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Muslim Academy

Tips for getting to the list of famous Muslim authors - 0 views

    Most of the famous Muslim authors have the target audience in mind and this makes it very effective for them to have the reliable results in their careers. You need to know the audience and this will determine the level and depth of Islam you will include. Some of them have the target of small children and this means that you will deal with the basics of Islam. The same happens when you are dealing with Islamic studies or those who want to learn more about Islam. Another thing that will make you top the list of the famous Muslim authors is to have the right subject in mind, and back it up with the verses in the Quran, real life situations and make it easier for the clients to read. People look for religious books for encouragement, to know more about religion or the method of knowing some of the latest ways to deal with the situations they face. It is also ideal for people who want to lead religious lives and will need daily inspiration. The presentation aspect is what most of the famous Muslim authors keep in mind and this includes the presentation aspect, the pictures, details, and the simplicity of the books. The reader needs to find the message easily once they start reading the book and others will need to find out the verses to compare with the message presented. It needs to be specific, and entail the aspects in an easy to follow manner for the reader. You have the chance to view some of the latest methods of presentation from the other books and come up with your own style to attract the clients.
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chelfyn Baxter

Management and Virtual Decentralised Networks: The Linux Project - 0 views

  • A mechanistic management system is appropriate to stable conditions. It is characterised by:The Organismic form is appropriate to changing conditions. It is characterised by: Hierarchic structure of control, authority and communicationNetwork structure of control A reinforcement of the hierarchic structure by the location of knowledge of actualities exclusively at the top of the hierarchyOmniscience no longer imputed to the head of the concern; knowledge may be located anywhere in the network; the location becoming the centre of authority Vertical interaction between the members of the concern, ie. between superior and subordinateLateral rather than vertical direction of communication through the organisation  A content of communication which consists of information and advice rather than instructions and decisions
    • chelfyn Baxter
      This is very similar to many Web 1.0/2.0 analogies
  • Structurehierarchicalnetworked Scopeinternal/closedexternal/open Resource focuscapitalhuman, information Statestabledynamic, changing Directionmanagement commandsself-management Basis of actioncontrolempowerment to act Basis for compensationposition in hierarchycompetency level
  • However, "the Linux movement did not and still does not have a formal hierarchy whereby important tasks can be handled out ... a kind of self-selection takes place instead: anyone who cares enough about a particular program is welcomed to try" [54]. But if his work is not good enough, another hacker will immediately fill the gap. In this way, this 'self-selection' ensures that the work done is of superb quality. Moreover this "decentralisation leads to more efficient allocation of resources (programmers' time and work) because each developer is free to work on any particular program of his choice as his skills, experience and interest best dictate" (Kuwabara, 2000). In contrast, "under centralised mode of software development, people are assigned to tasks out of economic considerations and might end up spending time on a feature that the marketing department has decided is vital to their ad campaign, but that no actual users care about" [55].
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Industrial AgeInformation Age Focus on measurable outcomesFocus on strategic issues using participation and empowerment Individual accountabilityTeam accountability Clearly differentiated-segmented organisational roles, positions and responsibilitiesMatrix arrangement - flexible positions and responsibilities Hierarchical, linear information flowsMultiple interface, 'boundaryless' information networking Initiatives for improvement emanate from a management eliteInitiatives for improvement emanate from all directions
  • There is only one layer between the community of Linux developers and Linus: the "trusted lieutenants". They are a dozen hackers that have done considerably extended work on a particular part of the kernel to gain Linus' trust. The "trusted lieutenants" are responsible to maintain a part of the Linux Kernel and lots of developers sent their patches (their code) directly to them, instead of Linus. Of course, apart from Linus that has encouraged this to happen, this informal mechanism represents a natural selection by the community since the "trusted lieutenants" are recognised [by the community] as being not owners but simple experts in particular areas [57] and thus, their 'authority' can always be openly challenged. This does not mean that Linus has more influence than they have. Recently, "Alan Cox (one of the "trusted" ones) disagreed with Linus over some obscure technical issue and it looks like the community really does get to judge by backing Alan and making Linus to acknowledge that he made a bad choice" [58].
  • In 1991, Linus Torvalds made a free Unix-like kernel (a core part of the operating system) available on the Internet and invited all hackers interested to participate. Within the next two months, the first version 1.0 of Linux was released. From that point, tens of thousands of developers, dispersed globally and communicating via the Internet, contributed code, so that early in 1993, Linux had grown to be a stable, reliable and very powerful operating system. The Linux kernel is 'copylefted' software, patented under the GNU GPL, and thus, nobody actually owns it. But more significantly, Linux is sheltered by the Open Source (hacker) community. From its very birth, Linux as a project has mobilised an incredible number of developers offering enhancements, modifications/improvements and bug fixes without any financial incentive. Despite the fact that an operating system is supposed to be developed only by a closely-knit team to avoid rising complexity and communication costs of coordination (Brook's Law), Linux is being developed in a massive decentralised mode under no central planning, an amazing feat given that it has not evolved into chaos. Innovation release early and often: Linus put into practice an innovative and paradox model of developing software. Frequent releases and updates (several times in a week) are typical throughout the entire development period of Linux. In this way, Linus kept the community constantly stimulated by the rapid growth of the project and provided an extraordinary effective mechanism of psychologically rewarding his co-developers for their contributions that were implemented in the last version. On top of this, in every released version, there is a file attached which lists all those who have contributed (code). Credit attribution if neglected, is a cardinal sin that will breed bitterness within the community and discourage developers from further contributing to the project. According to conventional software-building wisdom, early versions are by definition buggy and you do not want to wear out the patience of your users. But as far as the Linux development stage is concerned, developers are the users themselves and this is where most innovation is created (Figure 8). "The greatest innovation of Linux is that treating your users as co-developers is your least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and effective debugging" (Raymond, 1998a).
    It's a great article
Eloise Pasteur

Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs: Women and Children L... - 0 views

    • Eloise Pasteur
      This article is interesting but makes really strong claims based on some tiny samples. They could only find ~350 active blogs for their sample and they used 16 news stories about blogging to base their conclusions about how the whole of the world sees blogging. Please!
  • Males and females are distributed unequally across the age categories, as shown in Figure 1 (for the earlier sample) and Figure 2 (for the later sample). That is, there are more female than male “teens,” and more male than female “adults.” Participation by gender is equal only in the “emerging adult” category in the later sample.
  • Age was coded into two categories for the earlier sample (adult and teen, operationalized as less than 20 years of age). For the later sample, we added an “emerging adult” category for authors between the ages of 20 and 25 (cf. Arnett, 2000), based on our impression after coding the first sample that many “adult” blog authors were in their early 20's
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The results of the analysis of gender and age indicators reveal that the numbers of males and females, and of adults and teens, are roughly equal, especially in the later sub-sample.
  • There is also a skewed distribution of the gender and age of blog authors in relation to blog type. In a recent study, Herring, Scheidt, Bonus and Wright (2004) found evidence of three basic types of weblogs: the content of filters is external to the blogger (links to world events, online happenings, etc.), while the content of personal journals is internal (the blogger's thoughts and internal workings), and k(nowledge)-logs are repositories of information and observations with a typically technological focus. In the present study, we coded each blog in the sample as journal, filter, k-log, or mixed (a combination of two or all of the first three types).
  • Are weblogs inherently “democratizing,” in the sense of giving voice to diverse populations of users? The empirical findings reported for gender and age at the beginning of this essay suggest that they are. Yet public commentators on weblogs, including many bloggers themselves, collude in reproducing gender and age-based hierarchy in the blogosphere, demonstrating once again that even an open access technology—and high hopes for its use—cannot guarantee socially equitable outcomes in a society that continues to embrace hierarchical values.
    Discussion about blogging, and representing blogs in the modern media.
Maluvia Haseltine

IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority - 0 views

shared by Maluvia Haseltine on 28 Jun 09 - Cached
    The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources.
Janos Haits Presentations Made Easy - 24 views

  • lets you author beautiful presentations, right in your browser
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Janos Haits

