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Talk To Books - Explore books with Artificial Intelligence ( - 0 views

    Talk To Books: Explore books with Artificial Intelligence (
Muslim Academy

Tips for getting to the list of famous Muslim authors - 0 views

    Most of the famous Muslim authors have the target audience in mind and this makes it very effective for them to have the reliable results in their careers. You need to know the audience and this will determine the level and depth of Islam you will include. Some of them have the target of small children and this means that you will deal with the basics of Islam. The same happens when you are dealing with Islamic studies or those who want to learn more about Islam. Another thing that will make you top the list of the famous Muslim authors is to have the right subject in mind, and back it up with the verses in the Quran, real life situations and make it easier for the clients to read. People look for religious books for encouragement, to know more about religion or the method of knowing some of the latest ways to deal with the situations they face. It is also ideal for people who want to lead religious lives and will need daily inspiration. The presentation aspect is what most of the famous Muslim authors keep in mind and this includes the presentation aspect, the pictures, details, and the simplicity of the books. The reader needs to find the message easily once they start reading the book and others will need to find out the verses to compare with the message presented. It needs to be specific, and entail the aspects in an easy to follow manner for the reader. You have the chance to view some of the latest methods of presentation from the other books and come up with your own style to attract the clients.
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pato pato

E-books and Affiliate Programs - 0 views

    Some E-books combine very well with an affiliate program. When the affiliate receives some extra benefit from promoting the viral message, like being able to brand your E-book with his affiliate links, the affiliate makes a sale when a reader buys through a branded link. You benefit from increased traffic on your website because the affiliate is willing to promote the E-books for you.
pato pato

Four Good Reasons to Use Viral E-books - 0 views

    It is a well known and widely accepted fact, that E-books….FREE E-books…are one of the best weapons in a viral marketing campaign arsenal. Here are four good reasons why this is true today and will continue to be true for the foreseeable future
awqi zar

Rescuing Nokia? A former exec has a radical plan * The Register - 5 views

    A couple of months ago, a book appeared in Finland which has become a minor sensation. In the book, a former senior Nokia executive gives his diagnosis of the company, and prescribes some radical and surprising solutions. Up until now, the book has not been covered at all in the English language. This is the first review of the proposals outlined in Uusi Nokia (New Nokia - the manuscript) and draws on three hours of interviews with its author, Juhani Risku.
Janos Haits

Self Publishing, Book Printing and Publishing Online - Lulu - 1 views

  • Products from a million creators Join 500,000 others who visit each week Books, artwork, CDs andall sorts of goodies Distribute through 60,000 retailers, schools and libraries #1 Self Publishing Website (
    Publish print books and eBooks for FREE. Control your work. Reach more readers.
Janos Haits - every book answers a question - 13 views

    At we define books with questions they answer. Ask your question and find the right book. BETA VERSION

Find Your Next Book - Get personalized book recommendations from thousands of titles (f... - 0 views

    Find Your Next Book: Get personalized book recommendations from thousands of titles (
Janos Haits book and offer tours, activities, workshops, local events and more exciting ... - 10 views

    Instantly book activities organized by real people. Book and offer tours, local activities, workshops and other fun things to do... learn more
Helen Baxter

Get Started | Blurb - 0 views

  • Go ahead and install Blurb BookSmart™.Learn More. Download Booksmart Choose the book you’d like to make. Play around. Add photos, blogs, stories, the works. Your book is done, and yours to share and sell. System Requirements For Windows Blurb BookSmart™ Version: 1.9.1 released October 19, 2007 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, or Vista
Omar Cafini - Book Publishing Companies - Publishing Books - WEbook Online Company - 0 views

shared by Omar Cafini on 10 Apr 08 - Cached
    Me? Write a Book? Really? You got it. You are the "we" in WEbook. Work with friends on your inspiration or add a few lines to someone else's. The very best work will be published as WEbook
Janos Haits

Book Meetings with One Email - - 2 views

    "Book meetings with one email. No back & forth. No double bookings. And it's free!"

Exponential Organizations Book 2.0 - 0 views

    Exponential Organizations Book 2.0 - What makes companies and organizations 10x and grow exponentially by Salim Ismail, Peter Diamandis, and Michael S. Malone forward by Ray Kurzweil
mbarek Akaddar

10 Websites For Free Audio Books - 16 views

    10 Best Websites For Free Audio Books
Danielle Klaus

Pdf Search Engine - Ebook Search - 1 views

    Want e-books on a particular topic head over to PDF search engine. It lets you search the web for PDF books and easily download them to your hard disk.
qualitypoint Tech

Will Apple iPad kill Amazon Kindle? - 0 views

    Apple has launched iPad, a new touchscreen device similar to the iPod Touch. It will include an e-book reader, with content from publishers including the New York Times and Penguin Books.
Kelly Perrin

Free Business e-books in PDF - 0 views

    Free bsuiness e-book resource
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