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Roadmap - MoodleDocs - 1 views

    "Version 2.0 Moodle 2.0, our biggest release ever, is coming together after two years of development. It contains a huge number of core changes to the platform, most of which are designed to give 3rd party developers more flexibility, scalability and safety. The timetable is designed to deliver Moodle 2.0 in time for the new school year in the northern hemisphere and currently looks like this: * March 2010: Moodle 2.0 Beta release * April, May, June 2010: intensive beta testing and bug fixing (freeze on new features) * 1 July 2010: Moodle 2.0 production release You can track our current progress in detail on the Moodle 2.0 Planning document. Please remember that this document is frequently updated and details can change a lot! Draft release notes at Moodle 2.0 release notes. Please add notable items while they are fresh in your mind. The notes will be edited before the final release. System requirements Since Moodle 2.0 is such a major release, we are allowing ourselves some increases in the requirements. * PHP 5.2.8 is now the minimum version supported. (We are aware that several important linux distros are still shipping earlier versions like 5.2.6, but we need at least version 5.2.x for the new File API, and there are bugs in 5.2.7 and earlier that we could not work around.) This allows developers to write cleaner code using the more recent features of PHP, and will also improve user experience. * Databases should be one of the following: o MySQL 5.0.25 or later (InnoDB storage engine highly recommended) o PostgreSQL 8.3 or later o Oracle 10.2 or later o MS SQL 2005 or later * When upgrading to Moodle 2.0, you must have Moodle 1.9 or later. if you are using an earlier version of Moodle (eg 1.8.x) then you need to upgrade to Moodle 1.9.x first. New Community features * Community hub - Makes it easy for teachers to find other courses to download as templates fo

What to Do With Wikipedia - 0 views

  • Wikipedia is an affront to academia, because it undercuts what makes academics the elite in society.
  • Embracing the World of Wikipedia Figuring out what to do with Wikipedia is part of a larger question: When is academia going to acknowledge the elephant in the room? Over the past decade, the web has become the primary informational environment for the average student. This is where our students live. Wrenching them out of it in the name of academic quality is simply not going to work. But the genius of the web is that it is a means, not an end. The same medium that brings us Wikipedia also brings us e-reference and ejournals. Thus we have an opportunity to introduce Wikipedia devotees to three undiscovered realities: 1. Truth to tell, much of Wikipedia is simply amazing in its detail, currency, and accuracy. Denying this is tantamount to taking ourselves out of the new digital reality. But we need to help our students see that Wikipedia is also an environment for shallow thinking, debates over interpretation, and the settling of scores. Wikipedia itself advises that its users consult other sources to verify the information they are finding. If a key element in information literacy is the ability to evaluate information, what better place to start than with Wikipedia? We can help students to distinguish the trite from the brilliant and encourage them to check their Wikipedia information against other sources. 2. We need to introduce students to digital resources that are, in many cases, stronger than Wikipedia. Some of these are freely available online, like the amazing Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ( Others may be commercial e-reference sources with no barrier except a user name and password. 3. The most daring solution would be for academia to enter the world of Wikipedia directly. Rather than throwing rocks at it, the academy has a unique opportunity to engage Wikipedia in a way that marries the digital generation with the academic enterprise. How about these options: • A professor writes or rewrites Wikipedia articles, learning the system and improving the product. • A professor takes his or her class through a key Wikipedia article on a topic related to the course, pointing out its strengths and weaknesses, editing it to be a better reflection of reality. • A professor or information literacy instructor assigns groups of students to evaluate and edit Wikipedia articles, using research from other sources as an evaluative tool. • A course takes on specific Wikipedia topics as heritage articles. The first group of students creates the articles and successive groups update and expand on them. In this way, collections of key “professor approved” articles can be produced in many subject areas, making Wikipedia better and better as time goes on. If you want to see further options, Wikipedia itself provides examples ( What to Do with Wikipedia When academia finally recognizes that Wikipedia is here to stay and that we can either fight it or improve it, we may finally discover that professors and students have come to a meeting of minds. This doesn’t mean that Wikipedia articles will now be fully acceptable in research paper bibliographies. But surely there is a middle ground that connects instruction on evaluation with judicious use of Wikipedia information. Ultimately, the academy has to stop fighting Wikipedia and work to make it better. Academic administrators need to find ways to recognize Wikipedia writing as part of legitimate scholarship for tenure, promotion, and research points. When professors are writing the articles or guiding their students in article production and revision, we may become much less paranoid about this wildly popular resource. Rather than castigating it, we can use it as a tool to improve information literacy.

