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David Wetzel

6 Top Free Online Tools for Support Teaching and Learning - 0 views

    The six top free online tools were selected from available web 2.0 tools for teaching and learning using presentations, blogging, and bookmarking online resources. There are many excellent online tools available in these three categories, making the selection difficult at best. However, the selection was made based on reviewing available online resources along with other contributions and feedback from teachers.
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 9 Free Online Color Resource Web Applications - 0 views

    I've put together a nice list of websites offering free color resources for the internet masses. Most of these sites offer some sort of online web application for you to use in your creating process, but they all offer something of value for the graphic designer, web designer, photographer, etc.
Dennis OConnor

E-Learning and Online Teaching | - 0 views

    Hi impact, curated magazine of articles and professional resources for those interested in e-learning and online teaching. Published by Dennis O'Connor, Program Advisor for the University of Wisconsin Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program.
David Wetzel

What Does the Online Digital Footprint in Your Classroom Look Like? - 1 views

    In contrast to the digital footprint you use for your personal learning network, this focus is on the online digital footprint students' use in your science or math classroom. The power of a well designed digital footprint brings the capacity to transform a classroom into an online learning community. Within this community your students use digital tools to create and develop a personal learning network.
David Wetzel

How to Use Twitter to Stay Informed in Science and Math - 0 views

    The value of Twitter for helping you and your colleagues stay informed of the latest trends, ideas, resources, and Web 2.0 integration tools has increased tremendously in the past year. A Web 2.0 tool is available for exploiting the every growing information on Twitter to remove barriers and allow you to collaborate with other science and math teachers. This new online tool is - a source of daily Twitter newsletters in education.
Jungle Jar

9 Free Graphic Design Related Online Resources - 0 views

    This is a collection of completely free online logo, icon, and button creators and/or editors. A couple of these have been around for a number of years now, but not that many people know about them. All websites have been tested prior to the posting of this article.
Dennis OConnor

Googlios - 0 views

  • Welcome to "Googlios" where free Google tools meet ePortfolios.   This site is intended to be a collection of resources for those interested in using ePortfolios in Education.  Watch the 2 minute Intro video here
    Many of the participants in the UW-Stout E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Program use Google Sites to create their e-portfolios.  The portfolios are created and used throughout the program. During the practicum, when students become teachers by teaching in one of our graduate classes, they also refine and polish their portfolios. Ultimately the online portfolio becomes a job search tool that helps our graduates show a potential employer what they know. 
Margaret Moore-Taylor

7 Online Quiz Tools Perfect For Classrooms - Edudemic - 26 views

    Whether you want to have students turn in homework via an online form or simply take a quiz or test, online quiz tools are critical to having a connected classroom. Most tools are free, all are robust, and they're quite easy to use. What could be better than that? You can use any of these below tools to get feedback from parents, students, colleagues, and more.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Jungle Jar

JungleJar | 25 Free Online Color Resource Web Applications - 0 views

    This is a list of 25 free color related web applications to create color palettes, edit color palettes, create color themes, test colors and color palettes against a myriad of variables, find color palettes from images, and more.
Diego Morelli

Linked Data & the BBC Music Platform Relaunch - 0 views

    The new BBC web platform for music is online, offering some kind of mash-up presentations of the artists that make use of semantic resources.
Learning McDonald

eLearn: Best Practices - eLearning Tools for English Composition - 0 views

    "In an online learning environment, it is more important than ever to provide multimedia presentations. Students cannot simply read lecture notes. It's up to the instructors to provide the necessary resources and information that support student success. The following tools will help create engaging and interesting presentations, whether used to teach the rules of citation, grammar, or any other writing topic."
mbarek Akaddar

Online Tools and Software to Create Charts, Graphs, Flowcharts, Diagrams etc : Web Desi... - 9 views

    Online Tools and Software to Create Charts, Graphs, Flowcharts, Diagrams etc

Arqoob Online Electronics Shop: Your Ultimate Destination for Electronics in the UAE - 2 views

In the fast-paced world of technology, having access to reliable electronic devices and accessories is crucial. Arqoob Online Electronics Shop stands out as a premier destination for tech enthusias...

power bank dubai Portable Car Charger USB-A to Lightning Data Cable

started by sayedhok on 21 Dec 24 no follow-up yet
David Wetzel

Opening Minds in Science and Math with a New Set of Keys - 0 views

    The use of web based technology is growing by leaps and bounds every day. These online tools are the new set of keys for opening your students' minds. The vast resources on the Internet are making the use traditional methods of teaching and learning obsolete in countless ways.
Cara Whitehead

Word Abbreviations - 0 views

    Free online games and printable resources

What happened to Edtech startup Scribbr? | - 1 views

    Amsterdam-based edtech startup Scribbr was acquired by online learning platform Course Hero. This acquisition, in part due to CH's $395M in funding, has been making waves in the education industry, and for good reason. Scribbr's innovative approach to academic support and Course Hero's vast resources and expertise make for a powerful combination.
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