyone moved over to Plurk. This was about the time I took my little summer vaca from SL, and so I haven’t even given a serious look to Plurk, but my superficial examination has left me thoroughly confused. I guess it’s like Twitter on steroids, with all the pressure to microblog and keep up with other folks’ microblogs, but with the added pressure of a reputation rating called “karma”! No thanks.
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  • I never got into thesixtyone. I think it’s a neat idea, and I like how artists can theoretically become “discovered” if enough people bump them, and how the users who are good at picking popular artists are rewarded. But it just doesn’t work for me. I can’t listen to music at work because my brain tends to focus on the music instead of the work at hand.
  • I don’t Skype, for the same reasons I don’t use voice. I’m not much into machinima, so I don’t post videos to YouTube. I’ve given Lively a quick try and it crashed for me about ten times in half an hour, and besides I’m not happy about the fact that you can hit and slap (assault) other avatars without their consent. I still use Google chat occasionally to talk with Lanna when we can’t be in-world, but as I’ve noted before it’s a sorry substitution for SL. I belong to a few Ning groups, such as SL Bloggers and Fashion Finds, but to be honest I rarely use them.
  • Then there’s Facebook. I will admit, I have two Facebook accounts, one for RL and one for SL. (And no, my Second Self is not friends with RL me, so don’t bother checking!) I enjoyed using Facebook as Kit at first, but what I’ve since realized is that what I really enjoyed was using the Scrabulous application on Facebook to play Scrabble with friends, and that’s it. Which, besides being a time-waster and a huuuuuge copyright infringement, really doesn’t have anything to do with Facebook as a platform in and of itself. And the platform just started to annoy me, with all the invitations to install new applications, half of which I don’t understand and don’t really care to. (Why do I care to be a zombie? Or buy and sell my friends?)
    Blog about web 2.0 and why it's unsatisfactory for one user. She goes on to say that Second Life, although it doesn't do any of the jobs as well as specialist sites, overall does all of them well enough.
Helen Baxter

Why I Don't Wear a Suit and Can't Figure Out Why Anyone Does ! - Blog Maverick - 0 views

    Like this Film,dvd,download,free download,product... ppc,adword,adsense,amazon,clickbank,osell,bookmark,dofollow,edu,gov,ads,linkwell,traffic,scor,serp,goggle,bing,,ads network,ads goggle,bing,quality links,link best,ptr,cpa,bpa.
David Wetzel

Why Use Web 20 Tools when Teaching Science or Math? - 1 views

    The following is a common question heard around teacher workrooms, teacher lunchrooms, faculty meetings, and science or math conferences. "Why use web 2.0 tools when teaching science or math?" The answer is both simple and complex at the same time.

Older Gambling - Why Older persons Love Gambling More In comparison with Anything Else! - 1 views

In this US gambling has turn into a widespread task. Research have been displaying a regular increase in the number of individuals who are becoming hooked on to gambling each year. There are usual...

started by ruhul122 on 16 Nov 19 no follow-up yet
Elisa Wilson

Why Your Austin SEO Services Need To Be Different? - 0 views

    Choosing a good Austin SEO company is no easy feat. Here's why you should choose the one that stands out from the rest and attracts attention
Santanu Ghosh

You will surely be successful if these 3 personality get agreed - Program your Mind for... - 0 views

    TABLE OF CONTENT The secret of success The important of 3 personalities inside us to be successful in life. How to strenthen the foundation of success How to combine Dreamer, Realist and critics We all strive for success, everyone wants to achieve extreme success. We all work hard and use our intellect to succeed, but in most cases, success does not come as we expected. We repeatedly try to figure out why we are failing or why success is not coming. I would like to introduce to three people with you, if you talk to them in the right way, can make them agree you can overcome any obstacle and move on towards success. Strengthening the foundation is crucial for any ultimate success and only these three people can build that foundation for you. Surely there is a lot of suspense about who these three people are, where to find them! Don't worry, I will introduce you to them but you have to take the responsibility of convincing them by talking to them in the right way. It's very straightforward, but because we have no real idea about it, we get demotivated when there is a small obstacle in the way of success and we give up. If there is a disagreement between these three people, you will not be able to set goals properly, success is a long way off. These three are needed from the very beginning, that is, when you are going to make a decision to achieve something or to set a goal. Any one of these three personalities can play a major role whenever wants but it is very important to bring these three in balance to create success. A significant percentage of students, business people or government employees lose interest in their field because they do not set goals properly. To walk the path without a specific goal, their Powerful Subconscious Mind cannot act on their behalf. The subconscious mind does not know what to do until a clear picture is created.
mbarek Akaddar

Why Is Project-Based Learning Important? :: TESOL/TESL/TEFL/EFL/ESOL/ESL Resources :: A... - 10 views

    Why Is Project-Based Learning Important?
Clif Mims

Making the Shift Happen - 0 views

  • shift from the “computer class” mindset to an “integrated” technology program
  • very similar problems, very similar history
  • very similar ideas
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  • same fears, concerns and questions
  • why isn’t there a common process or framework to work through
  • why isn’t there a common understanding of what needs to be done to move forward?
  • why aren’t more teachers arriving at schools with some background in this model of teaching and learning
Gary Fox

Will Video Rule Engagement? - 7 views

    Why video will rule engagement

Why You Should Switch HTTP to HTTPS - 0 views

    You may have notice during browsing that some websites have HTTP (or, http://) in the start of URL and some have HTTPS (https://). The websites which have HTTPS in address bar may also have a green color lock symbol, or other signs that make the URL field look different from others. Why You Should Switch HTTP to HTTPS? What does it mean? Does it really make a difference? Yes it does. A single "S" can make a big difference when it comes to security and high-rank.

Why JSON to PDF Conversion is Essential for Data Reporting - 0 views

    Why JSON to PDF Conversion is Essential for Data Reporting
Scott Kinkoph

Why Teach Digital Citizenship | - 16 views

    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
John Onwuegbu

Why Amazon's virtual assistant "Alexa" really matters? | Questechie - 2 views

    Amazon Echo, a smart speaker developed by, is capable of voice interaction, making to-do lists and setting up reminders, with streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic and other realtime information.
prats geeta

Why Creating Social Media Strategies Matter? - 0 views

    Social media as a promotion tool is quite a rage these days. Marketing teams rely heavily on them because of the numerous advantages it offers. They have become an dispensable tool for the businesses in their bid to grow faster.
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