EdTech Startup Papermache Aims To Inspire Better Online Research - 1 views

  • academia has been reluctant to accept internet sources as legitimate in intellectual discussion. As a result, students have been forced to use antiquated and difficult methods of finding relevant information online.
  • Los Angeles startup Papermache (site will soon be here) will combine a social network with a digital portfolio, allowing university students to legally share their graded research papers with a peer community. Users will read, up/downvote, discuss, and cite the findings and perspectives of their peers in a safe and collaborative environment. It could become the go-to destination for finding and using amazing, relevant information by harboring an active community of research and researchers.
  • n addition to producing and consuming awesome content, students will be able to reach out to like-minded peers for future collaboration. This will make better informed students and better written papers, raising the collective awareness of its users.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A first for undergraduate academic publishing, Papermache will utilize Creative Commons licensing (denoted by the “.cc” in to its users who upload content. Adding intellectual property rights to work establishes ownership and gives legal protection to combat cheating. “On Papermache,” said Benjamin, “we want to make it easier to not cheat than to cheat, since convenience is a main cause of plagarism. Therefore, we created built in citation capabilities that – in a highlight and two clicks – gives credit to original authors and keeps content consumers legal.”
    This site will allow university students to legally share their graded research papers using a "cc" licence. Apparently they want to make it easier to not cheat than to cheat (by providing built in citation capabilities) - I guess that remains to be seen.

Dan Pink: How Teachers Can Sell Love of Learning to Students | MindShift - 0 views

  • Guided by findings in educational research and neuroscience, the emphasis on cognitive skills like computation and memorization is evolving to include less tangible, non-cognitive skills, like collaboration and improvisation.
  • are all about moving other people, changing their behavior, like getting kids to pay attention in class; getting teens to understand they need to look at their future and to therefore study harder. At the center of all this persuasion is selling: educators are sellers of ideas.
  • Pink said school superintendents rated problem-solving as the top capability they wanted to instill.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Corporate executives, however, rated problem-solving as seventh on their list of attributes in employees, but rated problem identification as the single most important skill. That is, the ability to suss out issues and challenges that aren’t necessarily obvious. And this is where students could benefit from educators — learning the process of identifying a problem.
  • There’s something to be said for connecting particular lessons to something in the real world.”
  • . Games have the potential to make math more relevant or engaging, Pink said, but if they lead to standardized thinking about getting to the one right answer, that can be problematic.
  • To get to that engagement, people have to unlearn these deeply rooted habits. I defy you to find a two year old who is not engaged. That’s how we are out of the box.”
    A great post!

Collections - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    This page makes it easy to find information and resources that are relevant to particular concepts, approaches and strategies. Each Collection is curated to serve a particular need and shares a set of resources pooled from The Learner's Way. In time this set of Collection will grow. In addition to articles from The Learner's Way you will be able to find resources designed to help you get started with the key concepts presented. The aim is to produce a set of resources which are readily accessible and of immediate benefit to classroom teachers and school leaders.

iStanford for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    "* Maps: Search for buildings / places on campus, see bus routes and live locations, use GPS to find where you are on the 8,180 acre campus * Directory: Search for students, faculty, and staff in the Stanford directory, tap to call or email, add them as contacts on your phone * Courses: Search for classes, find out where and when they're offered, tap to call or email the professor, enroll during open enrollment, view your courses and grades * Athletics: Get news, scores, and schedules for every Stanford varsity sport * Images: Get photo images of Stanford University, send to a friend, save as wallpaper * Events: Get information about things happening on campus * Videos: Check out Stanford content on YouTube (UTV) * News: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! News from a variety of Stanford news sources - Stanford News, the Daily, Graduate School of Business, Medicine, athletics, and more! * Stanford on iTunes U: Access thousands of Stanford audio and video recordings- including courses, faculty lectures and campus performances - in iTunes U * Library: Search the prodigious content of Stanford libraries in a variety of ways, show content availability and location, call number, view item in SearchWorks * Emergency: Call to report emergency or non-emergency, call to obtain information from the Stanford Emergency Information Hotline * 5-SURE: Call to get a safe ride home"

