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Doug Mitchell

WUSA to Hire 'Multimedia Journalists' Who Work Solo - - 0 views

    The future of news is playing out. Why even have employed reporters? At some point, the news may be far BETTER when served up by a cadre of individuals. Who knows.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Health Check: How Trusted Is Your Corporate Blog? - 0 views

    Jeremeiah once again gives us indispensible tips on web strategy. He is spot on with his sentiment that many corporate blogs are untrusted.. This is because many of these blogs are just tossed up there to have one online. Most are filled with stuffy corporate marketing copy with no human voice and no outbound linking... Read this for tips
    Today, I'm going to play doctor, in fact, I'm a specialist: A corporate blog doctor. Most corporate blogs aren't trusted, and here's a very simple heuristic health check to gauge whether your corporate blog is going to be trusted by your readers.
Andy Brudtkuhl

Using the group... - 30 views

That sounds like a great idea! Martin Bendig wrote: > I'd suggest that we also use the voting function in Diigo, means that we click on the thumbs up-button if we like a bookmark. So, we can also ...


Andy Brudtkuhl

The 3 Variables of Google Local Search - 1 views

    Sometimes organic search seems straight forward, type in a keyword and returned is a list of 10 recommended websites. Of course, getting to the top isn't so simple, but the notion that once you arrive at the top, traffic will ensue is a hypothesis hard to deny. Local search results don't play into this scheme. They have variables such as size of the map, and definition of a region's center that combine with trust, a citation, or sometimes what I call "sureness factors" to determine what businesses should be recommended.
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