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Eloise Pasteur

HighTouch: Freerange Tools: Email and mailing lists - 1 views

  • I've had nothing good to say about email and mailing lists since like forever. So in writing this post I'm having to eat some serious crow.
  • Our group runs the mailing lists for a much larger organization. We are currently running in the neighborhood of 65 lists, with several having memberships numbering in the hundreds. In spite of that, our little workgroup of 8 has sent over twice as many messages as the second most active group. So where we may not use general mailing lists anymore, having migrated to social networks for our conversations, we still conduct a ton of conversations using our private little mailing list.
  • The bottom line is that freerange workgroups hyper-communicate. They communicate a lot. They share like mad-- cuts to their flat and transparent nature. They use the best tool for the job. Email and mailing lists are incredibly important communication tools when used right. They are perfect for what they are, a delayed time, question and answer, and FYI mechanism for small freerange teams.
    Long live the email list!
Janos Haits - 2 views

    "Instantly get a list of all your accounts, matched with direct links to delete them."
    AOL Mail Login AOL Webmail Sign In
Janos Haits

Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronisation capabili... - 10 views

    "Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format."
    AOL Mail Login AOL Webmail Sign In
Janos Haits

Project Maelstrom - 14 views

    "Project Maelstrom a web browser that powers a new way for web content to be published, accessed and consumed."
  • ...1 more comment...
    "Project Maelstrom a web browser that powers a new way for web content to be published, accessed and consumed."
    Check these updated web 2.0 sites list for do follow backlinks.
    AOL Mail Login AOL Webmail Sign In
Janos Haits

Advisory Alerts - 5 views

    Sign up to receive infosec alerts about the stuff you actually care about instead of being bombarded by a gazillion emails on the infosec mailing lists like full disclosure, bugtraq, etc....
Jungle Jar

4 Useful Twitter Web Applications - 0 views

    These days it seems like everyone is on Twitter, and I even recently read a report stating that more people use Twitter than even use e-mail. So, I've put together another list of useful Twitter web applications for all you tweeters out there.
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