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Robyn Jay

Real time search - Google launch today « Lucacept - intercepting the Web - 2 views

    "Is education responding fast enough? How many teachers out there are aware of impending change and its impact on the way we do things?"
Kristin Turnbull

Web 2 Tools for Online Teaching in a Moodle site - 7 views

    Moodle site that explains some of the Web 2.0 tools and their applications in teaching and learning. Aimed at school teachers but a nice summary of some of the tools out there.
Niki Fardouly

CompendiumLD learning design software - 0 views

    CompendiumLD is a software tool for designing learning activities using a flexible visual interface. It is being developed as a tool to support lecturers, teachers and others involved in education to help them articulate their ideas and map out the design or learning sequence. Feedback from users suggests the process of visualising design makes their design ideas more explicit and highlights issues that they may not have noticed otherwise. It also provides a useful means of representing their designs so that they can be shared with others.
Niki Fardouly

CIES - CETL(NI): Institutional E-Learning Services - 1 views

    The CETL(NI) has developed a Hybrid Learning Model which can be used to describe learning activities as a series of understandable and universal set of learning events where the teachers and students experience and roles are clearly defined at each stage. The strength of this method is its transparency, use of plain English and its potential in breaking down effective complex learning activities into a generic, re-usable format so that good practice can be disseminated, reapplied and evaluated easily.
Niki Fardouly

Online Icebreakers University of South Alabama - 0 views

    Using Online Icebreakers to Promote Student/Teacher Interaction
John Paul Posada

Australian Access Federation - 0 views

    The Australian Access Federation (AAF) provides a framework and support infrastructure to facilitate trusted electronic communications and collaboration within and between universities and research institutions in Australia and overseas. The AAF uses cutting edge technologies to provide a range of automatic identification services, which will allow authentication of people (researchers, teachers and students) and resources (servers, services, networks, instruments and data). It enables resource owners to identify and authorise a researcher to access online resources, such as computer facilities, data and other research infrastructure, at their home institution, at other Australian institutions, and around the world.
Bronwyn Davies


    LEARNING IN 140-CHARACTER BITES Twitter can improve teacher-student communication, in and out of class.
Niki Fardouly

First Words by David Baume at Oxford Brookes - 1 views

    Guide for new teachers on all things learning and teaching
John Paul Posada

21 Things 4 Students - 5 views

    Great resources for students and teachers alike. Thanks to Andrew Chambers for sharing.
Nigel Coutts

Towards a pedagogy for life-worthy learning - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    In the contemporary classroom, there is much greater consideration of what the learner does in partnership with their teacher so that they develop the capacity to learn. Classroom routines and structures are designed to engage the learner in a rich process of dialogical learning. 
Nigel Coutts

Confronting the fear and challenge of a new curriculum - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    Our learners will never now a world where Digital Technologies are not the norm. Using solutions developed within this space and with this mindset is already their normal. Unless they are to be slaves to this technology we must also empower them to be creators of digital solutions. To do this we must begin with recognising the challenges that a curriculum built around mastery of Digital Technologies brings to our teachers and seek to understand the supports they require.
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