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Two Point Hospital Game Free Download - 0 views

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Jogging Moncler Pas Cher Jogging - 0 views

Survetement Moncler Homme Pas CherJedemandai à Rouletabille de la satisfaire encore. Que s'étaitil passé auGlandier depuis huit jours ? Mon ami ne m'avaitil pas dit qu'il y avaitmaintenant contre D...


started by wkserena on 12 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Dugg Lowe

How to Write a Descriptive Essay - 1 views

    Most essays are designed to prove a point or to lead the reader through a logical set of points in order to arrive at a conclusion. A descriptive essay is not this type of essay, but rather allows the writer to use a great deal more freedom in language usage and subject matter.

Trousse Longchamp Trousse - 0 views

15"Nous devons témoigner du respect aux gens qui ont fait le choix de soutenir ce parti et nous allons travailler activement à les faire revenir parmi nous", atil déclaré.Grant Shapps, le président...


started by wkserena on 22 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Burberry Homme pas cher Ensuite - 0 views

Et à ce point de ma rêverie, je m'avise que les deux paysont les mêmes couleurs : jaune et bleu.Je n'irai donc pas à Kharkov,dont le nom évoque des congrès d'écrivains, celui des écrivainsrévolutio...


started by wkserena on 10 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Jogging Adidas Pas Cher Survetement - 0 views

Survetement Adidas Pas Cher Cette galerie tournante, dit Rouletabille, je me la réserve. Vous,quand je vous en prierai, vous viendrez vous installer ici. Et il me fit entrer dans un petit cabinet n...


started by wkserena on 14 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Detailed Information On The Cares Route | Siguiendolasenda - 0 views


ruta del cares

started by khurshid-ahmad on 04 Oct 22 no follow-up yet

How to organise ideas and add points logically in assignment writing? - - 0 views

    For skilful students, assignment writing is no less than a challenge game that aims to increase the focus and concentration for a predefined goal accomplishment. In compliance with their mastery in solving all technical and basic level challenges, the brilliant students never feel scared of lengthy assignments as they know how to correctly and logically organise a highly different set of ideas to conserve the original purpose of writing. This article will discuss some important methods for organising different ideas and adding different points for bringing coherency to an assignment.

Four points to better landing page conversions - 0 views

    Make the most of the advantages connected with these components by sufficiently and accurately using them is the base to optimize your landing page design.

Welcome to the Filey and Hunmamby Mercury business directory - 0 views

    Telephone Engineer Filey are network approved independent local EX-BT Telephone Engineers, covering all aspects of onsite installations, faults, repairs, rewires and relocations of Telephone and Broadband services for home phone and small business based in Filey and, established in 2001, Filey Telephone services are local, fully experienced, independent EX-BT Telephone Engineers who offer a 12 month onsite Parts installation guarantee and very competitive rates when compared to your current service provider. All installations and repairs completed by Telephone line engineers in Filey , your local network approved independent EX-BT Telephone Engineers, are completed to BABT specifications. For all your onsite Telephone Extensions, additional telephone points, telephone line faults, repairs and broadband relocations, book local with Filey Telephone services, network approved EX-BT Engineers for Your Area. BOOK ONLINE or PHONE: 07860244274
Miriam Brosseau

