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50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers | Teaching Tips - 0 views

  • 50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers
    50 Useful Blogging Tools for Teachers,博客工具,教师工具网站,国外的。
Mason Olivia

Sage 50 not Working after Windows Update - Call 1.800.796.0471 for Help - 0 views

If Sage 50 Crashes After Upgrading to Windows 10 v1709, you need to run Sage in compatibility mode. To do this you need to right-click on the Sage 50 icon and select properties. If you run into iss...

Sage 50 not working

started by Mason Olivia on 14 Nov 18 no follow-up yet
Pooja sharma

Glenn Maxwell Fastest 50 | Fastest 50 in Australian ODI - 1 views

    Subscribe Between22yards to watch exclusive Cricket videos like this video for Glenn Maxwell fastest 50. He holds a record for scoring fastest 50 in Australian ODI history, in just 19 balls. For more Cricket videos, visit Between22yards YouTube page.
Sara Wilkie

The 31 most influential classic books in education - a crowd-sourced list « G... - 0 views

    "This list came from a crowd-source appeal via Twitter and an email to colleagues and friends. Each book on the list received at least 5 votes from the 50 or so folks who responded; good enough for me"
Devia Rajput

In Hollywood Top 10 Chief Male Artists - 0 views

    Hi Friends Now You See Top 10 Chief Hollywood Male Artists.The top ten chief paid Hollywood actors are mentioned in this article. The highest paid actors are got $ 20-30 million salaries. For every movie released, we as a public only look at the overall box office collections. Before many years ago the actress and actors have fixed salary in the 50s and 60s. Their job timing had 9 am to 5 pm. Many things changed the entertainment production be inclined to make highest money.

How to Prepare Aptitude Test for Competitive Exams - 0 views

Practice as many questions before your assessment. The more psychometric aptitude test questions you practice the more your speed, accuracy and confidence will improve. Improving these factors will...

Aptitude Test Online

started by puzznbuzzus on 23 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
enrique garcia

