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Robyn Jay

ISW: WikiSym '10, What did they do? ... - 0 views

    "What did they do? Deriving high-level edit histories in Wikis"
Bronwyn Davies

Clay Shirky: How Twitter can make history | Video on - 0 views

    This was BEFORE the #iranelection
Robyn Jay

Jason Rhode, PhD - 0 views

    Monica Rankin, professor of History at UT Dallas, wanted to know how to reach more students and involve more people in class discussions both in and out of the classroom.
Nigel Coutts

For those about to make a resolution - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    With the year rushing to a close, this seems like the right time to set goals for the year ahead. To pause and consider what next and make some personal promises.  The trouble is that the history of setting New Year Resolutions is littered with failures. It is so easy at this point  in time to make commitments for change and then just a few weeks later to have forgotten what they were.
Nigel Coutts

A New Renaissance - The Future of Education — The Learner's Way - 0 views

    This week I am in Florence having spent two days at "The Future of Education" conference. Visiting this city, which has played such a significant role in western history, is inspiring. It encourages one to not only look back at what was, but also to look ahead at what might be, especially when the t
Nigel Coutts

Are we there yet? Are we there? - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    This much-maligned question seems so appropriate for education's recent history. All that was normal, everything that was routine, all of our structures, have been turned upside down and hurled into the wind of COVID19. From having spoken of a future dominated by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), we have found ourselves living in it. Innovation and creativity became the new normal as we "Apollo 13" schooling into a model that met the demands of emergency remote learning. The pressure, the workload, the demands on our time and the cognitive load have all been immense, and so it seems fitting to ask "Are we there yet?".
Robyn Jay

We can't let educators off the hook | Dangerously Irrelevant - 3 views

  • You can’t ‘firmly believe in life-long learning’ and simultaneously not be clued in to the largest transformation in learning that ever has occurred in human history. Those two don’t co-exist. Being a ‘life-long learner’ is not ignoring what’s going on around you; you don’t get to claim the title of ‘effective educator’ if you do this.
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