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Andy Brudtkuhl

What the Tools Can Do - 0 views

    When considering the tools of social media and how they relate to your business communications needs, it's important to think about two parts of the equation: possibility + function. These tools open up new ways to communicate, which is great. It also means that you have to consider what the functional goal of that communication means to your need.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Promoting Without Being "That Guy" - 0 views

    "Bring wine to the picnic." In this case, Conn was talking about the idea that if you show up and try to market, people will be frustrated and will shut you out. Instead, if you bring something of value to people, they'll be more likely to accept you.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Why Conversion Rates are Vastly More Important Than Increasing Traffic - 0 views

    Great points to focus on conversion rates rather than traffic.
    The most important point every online business needs to know is this: Conversions (how many people take the desired action - whether that is completing a purchase, gaining potential leads, or increasing a subscriber base) are more important by far than increasing traffic.
Andy Brudtkuhl

How to Create a Winning Content Strategy - 0 views

    Quit treating your website like a brochure! You can communicate to your visitors with video, audio, written word, and even in a conversational manner through blogs and discussion forums. If you have the option of communicating so clearly to your visitors … why aren't you?
Jackie Ediger

YouTube - Total Immersion: TOPPS 3D LIVE trading cards - 0 views

    Baseball cards come alive
Andy Brudtkuhl

Google Search Now Supports Microformats and Adds "Rich Snippets" to Search Results - 0 views

    Today at Searchology, Google has launched a search results enhancement called "rich snippets" that uses meta data from web pages (from microformats such as hCard, hCalendar, and RDF) to display additional details (both content and meaning) about pages in the results. This initial launch supports reviews (with sites such as Yelp) and people (with sites such as LinkedIn). They will be adding more sites and categories over time.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Don't Work for Free. Track Conversions. - 0 views

    How to funnel website visitors into leads and customers and track the entire process.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Video in Email Boosts Click-Thru Rates 2-3x - 0 views

    Incorporating video into emails - a simple enough concept that wasn't even possible two years ago - improves click-through rates by 2-3 times, according to a recent Forrester report.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Measuring & Selling the Value of SEO for Public Relations - 0 views

    Start with goals for well defined outcomes
    Measuring the effect of SEO for Public Relations benefits should start with well defined outcomes. To get a good handle on SEO effectiveness, it's important to match the purpose for the effort with specific metrics. For example, if improving brand visibility is a goal, then documenting brand mentions in connection with news & PR content at regular intervals can demonstrate the effect of content promotion and link building.
Andy Brudtkuhl

27 Steps to Successful Analytics - 0 views

    Great list of items you need to address when deciding on processes to manage web analytics in your company. My best advice is to find someone to dedicate an hour a day to your web analytics.
    It's not that bad, I swear! 27 easy little steps that will take you from the day the boss pokes her head into your office and says "Hey, I think we need analytics" to the night you get Employee of the Year for leading a company-wide turnaround.
Andy Brudtkuhl

How to Produce "Business-Quality" Online Video on a Small Business Budget - 0 views

    Can businesses today really create sustainable revenue and long-term profit around regularly publishing professional-quality online video, and keep their production costs well below the standards of broadcast-quality? Yes, if they're willing to be what I call "videoratis" - a video professional and publicist skilled at more than one job that relates to their business and their online community.
Andy Brudtkuhl

3 Ways Companies Sabotage Their SEO Investment - 0 views

    Companies invest thousands and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars per month into improving their natural search engine visibility. At times, certain influences or perspectives occasionally evolve to work directly against the efforts of the professional SEO consultant. Here I'll describe three scenarios and hopefully help companies avoid the unfortunate expense of sabotaging their own SEO investment.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Small Business SEO: Starting with the Right Success Metrics - 0 views

    The first thing clients say to me when requesting SEO is invariably centered around rankings. "I want to be position so and so, for such and such a keyword." And I am certain that this is a situation familiar to many of you providing SEO services. However, search isn't always about ranking. And rankings aren't an overnight success story - they take time to achieve. In the meantime there need to be other indicators of success. There are a range of metrics possible to use to act as such indicators, many of which are key to gauging small business SEM success. Ranking high for "xyz" may deliver huge volume of visitors, but not sales. On the other hand, capturing niche rankings for "uvwxyz" and "abcdefg" may deliver less traffic, but actually better sales, not to mention may be easier to achieve in a shorter lead time.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Using social media for SEO - 0 views

    Search engine optimization has changed dramatically over the past few years. The shift is from one of web page optimization and link hounding to content and engagement optimization. In short, search engine optimization and social media are now undeniably intertwined. It has become extremely difficult to achieve any measure of success for important keyword phrases without the use of social media.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Using Breadcrumbing in local search and business directories to get found in Google - 0 views

    Think local. Depending upon who you listen to, somewhere between 20% and 40% of all searches have a local component-a place name, or some other inferred geographic qualifier. So, what's your catchment area, what are the towns, villages, locations, urban areas, landmarks, counties, states, and even countries that you're looking to serve? Add those to your list too
Andy Brudtkuhl

Local Search Grows 58%; Outpaces Overall Online Search - 0 views

    The study found that local search - the practice of using online search tools to find local businesses, products, or services - grew 58% in 2008, reaching an annual total of 15.7 billion searches. By comparison, overall core US web searches grew at a much smaller rate of 21% year-over-year, nearing 137 billion searches by the end of 2008.
Andy Brudtkuhl

11 Internet Marketing Skills That Must Be Second Nature - 0 views

    There are certain skills that you must firmly grasp before you tell folks you're an internet marketer.
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