Instructional Design for Sociocultural Learning Environments - 3 views

  • learning from experience and discourse
  • authentic problems and collaborate
  • These kinds of designs are excellent for learning discrete bits of information, practicing simple and basic behaviors, building complex psychomotor skills, and learning to use applications or processes that require a narrow, prescriptive approach
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • instruction that attempts to control the learner’s responses and environment
  • acquisition
  • learning goal is enculturation
  • Enculturation results from interactions among people, objects, and culture in a collective effort to solve problems, create products, or perform service
  • Carrying on a dialogue tells the student that she/he is an equal member of the community.
  • Conversation, discourse, talking, chat, dialogue, exchange, banter, discussion, communication, dissertation, critique, and exposition
  • The activation of discourse is everything
  • applicable to their needs when they need them, motivating learning
  • This convergence of tools, practice, and theory enables teachers and students to discuss, plan, create, and implement unique strategies for providing instruction within a unique environment.
  • enablers
  • Learners are collaborators in the learning process and have an equal role in setting goals.
  • They make most of the decisions related to what to learn, how to study, and which resources to use.
  • Teachers pass on information to the learner. The clearer the information the more the learner will acquire.
  • Evaluation is a critical strategy within traditional learning environments
  • Teachers focus on interacting at a metacognitive level with the learners. They help students analyze their learning deficits through questioning.
  • Insufficient learning or failure
  • Tools enable learners to contribute to the community.
  • learners who want to learn what they need as fast as they can to apply within their community of practice
  • Tools are not objects of instruction.
  • Scott Grabinger
  • Instructional Design for Sociocultural Learning Environments

Mathematical thinking presents teachers and students with new challenges - The Learner'... - 0 views

    The shift away from teaching for the rote memorisation of prescribed methods requires teachers to rethink their approach to the discipline. With this new pedagogy comes a need to understand the processes of mathematical thinking in ways not previously required. When we require our students to be able to reason and problem-solve through unique challenges we also require our teachers to have an understanding of the mathematical moves that their learners are likely to call upon.

From Good to Great: Writing well by Thinking like Authors - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    A common challenge for students and teachers is how to develop a great idea for a piece of writing. Too often students struggle with the process of finding inspiration for their writing. They have a vague idea for the story they hope to tell, but all too quickly it transforms into a list of events with little or no detail. The goal here is to provide our students with a process to use during the planning process. The hope is that by identifying the type of thinking required during the early phases of ideation and to focus their attention on details, that the stories our students subsequently compose will be more enjoyable to read. Hopefully, this process helps.

Taking a Reflective Stance - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    To ensure reflective practice is more than an activity added to our schedule, we need to take a reflective stance. Too often, reflection becomes the thing we do at the end of a task or the end of the day. We look back and contemplate what was, and with that in mind, we look forward to what we might do differently next time. It is in this way a very reactionary process. By all means, this form of reflection has its place, and it can be a powerful strategy to deploy as we seek to learn from experience. If we value reflective practice, we will be sure to set aside time for this form of reflection on a routine basis. By engaging in reflection habitually, we ensure that it is a routine part of our day. But adopting a reflective stance can make this more powerful.

New iStanford Release with Library App | Information Center - 0 views

    "iTunesU, 5-SURE and Emergency Tiles), but of special note are two major, Libraries-specific enhancements: 1. A Library "tile", which allows you to search library holdings via SearchWorks from your iPhone. 2. A Library "Places" overlay in the Maps tile. The iStanford interface looks like this (note the library tile in the bottom left corner): The Library tile takes you straight to a search box, powered by SearchWorks' index and relevancy ranking. Search results show book covers, author, title and availability. iStanford screenshot of SearchWorks search result Individual item records provide additional information, including item location and availability status, as well as links to any online versions. iStanford screenshot of map with There is also an Advanced Search option, and an "Ask A Librarian" page, with integrated email and phone numbers for Campus libraries. The new Maps tile now has a "Places" button in the bottom right corner of the screen, which provides a link to Libraries or Residential and Dining. The Libraries "place" provides a list (or map) of campus libraries. Individual library links include contact information, a link to hours, and a link to the library's web site."

How might we confront the challenges of time and "the system"? - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Two forces seem to present the most significant obstacle to educators hoping to achieve these illustrious goals for and with their learners. The first is time, the second is "the system". Together these two factors act as a bulwark to change; the constraints within which progress is able to occur but only to the point that it strikes against the seemingly immutable obstacles. 

Confronting the fear and challenge of a new curriculum - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    Our learners will never now a world where Digital Technologies are not the norm. Using solutions developed within this space and with this mindset is already their normal. Unless they are to be slaves to this technology we must also empower them to be creators of digital solutions. To do this we must begin with recognising the challenges that a curriculum built around mastery of Digital Technologies brings to our teachers and seek to understand the supports they require.

For those about to make a resolution - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    With the year rushing to a close, this seems like the right time to set goals for the year ahead. To pause and consider what next and make some personal promises.  The trouble is that the history of setting New Year Resolutions is littered with failures. It is so easy at this point  in time to make commitments for change and then just a few weeks later to have forgotten what they were.