Rethinking Information Diversity in Networks - 0 views

    • enrique garcia
      See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could be a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" .
  • See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could be a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . I Keep reading...
  • Social Networks as Information Pathways
  • ...47 more annotations...
  • Economic sociologist Mark Granovetter
  • The Strength of Weak Ties
  • 1973 paper
  • people are more likely to acquire jobs that they learned about through individuals they interact with infrequently rather than their close personal
  • We are connected to core groups of strong ties that we interact with frequently and weak ties that we interact with infrequently
    • enrique garcia
      See Moreno (1951), Lewin (1947), etc.
    • enrique garcia
      Moreno (1951:1931)
  • the "strength of weak ties" states that weak ties facilitate information flow from disparate clusters of people
    • enrique garcia
      Innovation related to distant people (weak connections)
  • tight-knit social circles tend to be small relative to people's entire social network, and when it comes to information about future job opportunities, it can be hard to find new leads.
  • Weak ties help spread novel information by bridging the gap between clusters of strong tie contacts
  • homophily [3], the tendency of individuals with similar characteristics to associate with one another.
    • enrique garcia
      Inbreeding (Endogamia)
  • Individuals are connected to each other through workplaces, professions, schools, clubs, hobbies, political beliefs and other affiliations.  The homophily principle holds true for any kind of social network you can think of:
  • even the people you ride the bus with.
  • these commonalities not only shape how often people interact and what they talk about, but also what kinds of information they as individuals seek on the Web.
  • Homophily suggests that people who interact frequently are similar and may consume more of the same information. 
  • Individuals that interact less often tend to be dissimilar and may consume more diverse information. 
  • We found that people are more likely to share the information they were exposed to by their strong ties than by their weak ties on Facebook (Figure 3).   
  • strength between two individuals is measured by the number of comments a person received from their friend on Facebook
  • Other measurements of tie strength, like the number of messages, co-appearances in photos, and discussion on posts are discussed in our paper [5].
  • There are many possible explanations for the increased flow of information across strong ties
  • information shared by a person's weak ties is unlikely to be shared at a later point in time independently of those friends.
  • seeing content from a weak tie leads to a nearly tenfold increase in the likelihood that a person will share a link
  • In contrast, seeing information shared by a strong tie in News Feed makes people just six times as likely to share.
  • weak ties have the greatest potential to expose their friends to information that they would not have otherwise discovered.
  • though a person is more likely to share a single piece of information from one of their close contacts,
  • weak ties are collectively responsible for the majority of information spread. 
  • example (illustrated in Figure 5). Let's say a person has 100 contacts that are weak tie friends, and 10 that are strong tie friends.  Suppose the chance that you'll share something is very high for strong tie friends, say 50%
  • but the weak tie
  • sharing is only 15%
  • Therefore the amount of information spread due to weak and strong ties would be 100*0.15 = 15, and 10*0.50 = 5 respectively
  • so in total, people would end up sharing more from their weak tie friends.
  • because of their abundance, weak ties are primarily responsible for the majority of information spread on Facebook.
  • majority of people’s contacts are weak tie friends
  • We are exposed to and spread more information from our distant contacts than our close friends.
  • Since these distant contacts tend to be different from us, the bulk of information we consume and share comes from people with different perspectives
  • Our work
  • shows that online social networks can serve as an important medium for sharing new perspectives, products and world events.
  • very often, information does not "cascade" very far along the network.  This phenomenon has been observed in earlier research on Twitter in Everyone's an Influencer: Quantifying Influence on Twitter
  • and has been studied across other networks
  • by Sharad Goel and Duncan Watts at Yahoo! Research, NY.
  • person who click 'like' is in the weak ties group, and then who write a reply is in the strong ties group ?
  • share opinion , please
    • enrique garcia
      Not necesarily but it's a good idea to assess FB behaviour.
    • enrique garcia
      Answer to Pudjo Radharjo
  • See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could be a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . I Keep reading...
  • How do your friends shape the information you see online? See also Janis (1972) "Group Thought". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could offer a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . More comments inside, see also Diigo.
  • See also Janis (1972) "Group Thinking". Probably assessing close contacts vs distant ones could offer a nice clue for assessing FB profiles' "Innovative Information Ratings" . More comments inside, see also Diigo.
Jeff Johnson

Top 50 Web 2.0 Tools for Info Junkies, Researchers & Students - 0 views

    There's a reason why the Web is called the information superhighway - it's full of seemingly limitless resources for learning and research. And with the advent of Web 2.0, harnessing this information has never been easier. These are some of the best tools for organizing, citing, searching, and more online.
Jennifer Garcia

Dominoe - WebSlides - 9 views

    50 ways to tell a story digitally great web apps listed here for digital story telling

achat survetement ralph lauren Enfin - 1 views

Un grand programme d'investissements a été également lancé pour financer le développement des productions nationales non pétrolières et mettre ainsi un frein aux importations. Sous Chavez, 1 600ent...


started by wbserena on 17 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
Vishal Arora

Get Latest Yepme Coupons, Offers and Cashback Deals for Jul 2018 - 0 views

    Save huge by using Yepme Coupons, Offers and Cashback Deals on Fashion and Lifestyle for Men and Women, buy online shoes, clothing, watches and accessories for men & women at ✓ Earn 50 Points on App ✓ COD ✓ 30 Days Return ✓ Free Shipping
Allison Burrell

Top 50 Web 2.0 Tools (50 Web 2.0 Tools Your Students Want You to Use) - 1 views

Jeff Johnson

50 Must-Read Up and Coming Blogs by Teachers | Teaching Tips - 0 views

Jeff Johnson

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Teaching Tools - 0 views

    Following is a list of sites that are available for teachers to evaluate and/or purchase. I am not personally recommending any of these titles, but have just collected them so you can try them out! Be sure to check out my Icing on the Cake page listed below with links to over 50 tools for teachers and learners.
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