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Kristin Turnbull

What Students Want: Characteristics of Effective Teachers from the Students Perspective - 4 views

    Extensive study on what students consider are the characteristics of effective teachers - both F2F and online. A quick summary of the characteristics on p.25.
Nigel Coutts

Holiday Reading List - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    With summer in the southern hemisphere, long days combined with school holidays for school teachers create the perfect opportunity to relax with a good book. Here are five great reads that might spark some curiosity and keep the brain working over the break.
Nigel Coutts

Essential Reading for Teachers Interested in Thinking - The Learner's Way - 2 views

    If you are interested in building a classroom culture where thinking is noticed, named and celebrated, there are three books which make essential reading. They provide clear evidence for why teachers should focus their efforts on encouraging and normalising thinking and offer research-backed strategies to support this. The books are the result of ongoing research by Harvard's Project Zero and their lead author Ron Ritchhart.
Robyn Jay

Christopher D. Sessums :: Blog :: Who's Cheating Whom?: Authentic Assessment and A Deba... - 0 views

    "In the end, what you assess is what you get. To improve student performance we must first acknowledge that essential intellectual abilities are not accurately reflected through conventional testing, and second, move toward more authentic systems of assessment that more meaningfully measure and represent student and teacher abilities."
Dianne Rees

Free Technology for Teachers: Synch Microsoft Office with Google Docs - 0 views

    "Cloud Connect is a free plugin for Microsoft Office that will enable you to synch your documents to Google Documents. "
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