Events: A Research Study on the Use of a Virtual Classroom: Wimba and BB - 1 views

    "Southern Miss decided to investigate the feasibility of adding a tool to our current Learning Management System, Blackboard, that would increase opportunities for student-to-instructor and student-to-student interaction. After auditioning applications from several different companies, Southern Miss decided that Wimba Classroom was the best fit for the goals and objectives it had set out to achieve. "

A critical examination of Blackboard's e-learning environment - Coopman - 3 views

  • teaching/learning as performance and teaching/learning as text
  • perceived institutional presence — the degree to which online learners felt connected to the university — was positively related to learning outcomes, satisfaction with the course, and intent to stay in the program.
  • students in the traditional classes interacted with each other far less than those in the hybrid (Web–enhanced) classes
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • quality of interaction in online discussions, rather than quantity, may be the better predictor of student achievement
  • Interrogating the structure of learning management systems such as Blackboard brings to light the unnoticed ways in which the software frames online classroom interaction
  • Rose (2004) argued in her critique of learning management systems that the mediated tools instructors use to teach their classes are not value–free. The author lamented that “there is no acknowledgment of the fundamental transformations that must be wreaked upon content imported into platforms such as WebCT and Blackboard, nor of the fact that the very structure of these systems constrains instructional possibilities and decision–making.” [4] Like a highly bureaucratic organization, once a structure is built into a learning management system, changing the structure becomes unimaginable (Sandvig, 2006).
  • Online class discussions typically involve more student–student interaction and less instructor–student interaction. Lobel, et al. (2005) found that instructors were the center of the interaction network during in person discussions whereas the group was the center during online discussions. Blackboard’s discussion feature allows students to interact directly with each other, bypassing the instructor. However, the degree of structural flexibility in a Blackboard discussion board resides to a large extent in the decisions the instructor makes. May students attach files? May students start new discussion threads? May students post anonymously? Do they rate each other’s messages? What is the rating system?
  • What has changed is the instructor’s increased ability to track students’ use of the class Web site: number of messages posted, number of messages read, and how many times various pages or sections are accessed. Mullen (2002) argued that this type of information seems to provide an objective measure of student engagement, but in fact creates a dangerously decontextualized, essentialized image of a class in which levels of “participation” stand in for evidence of learning having taken place. Students are treated not as learners, as partners in an educational enterprise, but as users
  • “The brave new world of digital education promises greater access, increased democratic participation, and the transcendence of discrimination through pure minds. We must interrogate the actuality of these hypes: who has access, is participation online transformative, and is transcendence of difference a goal of progressive pedagogies?” [8]

On campus, but out of class: an investigation into students' experiences of learning te... - 0 views

    This paper presents an investigation into how students studying at university engage actively with learning technology in their self-directed study time. The case study surveyed 250 students studying at undergraduate and postgraduate level from a purposive sample of departments within one institution. The study has also conducted focus groups and a number of in-depth follow-up interviews with respondents to the survey. In this article we explore three emerging aspects of the learning experience, namely student expectations of the technology, their lecturers' engagement with technology and how the technology might support processes of transition in higher education. One key implication is that more academic guidance is needed on what and how to use the technology effectively for independent learning, even where ICT skills levels are high. The study also identifies the significant role that the lecturer plays in facilitating students' use of technology. The findings of this study will be of interest to those working to incorporate learning technologies more effectively in higher education, in particular for those who are looking to improve the engagement of students in self-directed learning.

Why we need to move our technology use beyond substitution - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    Mere substitution is not going to help our learners maximise the affordances of technology. The challenge is to find ways by which technology can enhance learning. We can be certain that technology is not going to go away and that those who maximise the affordances that it brings are likely to gain the most from it. 

Taking time to design programmes for understanding - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Identifying what our children need to learn is one of the most important processes within education. For the teacher this is the question they engage with as they design their teaching and learning units. By no means is this an easy task and the teacher must balance multiple factors to ensure that the programmes they design provide their students with the learning they require. Even the most effective sequence of lessons is of little value if what it sets out to teach has little importance in the lives our learners are likely to lead. 

The trouble with Twitter - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Twitter is a great place for educators to share ideas. It has become my go to place when I am looking for something to read, a new idea or some inspiration. It is a great avenue for sharing practice, asking questions and building a community.    But . . .   . . . Twitter has some problems and these seems to be growing. To get the most out of Twitter a degree of caution is advised.
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