ScanVine | scanning the grapevine - 11 views

    We score and rank publications, authors, and stories based on their social media impact. Click on any story's score to see the numbers on which it's based.
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John Onwuegbu

Chrome OS Gets new Control Features - 3 views

    Top control features on the list includes: Third-party Cookies blocking, Plugin Authorization, Bookmark Bar, Control on Cookies for URL patterns and Malicious sites.
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Janos Haits

..:: Lavabit Reloaded ::.. - 0 views

    "we start a new freedom journey and inaugurate the next-generation of email privacy and security. In 2014, with Kickstarter funding, I started the development of the Dark Internet Mail Environment (DIME), a revolutionary end-to-end encrypted global standard and Magma, its associated DIME capable free and open source mail server. Today, I am proud to announce that we are releasing DIME and Magma to the world. DIME provides multiple modes of security (Trustful, Cautious, & Paranoid) and is radically different from any other encrypted platform, solving security problems others neglect. DIME is the only automated, federated, encryption standard designed to work with different service providers while minimizing the leakage of metadata without a centralized authority. DIME is end-to-end secure, yet flexible enough to allow users to continue using their email without a Ph.D. in cryptology."
Janos Haits - 8 views

    Turn your browser to a magazine that learns You can teach Scoopinion your reading preferences and participate in filtering stories by installing the add-on. Then, sit back and just read: the application takes care of the rest. For example, it will learn who your favorite authors are. Some of them may come as a surprise!
Janos Haits

MindMup Atlas - 19 views

    MindMup Atlas is a cloud mind map library that enables authors to publish interactive, read-only versions of their maps, optimised for posting to social networks, embedding in web sites and search engine indexing. With just a few clicks, share your ideas and engage your readers using interactive mind maps. Let Atlas
awqi zar

HelpNDoc | HTML help authoring, PDF and WEB based documentation generator - 4 views

  • Write and manage your documentation from an easy to use yet powerful help authoring environment. Generate standard Windows CHM help files, WEB based documentation, PDF and Word documents from a single source.
awqi zar

Rescuing Nokia? A former exec has a radical plan * The Register - 5 views

    A couple of months ago, a book appeared in Finland which has become a minor sensation. In the book, a former senior Nokia executive gives his diagnosis of the company, and prescribes some radical and surprising solutions. Up until now, the book has not been covered at all in the English language. This is the first review of the proposals outlined in Uusi Nokia (New Nokia - the manuscript) and draws on three hours of interviews with its author, Juhani Risku.
Gordon Herd

150 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter | GeekDad | - 0 views

  • 150 Geeky Media People You Should Follow on Twitter By Matt Blum January 14, 2010  |  8:00 am  |  Categories: The Internet Image by Ken Denmead Whether you’ve been using Twitter since 2006, are determined never to use it unless dragged kicking and screaming, or are somewhere in between, you probably know that it’s wildly popular with all sorts of people. In addition to the celebrities who make a big deal about Twitter (e.g., Ashton Kutcher), there are tons of people, both famous and not, who tweet about lots of interesting things. We presented a list last May of 100 Geeks You Should Be Following On Twitter. Today’s list, rather than solely consisting of geeks as the first one did, is composed of Twitter feeds of people and organizations associated with media that appeals to geeks. For your convenience, this list is also available on my Twitter account as @cerebus19/geekymedia. I plan to update the list on Twitter from time to time as I discover new Twitter accounts that are appropriate for it.
    "Geeky Media People" on twitter.
Janos Haits

Quick Heal - 3 views

    TrackMyLaptop is an initiative from Quick Heal Technologies to help and trace stolen laptops. This website is designed to act as a portal to unite the laptop-using community, law enforcement authorities and the Quick Heal team to share information and to combat the growing menace of laptop theft.
Janos Haits

Bitcoin P2P Virtual Currency - 1 views

    Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new money or tracks transactions. These tasks are managed collectively by the network.
Karolin Freiberger

On Air talk radio podcasts on the Authors On Air Network - 0 views


How to publish your book, sell and promote it with web 2.0 tools Videos - - 0 views

    Joanna Penn from explains how the changes in publishing industry can benefit you as a writer and author. Author 1.0...
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