The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education | Center for Social... - 10 views
Web 2.0 Literacy Tools Master List Fall - 21 views
Game On! - 5 Resources for Literacy and Spelling Games - 15 views
Summer Program - 0 views
Wiki:Main Page | Social Media CoLab - 9 views
This wiki is for the use of the community of practice that we hope will coalesce around the use of the Social Media Classroom specifically and more generally around the use of participatory media in teaching and learning. At the beginning, the main purpose is to build out a repository of resources for teachers and learners around all aspects of participatory media literacy, but like all wikis, the future shape will depend on the community that uses it.
On Our Minds @ Scholastic: From ISTE 2010: What is this thing called Networked Literacy? - 1 views
A new literacy for understanding and communicating knowledge in the post-truth era. - T... - 0 views
A Growing List of Resources... - 2 views
Check out my blog for my forever growing list of resources!