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Sharon Euvrard

Augmented Reality Brings New Dimensions to Learning - 1 views

    ..."unlock or create layers of digital information on top of the physical world that can be viewed through an Android or iOS device." Through augmented reality, you can hold your device up to an image and watch it come alive. With tools like Aurasma, students can create their own virtual reality.
Kae Cunningham

Prezirubric | Diigo - 12 views

    Not Bad as a Simple Staring point for a rubric to evaluate a Prezi presentation. Needs Modification, though. I set my 'expectation bar' quite a bit higher. 
    Good way to start in grading a Prezi presentation. I found when my students used Prezi (learned from another class) that I wished I had a different rubric from a general or powerpoint presentation rubric. There is a creative and design piece that was unique.
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