26 Internet safety talking points | Dangerously Irrelevant - 0 views

    amazing list
Cynthia Cunningham

The Attention Economy: An Overview - 0 views

  • Because of this information explosion, we no longer read - we skim. The news that used to last a day now lasts just a few hours, simply because we need to pay attention to the new news. So it is becoming increasingly difficult to juggle all the news sources and keep on top of things. Which brings us to the law of information, stated first by Herbert Simon: the rapid growth of information
  • causes scarcity of attention.
  • It is also a big problem for news sites, blogs, search engines and online retailers. Our scarcity of attention hurts their economics.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • What is the likelihood that you leave if you see an irrelevant headline? High.
  • The idea behind the Attention Economy is to create a marketplace where consumers are happy, because if they are shown relevant information
  • For example news feeds illustrate the point well, since they ask for consumers attention in exchange for the opportunity to show him/her advertising. The Search engines are similar in that respect, because they show ads in exchange for helping users find answers online.
  • It is important to realize that the key ingredient in the attention game is relevancy.
  • So the question is: how do you show the user relevant content? This is a complex problem that can be partially addressed by recommendation engines.
  • Another key ingredient of the Attention Economy is privacy.
  • The challenge is not just to protect consumers information, the challenge is to put the user in control of her information.
  • AttentionTrust succeeded in defining a simple, elegant, yet encompassing set of principles that define the rules of the game, by outlining the basic consumer rights in the AttentionEconomy: Property: You own your attention and can store it wherever you wish. You have CONTROL. Mobility: You can securely move your attention wherever you want, whenever you want to. You have the ability to TRANSFER your attention. Economy: You can pay attention to whomever you wish and receive value in return. Your attention has WORTH. Transparency: You can see exactly how your attention is being used.
  • So these seemingly simple rules ensure that participants transact fairly and that businesses do not monopolize users information
  • Ideally, a body of standards and protocols should be the technological foundation of the Attention Economy. Since these are early days of the conversation about attention, such standards do not yet exist. Here is an outline of what the Attention Architecture will look like (there is a detailed post on the topic from last year on my personal blog):
  • So from a technical point of view, the key to facilitating the attention marketplace is in decoupling of attention capturing, attention storage and attention recording services.
  • Silos: User information needs to be freed from proprietary silos Round Table: The industry needs to create a round table, to enable organizations to govern both the business and technical aspects of the attention economy (think Java Community Process). Education: People need to be educated about the value of their attention and the principles of attention economy. Avoiding privacy concerns will not work, instead they need to be tackled head on.
    Attention Economy Primer
Dugg Lowe

How to Write a Persuasive Essay - 0 views

    A persuasive essay is very similar to an argumentative essay in that information is presented to attempt to persuade the reader that a certain point of view is more legitimate than another. Another element of a persuasive essay will try to convince the reader to take a certain action or to modify a behavior they are already performing.
Bob Bartley

Strategies and Resources for Using the Internet Effectively in the Classroom - 0 views

    This site is a little old now but it provides a great starting point for getting teachers using the internet as a learning and teaching resource. Definately worth a read.
Ginger Lewman

Is the iPad Fit for School? - 5/1/2010 - School Library Journal - 9 views

    Kevin Honeycutt watched as a group of students at the Turning Point Learning Center, a K-8 charter school in Emporia, KS, took turns with an iPad, rocking out on a virtual guitar as they rehearsed for an upcoming spring concert.
Wendy Johnson

The Kahn Academy - 0 views

    A free world-class education for anyone anywhere. The Khan Academy is an organization on a mission. We're a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere. Students can make use of our extensive video library, practice exercises, and assessments from any computer with access to the web. Complete custom self-paced learning tool A dynamic system for getting help A custom profile, points, and badges to measure progress

Jogging Guess Homme Pas Cher Survetement - 0 views

Jogging Gucci Pas CherL'homme avait pris, toujourscomme je l'avais prévu, la galerie à sa droite, c'estàdire le chemin préparé de sa fuite À moi, Jacques ! À moi, Larsan ! m'écriaije. Il nepouvait ...


started by wkserena on 13 Nov 14 no follow-up yet
Devia Rajput

On The Universe Top 10 Deadly Toxic Snakes - 0 views

    Hi friends here i show you top ten dangerous and most toxic snakes in the world.More especially and dangerous snakes conspiracy us. We will discuss in this article about the most dangerous poisonous snakes. It resolves also be a superior time to point out that something poisonous introduces you with toxin, and something noxious troubles you when you feel or eat it
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