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Nigel Robertson

iPad Scotland Final Evaluation Report (October 2012) | Classroom Aid - 0 views

    The Scottish iPad study by Hull Uni. Link to full report.
Nigel Robertson

e-PDP Implementation Using Mahara @ Adam Smith : JISC RSC-Scotland Showcase - 0 views

    Using Mahara for Personal Development Planning (PDP) in the UK.
Nigel Robertson

An ePortfolio idea from Scotland | eLearning Island - 1 views

    An eportfolio workflow from a Scottish primary school.
Nigel Robertson

JISC Inform / Issue 33 / Open researcher | #jiscinform - 0 views

    Twenty-seven-year-old researcher, lecturer and journalist Jennifer Jones has a fluid but pared-down working approach. She openly conducts her work as a researcher and lecturer through her personal website, using her blog and Twitter, on which she has 3,000 followers. She works virtually as she travels between two university employers in the Midlands and the West of Scotland. Her inspiration comes from media activists and groups like Occupy, who use the free resources of the net to group like-minded people for action and discourse. All of her activity is open for scrutiny and for tracking - there are no pseudonyms - and she records everything she does on her website.
Nigel Robertson

JISC Inform / Issue 33 / Open researcher | #jiscinform - 0 views

    Twenty-seven-year-old researcher, lecturer and journalist Jennifer Jones has a fluid but pared-down working approach. She openly conducts her work as a researcher and lecturer through her personal website, using her blog and Twitter, on which she has 3,000 followers. She works virtually as she travels between two university employers in the Midlands and the West of Scotland. Her inspiration comes from media activists and groups like Occupy, who use the free resources of the net to group like-minded people for action and discourse. All of her activity is open for scrutiny and for tracking - there are no pseudonyms - and she records everything she does on her website.
Nigel Robertson

Universities are warned not to depend on overseas fees | Herald Scotland - 2 views

    A mixed article on online learning and the effect on international student numbers (and conflates with moocs)
Nigel Robertson

Scotland's Digital Future - 0 views

    Scottish government strategy paper. Hopefully worth a read!
Nigel Robertson

edublogs: Exclusive: Some education authorities are truly incompetent - 0 views

    An example of IT Admins deciding what is good for us and getting it spectacularly wrong. Many other examples in the comments too.
Nigel Robertson

MASHe » Blog Archive » Moodle Wave: Embedding Google Wave into Moodle - 1 views

    How to embed Google Wave into Moodle (or anywhere else using embed-bot)
Stephen Harlow

MASHe » JISC10 Conference Keynotes with Twitter Subtitles - 1 views

    Tony Hirst embeds the real-time twitter backchannel discussion into the JISC10 conference keynotes (or if you prefer your video without subtitles Something for WCeLfest2011?
Nigel Robertson

Audio feedback - 1 views

    Giving students feedback on work by audio rather than text.  Blog post with some useful links to current audio feedback projects.
Nigel Robertson

Accessibility Guides - 0 views

    Great set of resources on making resources accessible including Word and PDF.
Nigel Robertson

Don't buy a national HE funding model until you've read this…. | FOLLOWERS OF... - 0 views

    Why loans are a burden on future education.
Nigel Robertson

Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the Use of Digital Technology. - 0 views

    The Scottish Government strategy for using digital technology to enhance learning & teaching.
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